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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. @Cripple Creek wears his heart on his sleeve. Don't take it so personal and get your nose out of joint. Let cooler heads prevail, come tailgate time you two will bend a few elbows and laugh this whole thing off even if the Bills get chopped up on the field.
  2. Yeah he did. It's irresponsible to be in that situation in the first place. That is what this whole discussion is about. Sure he saved his daughter's tail... That's not the point. How stupid can a father be? I saw two wearing Gugny name tags at the home opener. Neither got decker. You are very admired!
  3. Exactly... Should have never been there with such a young child. It's bad parenting. In Costa Rica no less... I bet they are up on safety there. This is the guy who uses scab labor on his mega millions mansion... So it safety issues don't surprise me.
  4. They should be punished with a UBI paid by them. Either work & pay them or automate, ship jobs off and if they want their product to be sold back in the States... Then pay society they are ***** -ing over. Businesses, corporations shouldn't be "opioid" dealers and kill their customers.
  5. Sorry to hear... RIP. We just had to put a cat down in May. Always hard to lose one...
  6. My gonads are bowling balls... I have a little more play with expansion and contraction!
  7. Okay... Fair enough. Maybe I am gullible... But I trust she is. Because it's nice and cool in summer. The natives, Potawatomi, spent summers up there... Winters down here where I am at. Why do you go to beach in summer... Or mountains? To cool off.
  8. But your Grade 9 daughter is not from Great Lakes Sub Region. Yes. Buffalo is Great Lakes sub region. So is Green Bay. They both share the same geology too. The Niagara Escarpment stretches from NYS to Wisconsin. What makes Niagara Falls also defines what is Door County. Yes... They are are same sub region. Do you want me to post diagrams again?
  9. *Probably no. But 85° is low. Probably not in Green Bay either. It's hotter there (record-wise) than BFLo. I would say... NOT in Buffalo. Every summer has at least a 85° day. Now, 95°, sure all the time. Even 90°... But THAT is pushing it. You gotta go way up North to not hit an 86° day in a summer... NorthShore of Superior, Arrowhead of Minnesota... Or maybe The Soo (Michigan... Alee of Lakes). *[I am confining this discussion to Great Lakes sub-region of the Midwest, Upper Midwest, and Northeast & Upstate Buffalo... Because OP is in same Great Lakes sub-region.]
  10. I have been spoiling you too long. Sometimes life is boring... It ain't all hanging out with @Gugny 's pilfered smoker downing the Heddy Topper or Zombie Dust while living the high life!
  11. He lost the popular vote by a mile. His electoral thread is the horrible humans behind the blue firewall in IA, WI, MI, PA. Those white, blue collar racists. We are more polarized between the Coastal Elites and the Indiana type Trailer trash. EDIT: You don't think people are getting tired, worn down by the daily drama, dysfunction Trump brings. Don't underestimate the power of: "Anybody but Trump." It worked against Hillary.
  12. Of course! OP: We are from Buffalo. There are two seasons: 1. Winter 2. August WNY... Buffalo area... Very seldom cracks 100°. It's a tempered micro-climate. Warmer, wetter in winter... Cooler in summer. Compared to out here, including Door County, Green Bay where we are windward of the Lake. Brutally cold and dryer in winter and brutally hot in summer. [YOU owe me Mr.Ferguson!] 1999 was a cool summer I believe in Buffalo.
  13. Invest 94L has a 20% chance of doing something...
  14. The "persecution complex"... They want us "exterminated" LoL... Buck up. They Snowfkake left has compassion, the Deplorable right doesn't. The left couldn't physically hurt a fly. The right has all the ammo. You have it a little screwed up. The Brown Shirts are Nationalists. Over-zealous Patriots. Compassion is with Dreamers. People too grounded tend to be cold heartless jerks.
  15. Kirk > Picard Picard is light in his loafers, not that there is anything wrong with... But Kirk is greater. I betcha Kirk still appreciates a good Euro Tuner. Eskimos don't buy refrigerators!
  16. +1,0000 how a society should be set up! @Gugny will contract out that diaper changing... Hope you like Jesus! Now... Especially, stay put for 30 years. All this flipping shiest is what causes problems... Skyrocketing housing costs... "...And the thing that you're hearing is only the sound of The low spark of high-heeled boys The percentage you're paying is too high a price While you're living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car From the profit he's made on your dreams But today you just read that the man was shot dead By a gun that didn't make any noise But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest was The low spark of high-heeled boys..." ESSAYONS!
  17. LoL... Only my two neighbors... The rest of da hood really blows!
  18. I wonder what @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek & @mead107 think of @Gugny 's exact numbers & neighborhood assessment? How many unattended smokers & grills are there? If only @\GoBillsInDallas/ could help!
  19. The problem sounds like it's you. LoL... Who on God's Flat Earth has an assessment of their neighbors like this? ?
  20. I mow my neighbor's lawn he mows mine... Both sides. Same with shoveling... They both have blowers. They blow me. I shovel them... I get off a lot... So I bring their cans in on Wednesday... You sound like my FiL... He "speaks" to his neighbors... Which means a terse flick of wrist, wave and nod of head. You sound like my FiL... He "speaks" to his neighbors... Which means a terse flick of wrist, wave and nod of head. Ooops... Sorry for x2 post. I am like "Visa"... "Everywhere."
  21. Yes. They are older, both sides. 60s & 70s. Have each other's keys, codes... To watch pets, get mail, emergency, etc... When gone.
  22. Of course can't stop carp. Nor should we. I mean... The Lakes are melted glaciers. They were nearly sterile to begin with... How did other species get in. Right now L.Michigan is the highest in 47 years. If left alone, canals uncontrolled, it would be mixing, spilling over with Mississippi watershed water. What about the other 100+ invasives that came in since 1959 & opening of Seaway? Thats almost 2 per year. NOT one has made it north through Illinois in a 100+ years of the Chicago canals. Until maybe now. We'll survive. @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek @\GoBillsInDallas/
  23. TRANSLATION: "Sorry, Chef Jim is a Snowflake and can't look inward at self... He's really are a bad, horrible human being that will make his hurt feelings count in a "protest vote." That's a good thing!!!" ...Sure you aren't on the Moon? Too many drugs when younger?... LoL...
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