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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I'd rent a car. One of Winston Churchill's favorite drives was on the Canadian side from Fort Erie (opposite BFLo) to Niagara Falls via the Niagara Parkway. You'll have your passports, so do the loop around. Go American Side, take in American Falls. Cross @ Rainbow Bridge in Falls and take in Horseshoe Falls on Canadian Side. Drive the Niagara Parkway back south to Fort Erie, cross the Peace Bridge @ BFLo... One of my favorite drives. Good luck... So many choices!!!
  2. Not this much poo! 10 million people live in area. That's too much poo! You like to swim at a beach, don't you? Milwaukee sells theirs as "Milorganite." @BringBackFergy likes cholera epidemics! /smh
  3. I am just doing my job... It's the biz. One of the controlling works (lock & dam) primary mission is poo/aid in flushing and pollution control. It is why they were built... They keep bacteria levels on Southern Lake Michigan's beaches low by flushing nasties south. Those beaches & the environment are the number one benefactor of the flushing. When we close or get "reverse" flow towards the Lake (Mutha Nature's intended route that Fergy & Gugny just love to tout ad nauseam)... They almost always close the beaches (after testing of course) on Southern Lake Michigan due to public health concerns. Ecoli is the big one I believe. That's poopy in layman's term I believe. I am part buzzkill and yet with the other hand making the situation BETTER for area beaches. Take the good with the bad. At least 4 out of 10 beaches in the US aren't poo infested. I am doing my part, contrary to what BS @Gugny & @BringBackFergy say. Those two would want to live in a poo infested world. Just pick beaches with good flow. And stay away from the storm sewer outfalls. The coasts are so overcrowded nowadays... People's doodoo has to go somewhere when storms make it back up. FWIW, I am sure the EPA does allow for emergency releases of untreated sewage during storm events. Where else is it gonna go? Back up the toilet? ESSAYONS!
  4. Worst thing is to put a modern era refrigerator in a garage. Sure way to possibly kill it, get the freezer to not play nice: "Most refrigerators will have seasonal problems if used in an unheated garage. ... If the temperature outside is cooler than therefrigerator needs to be (generally under 35 F degrees), the freezer will no longer turn on to cool the system, so anything in the freezer may thaw."
  5. Enjoy your fecal matter. 60% of US beaches have been found to be contaminated: https://weather.com/science/environment/video/fecal-bacteria-found-at-nearly-60-percent-of-us-beaches?pl=pl-the-latest Good thing Guys like @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek and @Gugny got me reversing the flow and flushing the poo away from the beaches of Lake Michigan... They'd want more poo on the beaches with less flushing... /smh
  6. Same here. Wonder what a trip like that costs?
  7. It's 20 miles. What would Uber cost?
  8. The Canadian Side boat is the: "Hornblower" "Cave of the Winds" on the American Side is another Falls activity.
  9. "Familiarity breeds contempt." ~Mark, 6:1-6 Americans never did hold a monopoly... By a mile. Just easy to scapegoat the "Ugly American." Other cultures far worse.
  10. The two elevations are basically the same. That just creates a calm Black Rock Channel and separates the upper rapids where the Lake rushes into head of river at mouth. The Asian carp wouldn't need to jump. Just stay right/starboard side when going downbound into river. It's like going down a funnel rapids to left, calm right The Black Rock Channel is controlled by the Black Rock Lock. Its so calm there that the rowing crews practice and race. The current is almost 0mph. Other side of that wall... The water is rushing North down the Niagara river at 5mph. So to make 1 mile per hour up river towards Lake, a boat will have to go 6mph to get out to the Lake from the Upper Niagara. To get out to Lake via Black Rock Lock & Channel, there is no compensation needed for current and depth. Why you see (or did at one time) the sunken scow under Peace Bridge... Because the Captain took the wrong turn from the Lake. Hung Left, not right! Also: PSA... Why one should NEVER stern (rear) anchor under Peace Bridge (River side)! The vessel will flip around in swift current, weigh down and water will rush in over the stern/transom. The boat will swamp and sink. ALWAYS bow anchor under the Peace Bridge/Upper Rapids!!!!
  11. Take a Miss Buffalo Boat Cruise. Pick it up at Naval Park just outside Erie Basin Marina... Go thru the Black Rock Lock... See where it all sparked joy for me. LoL... The technology that created Buffalo. The birth of a city. LoL... Cross over this bridge (Ferry Street, bascule bridge I believe?) by foot or car and take a walk out into Lake Erie: Onto Bird Island Pier, walk under Peace Bridge... Hike out the head of the Niagara River, mouth of the Lake:
  12. NOT sure why this is popping into my wet noodle, but it is:
  13. That mama bear "bluff charged" @Cripple Creek That bear and CC must have been separated as twins at birth! Almost @Gugny -esque. But NOT quiet. Gug is way better @ bluff charging!
  14. Thanks for the shout out! Not sure if they are still there... Especially in the age of GPS sounding... But if you ever see a survey station mark painted on the Black Rock Channel (where they crew/row on the Niagara Section Wall), the outter & inner breakwaters or the Ship Canal (where you were)... I painted those station marks and built that baseline to sound (take depth readings) the Buffalo Harbor area! The stations are usually marked something like: 1+00, 2+00, etc.. etc... That's how we would sound in the pre-GPS days. Build baseline, then go off each station w/boat to take sounding. That data would determine how much the area needed to be dredged and to figure out how much it would cost to remove said spoil (the material removed from bottom). Sadly, my artwork is slowly being erased by time & technology, nobody is updating those station marks anymore because everything is controlled view the heavens/sky! LoL... You knew I wouldn't disappoint! ?
  15. What about car rental? You'll be there in 6 hours... AND can stop... So many sights along the way. Get to BFLo early if you leave early. Spend the night, next day take in area... Then that late afternoon drive back. I'd throw 3 full days.... But understand time is limited. 2 travel days, I layover day in Buffalo/upstate NY. Yeah... They can hit Letchworth "Grand Cayon of the East" in September on way through, etc... At very least 3 full days if from NYC. 4 days in NYC is still too much!
  16. Fair enough. BFLo is almost 400 miles away.
  17. You're there for a week. Why not drive to BFLo from NYC? NYS is one of the most beautiful and geographically splendid states. 6 days in NYC is a waste. I rather spend one there at the game and the other days in the rest of the state. Flying in for one day will be tough. Tight. So much to do.
  18. If you go here... Just remember to stock up on moose meat and lobster... You'll go far! https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-nova-scotia-prof-fired-demand-sex-moose-meat-lobster-better-grades-20190713-mvf36vc7abgkpkquaj6sqfffdq-story.html
  19. Live cam feed! @Cripple Creek visits the Great Smoky Mountains with @BringBackFergy (in foreground) hiding his face... https://weather.com/science/nature/video/man-gets-too-close-to-bears-learns-lesson?pl=pl-the-latest
  20. They were just trying to give the cats big sloppy Eskimo Kisses like they do to @Teddy KGB...Those poor pit bulls are so misunderstood! https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/29-cats-fatally-mauled-pit-bulls-alabama-shelter-64584606
  21. I noticed my polling station changed. Weird thing... I live in Republican Central/collar county in Will County, Illinois...Still went Hillary because of County Seat Joliet... But no doubt they changed my vote from Hillary to The Donald. And... There YOU HAVE IT. What the Russians want... Create doubt, skepticism, mistrust in democracies so authoritarian powers can take over. My polling station never changed before. It's actually back to the normal location.
  22. Ut oh... @Tiberius gonna fire up the PPP: "Conservative, Horrible Human Being (yet God fearing) Circle Jerk." AKA: Board Deplorables that protest vote like hurt Snowflakes. Those Guys & Gals will shoot down anything like water being wet, the sky being blue, etc... Their guy "won" can do no wrong. At least it wasn't Hillary and the Deep State Swamp!
  23. You should know better NOT to bust @Cripple Creek 's balls... Save that for @Gugny... He doesn't need smoke blown up his ass, already has a smoker to cook his tenderloin.
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