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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Childless Millennials going to Disney do suck nuts... Can't argue with that. Buuuut, and that's a big butt... Complaining about them because you can't get your kid an over-priced pretzel is just as bad! LoL This is where deplorable and snowflake merge as one... Doing 98 on the shoulder trying to get over! Too many people too few resources. @LeviF91 is lining up the firing squad, GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY!!! E-ride ticket to Nirvana!!!
  2. I think the SYSTEM OF communism is evil because people make it evil. Human nature. I don't mind sharing and working for others... I Don't want something for nothing and don't mind working for nothing. Go figure... @LeviF91 Yeah... You're a Xer... But watch your step Mister! You'll go down the worm hole. Oh... Another question... Who'd they vote for in 1968? You say Nixon and I will rethink my position! LoL...
  3. Those are my children. God save them is right...
  4. Tough one here. My father was in Korea. I will cut you slack and give you Xer. But you are more Millennial. LoL... Never high expectations for Xers. We were the slackers. We we the first ones to have the hippy way of teaching taught to us in elementary school. No. I worked with a guy that was born in 1955. He turned 18 in 1973 and his parents said: "Leave, or start paying us rent." They could sublet his room for more... LoL
  5. Here is a question! Who's on their parent's cellphone plan? Whoever is... Is DEFINITELY a Millennial! And in the rare occasion their parent's are pn theirs, then they are still a Millennial... Just a well off one helping their Boomer parents. Now... My in-laws are Lost Generation. I finally had to say stop being bled dry with an individual plan on an obsolete 2010 flip phone. I gave them a iPhone 4s (new battery) and for $20 more on my Verizon plan... They get unlimited everything. I tell them it's free... Or they simply would stop using a CellPhone. They are in 80s and closest family is 400-500 miles away. My BiL further, out West. Mostly suck. LoL... My Bro just lamenting how his 33 year old is still on his cell plan. Now, like I said above, that's okay if she is dealing with a 10 year old phone and it's only $20/month extra.
  6. When were your parents born? If pre-1950...Would define you as Xer... So much overlap. But you are Xer, but have Millennial leaning. I would define Xers as NOT children of Boomers. BUT push definition of Boomers to 1950-1955. There is lots of overlap here. No set definitions. My daughter is having a hell of a time @ 17. Nobody wants to take risk unless she is 18. That's NOT a parent issue. I am talking normal jobs, corporate, retail, etc... I keep on reiterating... Millennials are also defined as Echo Boomers. They Echo their parents. Millennials will be fine. They have the numbers on their side.
  7. Very close. You are more Millennial than Xer. I am 51, more Boomer than Xer. Generation X is a hard to define generation. Almost a "Lost Generation." It probably should be called that if the Lost Generation didn't already exist. My parents were "Lost Generation." If Millennials are echoes of Baby Boomers... Maybe Xers are Generation v.2.0. Lost Generation is defined by the Counter Culture... And that my parents were... Let me ask you this? Are your parents Boomers? If they are, you are probably more Millennial. Yet... Some research defines pinning Millennials all the way back to 1977 birth year. I like to define it more on when your parents were born. Just saying. Great topic OP! Luv it! Are your parents Boomers. Then I would pin you as a Millennial... There is a "cusp" here. No hard lines. I would say anybody born between 1977-1984 can be Millennial, depending on their parent's tendencies. Generation X is really Lost Generation v.2.0.
  8. Let me guess. @ScotSHO backs in, the wife pulls in! ? Heck! I don't even allow that... I am the only one that puts it in. The wife is only allowed to pull it out! ?* *Hope nobody misses the innuendo, double entendre but I betcha @BringBackFergy & @Gugny will! @Cripple Creek would never... He's the master at this stuff... It's all that BearCam® watching!
  9. +1. I laughed at the bolded part! Wise call. I am dealing with a son with time management short-comings so sorry if I come across pulling planning totally the other way, leaving a ton of room to spare! ? But... It was totally funny, my co-workers British in-laws... They touch down at ORD and say (serious): "We'd like to go to Disney World." My friend was beside himself... LMAO...
  10. I think you missed the memo Meadster: Millennial = Echo Boomer Echo Boomer is another name for Millennial because they echo their Baby Boomer parents. Cut them (30 somethings... Hey wasn't their a show about them in the 1980s) slack Jack (I know you're really NOT Jack... But you know more than "Jack")! Their just still kids! Go easy on them.
  11. Totally rent a car. Can't do much in expansive US without own car. Funny story @BritBill I worked with a guy who was married to a lady from the London area. Her family came to visit them in Illinois (Chicagoland area). They flew into O'Hare/ORD. Two things they noted: 1. Go to Disney World. (Orlando is 1,000 miles from Chicago)...There I would agree, grab a flight. 2. They were amazed by all the trees in the US. LMAO... NYC is only a 375 mile trip. That's a nice day trip via car... By the time you get to airport security, etc... It will take longer. Stay rolling, you'll see so much more and have so much more felxibility and freedom. IMO, you'll be waiting around, doing a lot less if you are waiting for transportation. Just my two shillings. Now... If you want to go to Orlando... Hop a flight! LoL...?
  12. Fair enough... My parents were not Boomers, my children not millennials... Thank heavens!
  13. 1990. Wow... Such a millennial thing to do. Lop off 10 years of a generation. ?
  14. He's a millennial. Can even go as early as 1977. But, I think that is too early. Xers are really a small splintered group defined by being closer to how Boomers behave or how Millennials behave. But, like I said... Those two are echoes of each other. I think you really do see thr shift with the kids being born in the 1970s... SO much radically changed during the years, namely the way children were educated at the elementary education level... 1980 is definitely millennial. So much changed that year. LoL... 1984 is a millennial!
  15. I ain't. Then again... Another name for millennial is: "Echo Boomer" because they echo their boomer parents. Your post rings true I suppose. Doomed to repeat the mess.
  16. You're in OK. Doesn't get down -25° F there. Is garage heated, insulated? 25 year old are still the good old ones. It's the ones in last 10 years that are crap.
  17. It is nice... But kinda sterile and cookie cutter. But quaint in a Bougie way. Not that's bad.
  18. No. Not that I know of. But there are "Guido Dust Collectors." Ie: Mineral oil rain lamp:
  19. http://www.winstonchurchillcanada.ca/ac_TorontoCanada.php Not sure if it's in there... Didn't comb through it.
  20. That's a Plimsoll Line. They are different load marks for various water temps, conditions, etc... It's so they don't overload and the insurance companies lose their shirts. The AB Mark is so it can be loaded evenly bow to stern. They keep that parallel/level to the waterline. ...It keeps my load even when I am navigating treacherous waters like the North Atlantic ie: @BringBackFergy ,Tropical Freshwater ie: @Gugny or Winter North Atantic ie: @Cripple Creek...YOU DOOO NOT want to deal with Winter North Atlantic and have a full load. CC is brutal. I am not sure. Will look it up. Remember reading it. I am thinking after war? This was before Automobiles: "International Churchill Society Canada. Winston Churchill had a deep affection for Canada, which he referred to as "the linchpin of the English-speaking peoples." The City of Toronto played a special role in this Canadian connection. Churchill first visited Canada in the winter of 1900/1901."
  21. Hello, Mr.Ebola calling from the Congo on Line #1!
  22. Thnx! Better than any of the canned bear cams @Cripple Creek is pedaling as RealNews®!
  23. Did NOT read it yet... Was she just oblivious to the Bison. If so, I guess we can cut the young lady some slack... She should be a little more situationally aware though! Taking a horn to the thigh can be life threatening!
  24. Used condoms on the beach? ... No thanks! Sorry... I got the theme stuck in my head. LoL... J/K Carry on!
  25. Opium den? Go with the: Kill two birds with one stone! ??
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