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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Not trying to a shame. Just trying to highlight different approaches as in race to bottom, zero-sum games. Everybody can't lead. So yes, they all have the same opportunity, but few will win. More are destined to lose.
  2. I did... Around 10am. But I also have chores to do. LoL Being semi-retired is hard.
  3. People took those jobs because everybody can't be a chief. The tribe needs Indians too that actually get the physical work done. The masses need jobs too. Ones (jobs) that could support a family and possibly move the children of that family up the social ladder is so desired. Why create a low paid underclass? So guys like @Gugny can manage them whilst shopping @ Walmart for the lowest possible prices. Is that "living better?"
  4. But people should be working at the same job for 20-30 years... As long as you it's your vocation. That's the problem with these kids. They are taught that there is always something better... Bigger, brighter, better that suits their "dream" NOT what their calling/vocation may truly be. Of course... Stick them in a "lowly, grinding job" with jaded people, they won't find it too "glamous" and always want something better. It's "too lowly" to work in a restaurant setting mentality... I gotta always find something better and more prestigious mentality where others work with their body. "I am too smart, need to work with my mind... The other saps should labor" type thinking. That's the problem with the younger generation, since college preparatory was pushed instead of the trades, starting in the 1970s... Everybody thinks they are better than the next... Well the world needs ditch diggers too:
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LMAO... That Elvis Coz & Attractions vid is downright creepy!!!!
  6. Best comment ever: "Sad song!!! Makes me think of my fat wife!!! She left me and ran off with my best friend!!! Damb (sic) I miss him!!!! Not that 5'11 345 lb heavy handed female wrecking machine!!!"
  7. I resent this thread! @Gugny wouldn't know how to swing a gate even if it was wearing a silk sundress coming out of the sun running like a watercolor in the rain during the year of the cat. You'll hear from my attorney @BringBackFergy and his Jr. Associate@Cripple Creek
  8. Ha! I buying them from Krazy Kaplan in Dyer, Indiana... Think I need to switch to Phantom Fireworks in Hobart? Maybe it's because I am launching them from Illinois, think they know I am bringing them over the state line? ??
  9. I deleted my posts. Nothing like talking about generations without getting political. That's like launching a bottle rocket and hitting the moon. Yeah, that will really work. You forgot... Have a million + YouTube subscribers, make a ton of $$$ and think the earth is flat and believe humans never went to the moon. Gotta love the influencers of future generations! And maybe some wack-a-doos from previous generations. /smh
  10. Even more special... They stopped making the Fiero 10 years earlier in 1988. Of course that's a typo on your part? I betcha @Hapless Bills Fan is very proud of the car. Just a little tidibit of trivia (SOURCE: WikiInIllinois): "The word fiero means "very proud" in Italian, and "wild", "fierce", or "ferocious" in Spanish"
  11. @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek This is a test. This is only a test. No. No hell. You Sir, got your Disney money's worth. I betcha @BringBackFergy 's family was devastated.
  12. My niece from Vermont is going to school in Wilmington... Loves it there!
  13. My mother did with father, but it was with sunburn skin peeling. Who knows what the hell went on beyond the prying eyes of others! LoL... She should have been a dermatologist, if you had a blackhead on face, etc... She'd take care of it. Not sure if she actively seeked and destroyed... LoL... It's a sign She really loves you! My wife now, are you kidding me! Way too low brow from of grooming/PDA. LMAO. You're on your own!!!
  14. Some of this I agree with! Yet... Just like the Great Depression, they have two feet, they can move. I have a 20 year old house... Built in 1996 for $150K... It's worth $40k Less now. I am close to Chicago market, there are jobs here. It's in a decent, but 100 year old, town. All new houses around it... Deals can be had near where jobs are. The economy is humming (slight sarcasm there).
  15. NEWSFLASH: Almost everybody in society has entitlement and narcissistic tendencies. It's individualistic culture that has been ramped up in the last 40 years. Too many choices, too identity driven. Most want to be special and treated special. It's preached to us in everything. Got an app? Go to the front of the line!
  16. There is a joke in here, but I am better than that! I learned my lesson. Don't trigger. I will save that for @Cripple Creek 's BearCam® thread... @BringBackFergy likes that kinda thing! But... I agree. DisneyFreaks, especially Childless Millennial Disney Freaks need to be placed on a reservation or held in cages at the Southern Border OR just kept penned into Animal Kingdom (who really goes to Animal Kingdom anyway?, The Yeti is way over-rated) like a bad virus locked away in a vault! Ooops, I said too much, The Warden is coming to take away my internet pass!
  17. No. Because when the are all ancient, which they are 1/2 there already... I don't want to see their azz out on the street. I live up North. We are a compassionate country. This ain't Maricopa County. It gets to -30°F here. Huh? They get something back: "Social Security" Millennials will want a yacht.
  18. Wow! Guess what, that comment cements it, their a Millennial! If it goes to court... That's Exhibit A. You should have read them their Miranda Rights! They're toast!
  19. Not always win/win. But NOT lose/lose! I come back with nothing less than middle outcome! win/lose... And may even accept lose/win if the right people die! LoL...
  20. Thanks for correcting! I keep calling the Silent Generation the Lost Generation. My bad. All references above to Lost Generation, should be be deemed Silent Generation. My parents were Silent Generation and model the Xers to an extent. Greatest had the Boomers. Boy THAT is a 180° about face. Too many terms here. My bad. LoL... Not the first time I confuse, and won't be the last!
  21. Boomer? ? Just giving ya heck! J/K There is always this approach:
  22. I think Caroline used it in a sarcastic, mocking way... IIRC... Used to put down Harriet & Nellie Oleson. Nels, the father wasn't a horrible human being. FWIW... I may be mistaken.
  23. It was the Silent Generation. Born out of the counter-culture.
  24. LoL... I used to totally think that. We are at a breaking point now in my daughter's life... I will keep your post handy to guide me and keep me from cracking! (I understand key word here is: mitigated. It wasn't lost on me) They ain't paying anything. LoL... How is payment handled? If you don't mind me asking. Venmo, Facebook, etc... The $$$$$ ?? +1
  25. FaceBook, social media will be the end of civilization. We are cascading, careening towards the sewer... Cicling the drain at the end of the flume ride! SAVE US CHARLIE BROWN! SAVE US!
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