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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yes. Indians have the lowest incidents of Alzheimer's. And... They are linking it to curry intake as helping.
  2. Just as the soft rains fill the streams, pour into the rivers, and join together in the oceans, so may the power of every moment of your goodness flow forth to awaken and heal all beings– those here now, those gone before, those yet to come. By the power of every moment of your goodness, may your heart’s wishes be soon fulfilled as completely shining as the bright full moon, as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem. By the power of every moment of your goodness, may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone. May no obstacle come across your way. May you enjoy fulfillment and long life. For all in whose heart dwells respect, who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way, may your life prosper in the four blessings of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.
  3. To kill other pests. The world would have too many bugs.
  4. Usually iron and rust. Hydrant water is the same as tap water in house. Towns with high iron will flush the hydrant on certain days. Just don't do wash when they are flushing...
  5. Yeah, in 1970s... The first were, with the blessing of the government. Go figure. Big Floods in 1993. Arkansas ground zero. Catfish farms. Actually, interestingly... They tried to get the Asian carp to take off in Nile... In Egypt during late 1970s... As a food source. No go, too polluted, etc... They need clean water. Big river flows to spawn... As we started taking care of our waters better, they became unintended consequence. Their presence is solely related to clean water. I am all for clean water... But accept the consequences. Life ain't fair and perfect. If China wasn't a stinking ecological disaster, they'd be taking off in the big rivers there and treated as a food source.
  6. Nobody is being punished here. Sh... Rolls down hill. We are having a blast. It's just high. It would have to go a lot higher... And anyway... We just send it away... All areas of the Lake. If not controlled God would then punish. It's actually pretty cool looking right now! Got long way to go before we "punish ourselves."
  7. Huh? Do you even know how things work? It's high. If we are effing with the flow, it should get lower, lower, and lower. We don't put water back... We take, take, take! Millions of gallons per minutes! Anyway... Do you know how big and deep Lake Michigan? The the river openings are like trying to drink the ocean with a straw. Now... I will give you dredging the mouth of Lake Huron (basically one lake with L.Michigan, they are same elevation) below the bedrock north of Detroit.... But again, that should make Huron-Michigan drain FASTER and hence Lakes get LOWER. AND the water added INTO Lake Superior in Canada via the Arctic is tightly controlled into Huron-Michigan @ The Soo. That's all set international. If anything... They would draw us down over a year or so. Create a stranglehold. Illinois is drinking the inland "sea" through a straw! We ain't doing shi... Drop in the bucket. If Mother Nature ran unabated... There would be no divide, species would freely go back and forth uncontested. You'd cry about that. /smh... Hate to say, but don't be an idiot even if you are trolling!
  8. This is only a test. This has only been a test: Thought so... Good luck, been nice knowing you! Buck up old little camper! [As: @BringBackFergy @Gugny & @Cripple Creek all run around full of unlimited life! NOT that there is anything wrong with that, but I choose death.]
  9. True. And there is a tribe in Borneo that eat nothing but the same, one bland porridge their whole life... They know nothing else! So they are happy with it. Give them choice, they will go off the rails.
  10. Wooo... Not so fast! Is there a game out there that people play 24/7 that uses pencils to stab out jugular veins? We might think different about pencils. These gamers are sitting behind a virtual first person shooter world for hours on end. I can see where reality and virtual reality can get blurred. They don't call YouTubers "influencers" for nothing. Really bad example you used. Apples and oranges.
  11. Sorry to stray from OTopic. But there is a Lake & River cruise. Air & Boat show is coming up... Outside of Seattle, they are processing the most vessels... 3 days of Air & Boat, they will process 5,000 individual vessels. Gets pretty crazy, crowded. I really should make peace with @BringBackFergy & @Cripple Creek and score them some cruise tickets! But anyway... To stay on topic. Hard NOT to say the U.S. craziness is spilling into Canada. It's spilling everywhere through out the world.
  12. When the construction crew drove the piling accidentally through the river wall during the early 1990s (1991?)... The water flooded a lot of the service tunnels and basements of skyscrapers. They at the harbor controlling works were full closed Us, 20 miles away were running 40 feet of dam... Full open... To attempt to just keep the shipping canal deep enough.
  13. Lake tour, river or both? Incredible the Lake is now 5 higher than it was 10 years ago. A foot higher than when I started in 1991.
  14. Oh... The head of the eDNA tech at Notre Dame that sold his flawed tech to the Feds in 2009 when his Michigan funding was running out is now at Cornell. I bet @BringBackFergy knows him! After a decade of studying, they don't even use the technology that much... Too many real world vectors, false positives. The last decade, all they do is shock and net. But they can't find Asian carp up here! Because there is none up here. They just shock the other fish and release. They pulled 100,000 pounds out in 2011, no Asian carp. Again... More power to the Rednecks... It's been 25 years and they are finally getting to shocking, cleaning up their mess they started. It started down there in Arkansas, Kentucky back in the 1990s.
  15. LoL... Why? There are no Asian carp up here. NEWSFLASH: The whole debate is to stop them from spreading from Kentucky to the Lakes. It's their problem down there... Better them then us. It was the Redneck catfish farms down there where they first brought Asian carp in to clean the aquafarms during 1970s. They escaped during the 1990s floods. Kentucky needs to solve the own problems. People are really misinformed. Myself... It's all just a big old government boondoggle. They move they, they'll move. Kentucky wants to shock, let them shock. Since 2010 they have found 2. Count them 2 Asian carp. Both silver carp and both SHOCKED and FWIW, by the same government fisherman (I shi... You NOT, same guy). Once in 2011 & once in 2018. Both fish were studied and determined that they didn't spend much time up here... Months if best. What did they do? Take a helicopter here. Of course they were planted. Can anybody say: "False Flag" = more $$$$$$$ funding. They have been shocking up here for 15 years & they found two planted fish? By the same guy. That's stuff you don't hear in the "Carp are invading, sky is falling narrative." This is BIG $$$ if they can keep this narrative going. Good for Kentucky. They made their mess, now clean it up.
  16. I would suggest to my fellow Americans that we work together to clean up the shithole sectors of our society. Or, it's like launching nuclear waste towards the sun. It's very likely the stuff blows back at you. Nobody will be immune.
  17. By the Chi Harbor Lock... That was Al's Cave. A bee line right into city with bootlegging. There is a hidden dock there where the Feds would hide. Once the violence spread... The gun control came. What do you think the answer should be? Wild west? We are no where near that. If it happens, the whole country will face ramifications. Much different times now. The violence is kept isolated in the impoverished parts of town. Should we allow them to be legally armed or go in with martial law?
  18. Exactly. It's NOT spilling on the Mag Mile, "good" parts of town. Very localized. Not in the burbs... Etc... Like be careful what people wish for, when it does spread and get truly random... The bee will be in the bonnet and We will all get stung. It happened before in 1920s/30s... Then 60 years later they started laxing up gun control in other jurisdictions. Weapons have no borders.
  19. You know last time it was this bad in Chicago? Prohibition. Just be thankful it doesn't spread out onto Michigan Avenue. Last time 90 years, that happened, it led to gun control at the federal level. Be careful what you wish for.
  20. I will give you that. So the "s" emphasis is on "sprouts", right? I will give you that. But what the hell the difference? Like one "L" or two in Brussels. You're caught red handed moving the goalposts. Fess up now before @Cripple Creek comes here and schools you! You know what the USACE motto is? ESSAYONS! That means "let us try" ...To eat our Brussels Sprouts in French.
  21. That still sounds out like @ShadyBillsFansaid: Brussel sprouts. The "s" in sprouts is always present unlike the last "s" in Brussels. Quit while you're a head... What the hell are "prouts."
  22. LMAO... The ye olde New England disappearing "A" and the magically appearing "R"... Priceless!!!
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