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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. LoL... I support the 2nd. Just make infringable (is that a word?) like the 1st can be infringed on. Guns are a public nuisance. There is no doubt about that. We can get creative with taking some firearms away and not take them ALL away. We do with the 1st amendment.
  2. The whole world is getting crazy. Guess why? Americans First... We are pissing and moaning, crying and whining the last 3 years... While sitting in the lap of luxury... Try that "Firster" approach as a parenting tool. Tell me how your children turn out. Oh, wait... It's the cornerstone of American parenting. Carry on Canada. Welcome to the "club." It's the American Influence. Just relax, you'll love... It will feel good.
  3. Because: Or to put it in a way explained over a 100 years earlier: "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant — Success in Circuit lies Too bright for our infirm Delight The Truth's superb surprise As Lightning to the Children eased With explanation kind The Truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind —" "ROBIN! To the Studio 2B... The Moon Landing set! Grab the Bat Utility Belt and the screenplay!"
  4. Yes. But it hasn't spilled onto the MagMile. If it does, all hell will break loose. Just if it does in Times Square in NYC. Unless it's Trump, his supporters will just become more supportive.
  5. I knew you were a sicko from day one. This just confirms it. Oh... Send @Gugny your WingMan in, he'll comeback with intel from the reconnaissance mission. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
  6. Strength & Conditioning Coordinator stumbling through the threshold of Tim Horton's and blowing out their ACL.
  7. Don't read too much into. Your statement is off base. What's the point of going to a gun show and "torqueing" it up, they are all like-minded thinkers. The Dayton shooter was shot 30 seconds after he first discharged his weapon. He had to see the cops prior to unloading his ammo. He took out 9. Death by cop. Yeah. He was stopped all right. 9 families are preparing to bury their dead... Including the shooter's own family. He shot and killed his sister.
  8. Then why not make it #1? Because... #1 can be infringed on it doesn't need protecting. The classic example is with the Mormons and the Nauvoo Expositor and it's destruction (of the printing press) on June 10, 1844 for being a "public nuisance."
  9. Remind me to never visit The Big Island! ??? Who were they referring too? That's all we need is a refer epidemic on our hands! I hate getting 3rd & 4th opinions!!!! That's how it's been interpreted with the majority on the SCOTUS since the late 1990s.
  10. Sure... First was never really cracked up to what it is hyped. They can still shut things down in times of crisis. How about revising the 2nd. In times of crisis, can be infringed. Now... Don't get cute with me. LoL... ??? What the hell you hunting Davey Crockett? Pineapples on the Lower 40? Putting Old Yeller down behind the woodshed? First can still be infringed on.
  11. Oh the grand conspiracy. To the Antarctic ice wall stat! Okay... It's like Kazakhstan (Right Nationalists) playing Thailand (Leftists) in ice-hockey... The score is still 52 to 1 Einstein in an otherwise ***** hockey game... Unless you're fans of Kazakhstan ice hockey! Anyway the extremists are both fugged up. That's the point. [And please Mods, this is pretty civil... You can't just let a subtle MSM conspiracy jab go un counter-punched] /smh
  12. Politicians and Law Enforcement have an incestuous relationship. Politicians become the law m I know I am a dreamer. I live in a working poor community and live near some of the most diverse and disadvantaged areas in the country... Yet only miles from some of the least diverse and privileged areas. I am not anti-police. My son has been helping out with PAAC in town the last 4 summers. We need more of this... But programs like this will be the first to be cut. vvvvvvvv https://www.villageofparkforest.com/590/PAAC-Program "Police Officers, educators and community volunteers supervise youth participants. Youth who become part of PAAC are also exposed to the principles of fairness, tolerance, teamwork, personal discipline, and self-improvement..." Our POTUS shows no tolerance. Is the super-politician on steroids.
  13. I disagree. I avoid cops at all cost. No need for fear mongering. One can always hide behind safety. Now... Lotta people, especially cops are racist. Cops see and work the reality every day, probably hard NOT to be racist. Our President is racist, why not call him racist? Cleaning up the crappy sectors doesn't more mean big government and their law enforcement arm: the police. I like big government... But when it helps the people less regressive. Police states suck more than the crappy parts of town. Yet, police are parasitic in those crappy parts of town... Feeding off the good, wearing them down financially with ticky tacky enforcement. Stop regressive taxing through law enforcement is a start. Trade $$$ & fines for community service and "sweat equity" will be a start. Good, hard working poor people need a break... Not more financial burden caused by their law enforcement overlords. I suggest work together so we can eliminate the need for excessive policing and move towards self-policing. We only need one Andy Taylor and Barney Fife. Trigger happy policing ain't the answer. Great countries have heros. It's sad countries that need them.
  14. Yes they can (punish) when those two maniacs are causing, random social chaos. It's just not 2 maniacs anymore... The ranks are growing. It's like raising a young kid. The child go ballistic during supper in restaurant... The whole family suffers... The parents walk... They don't get to sit and enjoy their whole meal while they lay down idle threats... The child will just act out again. The rest of the diners? Unfortunately, their meal is disrupted... But they shouldn't complain. Sorry... We have to make hard choices that affect all... Until we get a firm handle on the situation. "Tonight the house was mouse-still except for some beam That, whisper or creak, complained of the years it had borne The weight of reality and the human dream As the real became more real, and the real more forlorn. Outside, I wondered why I had come here and where I would go, and back-looking now, saw the tracks of my bare Dark footprints set in the moonlit dew like snow, And thought: I must go where they go, for they must know where to go." ~ From “The Moonlight’s Dream” by U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Penn Warren
  15. Every war to present date those numbers are going down till we will be fighting a war from outside DC via drones, etc... Probably already happening now. Commute into work, fight a war. We need @mead107 to step up his game and bring his MeadRobots into the field!!!
  16. Dayton shooter managed to knock off 9 dead & was still clipped dead himself by law enforcement 30 seconds after he first discharged his weapon. Something is wrong here logically when thinking about that. 9 dead and LEO's responded in 30 seconds killing the active shooter. What does that tell you about modern firearms? How much faster can a responder get than 30 seconds! 30 seconds is an outlier response. Yikes!
  17. Was Christmas Day 2019 picked for a reason... In reference to the famous truce in 1914... And other soldier induced truces throughout (especially during early stages) of the War, even on various other days of the year. Symbolic. Seems an odd day to release a movie. ???
  18. Mosquitoes. The mosquito has killed more people than all human wars since the dawn of time
  19. Unfortunately, one ideology/side has the brunt of the firepower. Expect more of their shitshow as leadership fans the flames and demagoguery.
  20. Terror plot by who? White Nationalists Oh... Can't wait for the ferocious PPP horrible human beings on the right's response: "The leftists are gaslighting the situation." Who the hell knows what went on in Dayton & what it was about. Yet, the one in Gilroy & El Paso point to young white males fired up about immigration. Fired up about losing power and status in a changing society. All... I can say is yikes! As the people in power fan the flames!
  21. More guns! So we can all be "Super Hero" Domestic Terrorist fighters and shoot people in crossfire! Even "better"... So when a bad guy figures out that everybody is packing... All they have to do is fire once, slink away, everybody returns fire... Cops show up thinking people are the active shooter. Death by cops! What a crazy concept coming to a community near you!
  22. My grandfather was like this! ^^^^ He lived in an apartment next to Indians, smell drove him wild. Claimed it smelled like B.O. From "Life of Pi" https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e63321fb-ffc5-410c-9ef9-f504efa2c040
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