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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. May you have rest and peace in your heart. May angels surround your bed through the night. May each day bring healing with the dawn, Restore your energy, and heal your wounds. May hope remain within your heart, As you find new strength and make a new start. I pray you'll soon be well, To love and live and enjoy life again. Amen.
  2. Hell no! That's a good reason for no wall. Yeah... Don't get me started on the shenanigans here. The red county clerks are starting to make Chicago look like Kindergartners!
  3. Don't worry, the racists always vote. Texas will go back to being Republican racist. They will figure a way to disenfranchise voters when it's actually time to vote. The only reason the Republicans want a wall is because immigrants will vote Democrat. Puerto Rico wants to be the 51st state. You think the RR's (Rascist Republicans) want 2 more Democrat Senators as a lock in Congress? Republicans are only doing all this because they are dying off... Losing power. They can't have people vote.
  4. He was very much messed up in the head after that. OCD. I recall him saying... He'd hit a bump on the road while driving AND HAVE to stop, go back and check if everything was okay!!!! Crazy story!!! But... Then again, WHAT ice hockey goalie isn't messed up in head to begin with? J/K
  5. This is why it took off, a string of big crimes: Railroad thefts and guns. Railcars are positioned in Hammond, Ind., to cross over the Calumet River into Chicago. "The 2015 heist of over 100 guns, preceded by one in 2014, and another last September from a Chicago rail yard highlight a tragic confluence. When street-gang thieves slipped with ease into a Norfolk Southern rail yard on Chicago's South Side and ripped locks off one train, they likely expected to see merchandise like toys or tennis shoes. What they beheld instead was a gangster's jackpot: box after box of brand new guns. The guns had been en route from New Hampshire weapon maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. to Spokane, Washington. Instead, the .45-caliber Ruger revolvers and other firearms spread quickly into surrounding high-crime neighborhoods. Along with two other major gun thefts within three years, the robbery helped fuel a wave of violence on Chicago's streets."
  6. There was a bigger border between the food festival and outside than Chicago and the Suburbs and State of Indiana. Indiana is one of the most conservative, pro-guns and Chicago anti-gun. Who do you think will win the arms race. Create a buffer zone between country and city... Get rid of guns in city... And maybe more will slow to come in. Firearms is just like immigration. You can't stop it, just redirect the flow. Don't need borders... Just need four states to enact same gun laws. Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, & Michigan. A 200 mile separation from the lax Red states keeps the flow down. And stop transportation of arms through Chicago. Like my link above... They aren't reporting the thefts.
  7. I just looked at my neighborhood where I work. One non-fatal... None within miles. Pretty calm down there. I have said... This spills onto The Mag Mile, Michigan Avenue.. things will change in this country fast... Just like with the gangsters & mob 90 years ago! People don't follow laws either. They run red lights... Think a gun law will stop them from driving 5 miles and crossing into Indiana to get guns and fireworks. On Sunday, get booze, hard liquor at gas station in Illinois. One state helps the other!
  8. Thanx... Nice map. More guns in other jurisdictions is the problem... They are flooding in from some where close like Indiana that shares a border with Chicago. I can't see how letting up on guns will help. At least there was only one non-fatal in the neighborhood (Hegewisch, SE Side) where I work... Pretty calm and none within miles. Even the projects are quiet by my work. The real problem is west of city. This all must be gang related. Guns must be pouring in from somewhere close. Chicago is a rail hub... Why are they shipping arms through Chicago where they get stolen? https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-chicago-railroad-thefts-20170303-story.html
  9. TRANSLATION: Can I watch? Remember to change the sheets in the morning! LoL...
  10. No. The Electoral College is suppose to be smarter. There is no denying Trump is an idiot. A demagogue. Now, he's turned dangerous. He's firing these douchebags up. Let's start from a few weeks ago. Let's call Dayton a wash, tie. A lot of these wacky young men have conservative yet socialist leanings. Gilroy and El Paso. The Right Team. It's 2-0-1 for the demagogues on the Right. EC should have been smart enough to see this. Has nothing to do with right-left in the Electoral College. It's what brings stability to the country. Trump brings nothing but upheaval. Again, EC was created because the Founders didn't trust the populists. Go figure, that was all educated white men during the Age of Enlightenment back then. Throw in everybody now and the Founders have to be rolling over in their grave if you piped a Trump rally speech into the ground! That fiery message is going out to everyone of the voters.
  11. No. I just want the EC to do its job that it was created for: To protect against dangerous demagogues and to overide the people when they are stupid. NOT rubber stamp a candidate into office because they represent an Electoral College member's party. They do their job... We wouldn't be in this mess with 2nd, or not as bad. Demagogues fire the people up with acts of violence. The status quo wasn't a rose garden, but it was working fairly corruption free and NOT firing up the populus on BOTH SIDES.
  12. What's your take on shutting down 8chan? Or at least moderating it?
  13. You should. Because your invested in this as a gun right's person. You should be able to see when what you love is causing harm to other people. It's NOT about you. It's about you making hard choices for the benefit of others. Sorry to give you "the speech." What makes you anything but a gun right's NIMBY or an "I got mine" type? You be the parent, you make hard, selfless choice. Your special interest shouldn't be blinding you.
  14. Sure is... It's called eradicating. What's your proposal? Have tea with them. Pick up the Southern Drawls/accent. That be the Deep South.
  15. This was from almost a decade ago. "The Silent Invasion"...LoL... I guess we need another 20 years... But it's coming... Be ready! Hey... They are shocking fish way back in 2012! Whaaaaa? Give$??
  16. You forgot jumping Asian carp: [NSFGTW... (NotSafeForGugnyTriggeringWarning) @Gugny : Please go to your room and don't watch]
  17. Okay... At least we are record stating this. Then when is a public nuisance?
  18. It's because the have a right to not be infringed on. Even the 1st doesn't grant that. What the hell were the Founders thinking. They were technologically immature.
  19. You honestly believe the anti-gun people are even against the classic firearms, like muzzleloaders... Or even more modern smooth bore shotguns? Yeah... I can see the hand guns. Hand guns are made for killin', they ain't no good for nothin' else and if you like to drink your whiskey you might even shoot yourself. So why don't we dump 'em people to the bottom of the sea before some ol' fool come around here wanna shoot either you or me. We can... When it becomes a public nuisance. But... You're not the one to declare it a public nuisance. We are in agreement that guns are a public nuisance, right?
  20. So... Now YOU, NOT the firearms are a public nuisance. Send in the Marines! ...To make sure Levi only has one muzzleloader like they did in 1789.
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