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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yes. The Asian carp are swimming like the Dickens. They are going to invade the Lakes like the Dickens. This is what we have been told the last 20 years. But... If the government gives 1/2 billion to the right people, hopefully more $$$$$$$$, the CarpApocalypse will surely be stopped. The EnviroEvangelists will make sure of this and Baby Jesus won't let the impending doom that has been predicted the last 20 years crash the Great Lakes and the people who enjoy them their way of life! Only YOU and your tax dollars can help!
  2. Fair enough. I am pushing the limits 18 miles away. Safety is #1. We live in an individualistic society. Impossible to stop the idiots from doing idiotic things.
  3. Don't really know. You sound like an idiot. It's gravity controlled you moron. No pumps are needed. And here you have it folks... The smartest man in the world is a total idiot. Time to go back to when bumpers were on the outside of the car, not under plastic. Remember when you could actually touch another vehicle and push them without a scratch?
  4. It is if you know someone killed by a drunk... Which is more than a texter. It takes my 210 pound frame 8.5 US beers to get to 0.13. A 6 pack +2.5 in one hour? Do I even have a funnel? But, that's not evenly.
  5. @Sig1Hunter with link: https://www.intox.com/drink-wheel/ @ 9 US beers evenly over 1 hour takes me (210 male) to: 0.145!!! 9 beers!!! I would be asleep!
  6. No. Only can idiot would assume that. Don't assume. You're a bit more smarter than that.
  7. Ooops typo. mph. I am on Galaxy 6. "G" is a hair away from "H" on onscreen QWERTY. Only an idiot would not recognize that as a typo.
  8. You never seen my wife in 2 beer low gear. Ha! You'd be begging for an inexperienced driver texting!
  9. Dream perfection. Dream grace. Hate to say... You're kinda too far to be commuting that distance. I find that to be absolute idiocy. A 60 mile commute and expecting to be door to door every time, in a State with a maximum speed of 65 mpg, is unreasonable. Even if you live/work in a straight line right off the exits. It's unreasonable to expect it every time you go to work. Really... That's the definition of idiocy. Being unreasonable. 2-1 the other way. @LeviF91 and @Sig1Hunter disagree. The guy at .13 is ready to fall asleep! Alcohol is a depressant.
  10. Don't let it wreck your day. Sounds like it wrecks your day? "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."
  11. We got no problem here: One of the missions is sanitation. Every foot is 1 million gallons of water. That picture shows about 2 million gallons out the 6 million that is being flushed. 1.Sanitation (dilution) 2. Navigation 3. Flood control.
  12. Too many people. Then they all move to places that have low taxes. What do you expect? The people gotta go potty some where. Big Ag runoff?
  13. This is insane. They are looking at road better than the drunk. It's not no vision. Where are you getting this from. Some vehicles have the text come up on system. Teenagers can text behind their backs.
  14. JC... You're insane. This is so stupid beyond belief! We even have a poster @Sig1Hunter with his whole career revolving around this saying that #2 is better. Anyway... You drive like 60 miles one way to work. Even going 60mph for every second of the drive, it will take you an hour each way... How much faster do you want to go? Warp Speed. Impaired driver with alcohol is always impaired. Even if a texter reacts, they still have better reaction time. Wow... As society some are really irrational and emotionally driven (sorry for the pun). We're really fugged I tell you. Logic escapes many. Hike against traffic. Bike with traffic. Enjoy!
  15. ^^^LoL... Check out the crew on the dam working hard! ?^^^ @ :53... One of those guys is dead now (God Rest his soul).
  16. They have been beating this drum for 20 years... 10 with the "chicken little" mentality. They want one thing: Constant Govt funding for pet enviro projects. These pristine enviros are like communists... They need constant revolution. It's easier to deal with @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek @Gugny and ESPECIALLY @\GoBillsInDallas/ #RambunctiousGardenRules Make like the Dickens and unlock our jobs:
  17. Swim MunthaFugger! Swim! You can do it... Just make like a salmon and jump that wave... Be free! You have a lost decade to make up for. This is 2019, not 2009. Swim like the Dickens! ?
  18. LoL... "Unstoppable crisis" ??? That's what they said in 2009. Here is my dissertation @ShadyBillsFan "Govt Boondoggle." Done. I am out. Sorry for the long read @Gugny it's very tough out there.
  19. Or they do NOT have money problems? People who'd sell part of their body for a price are desparate... Especially, the lower the price is. Both my son & wife wouldn't sell for anything... They aren't concerned with money... Pre-occupied with money. The are indifferent, simply don't need it. It's nice if they do have the $$$, and enjoy it. They also know that a chopped off small toe is usesless. Now... A kidney or vital organ? That's a better question. The ones that won't sell their body parts are more idealistic... Less reactionary. More practical. It's like putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others with their mask during a plane event... That isn't selfish... It's practical, pragmatic and logical. You can't help anybody else if you can't help yourself... Especially with a useless body part that nobody can possible need. A kidney... That somebody was going to die without? If I was the perfect match. I would give free. Yet, I won't actively seek those people. I am a tad bit selfish that way.
  20. My son & wife NOT at any price. But... For me, it would have to be in Millions, like I said... $5 million or more. Bob Marley died of cancer because he refused to have his foot amputated. No? He'd probably be living today.
  21. Where to you buy a block now? Is that still a thing? You probably had these two poor lovely ladies do the heavy lifting! I hope you tipped handsomely: I thought I saw it in Supermarkets here. I may be wrong. I will bring you some if you come to a tailgate. Thanx. Didn't see this at first.
  22. Huh? 25 year olds now are crappy drivers... Who cares if they can text like the Dickens! LoL...
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