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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. In what way? He's doing very well for himself $$$$$$ wise. And... NOT getting his brain bounced around. Football is sad. Hustling insurance has always been. honorable. No? Respect the hustle. We sure have our priorities messed up.
  2. Or... Most people are ***** ups that they will insure Johnny, they will surely insure the average ***** up on the street. No? Is Direct Auto considered standard or sub- standard. "Get Direct and get going" implies that it's sub-standard. The Allstate, State Farm, Farmer's, Nationwide, Progressive crowd aren't going to be in need of Direct. Johnny being a spokesperson makes sense. What more of a ***** up?
  3. Please don't bother me with your rocks. I am a very busy man! Jeeesh!
  4. "Bottle to Throttle" up to 12 hours for United Pilots: https://www.sfgate.com/news/crime/amp/United-tells-pilots-no-alcohol-for-12-hours-14301437.php "... An extra four hours will help social drinkers sober up, although it might not be long enough for a heavily drunken person. Some researchers calculate that once someone puts down the bottle, their blood-alcohol level drops 0.015% each hour. At that rate, a drinker could go from 0.12% to zero in eight hours, or from 0.18% to zero in 12 hours. ..."
  5. I think I told you that they did a show at local place in my little town... I wanna say like 7 years ago. My my son was like in Grade 8. They are out of Des Moines and I guess they have a connection here. They agreed to do a show in this little dive place in town. My Son went to it when he was in that phase.
  6. I think the Japanese man from Texas hustled me... Sent his bonsai off to the slaughter in Illinois! ?
  7. I know... This is what my wife says. I am hooked though... Really not a bunch of chemicals... Just fertilizer applications like 4 times a year (I can never be regular). Like 30 bucks a pop.
  8. LoL... The Chem Lawn guy gave me a lecture and slip of paper when he did the last application. It said: "It takes teamwork! Tips on watering, yada yada yada." I sent a paper check back with the sheet saying: "Thanx for the advice, I don't need any advice. ~Signed, @Chef Jim" LMAO... No honestly... I wrote back: THANKS! You pay the water bill. Our lawn will be fine... Drought makes you stronger. I don't expect miracles... I am NOT one of those unreasonable customers. Keep up good work." Anyway... I am in an average working class neighborhood... Grass is just a weed.
  9. Cultivate is the wrong word. Bought one of those junipers from a Japanese man on the roadside. Did well outside... Till it got to -25°F... I had to bring it in. Then the death and destruction. What did I do wrong?
  10. Been nice here. Only 75°. Had a hot spell. Dry spell. Rather bearable. I haven't mowed my lawn in a month with the dry spell.
  11. Well sloooow down. And here we have it. The day when this is actually something to be proud of. Just busting your chops... But really? My son prints (which is okay)... But starts from bottom up. WTF is that! Drives me wild every time I see it in action! He's 21. /smh I use a hybrid font. Print/cursive. Drafting in school... So developed my own font.
  12. Dear God: Did you make disease and the diamond blue? Did you make mankind after we made you? And the Devil too! Just asking... For a friend. EIL
  13. Nice! I like high water! Damn if it's too low (global warming, we take too much water). Damn if it's too high (what does that mean? We go too slow @ the lock? Don't take enough water /smh). You can't win with this fickle crowd. I say ***** "Pure Michigan" my azz. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it.
  14. And he is @Cripple Creek 's age... He wasn't gonna enjoy it anymore.? Viva la socialized medicine! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LoL... I gotta bullseye on my back because of that beaut post! ?????
  15. Go in for a bladder procedure and come out a new man! $24K Earned the not so easy way Holy Moly! I guess less conspicuous at the beach sans one of your little toes! So... Who's the lucky fella? @Gugny @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek or maybe it's @\GoBillsInDallas/ with the new found spending cash?
  16. Disgusting caste system too. Maybe fix that first. The other crap may fall a little more into line.
  17. You may like this. "Bridge & Tunnel Summit" New Jersey meets New York.
  18. Lake Michigan is a "food desert." There are billions of invasive quagga mussels on bottom of Lake. Guess where they came from? The Atlantic via the St.Lawrence. Noboby is demanding they close the St.Lawrence off from the ocean... Closing Toronto off from waterborne transportation. That OP article never addressed how the Asian carp will spawn in the Great Lakes. They spawn in rivers. At temps above 70°F... Need ample big current with about 60 miles of river and adequate calm back water. Nothing like that is found around the Great Lakes. From way back in 2011: https://madison.com/sports/recreation/outdoors/durkin-can-t-waste-time-carping-about-invasive-species/article_b08eb166-b3f4-11e0-be4a-001cc4c03286.html Trust the Polish dude... We are going on 20 years now... 10 since the freak out in 2009 "...Among those dismissing the Asian carp threat is Professor Konrad Dabrowski, an aquaculturalist at Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. He thinks Asian carp can live, but not reproduce, in the Great Lakes and its tributaries. He says these waters don’t provide the necessary water flow and temperatures for these species to successfully spawn. Dabrowski notes that Europe has brought in and supplemented Asian carp more than 40 years and some never spawned. He doubts these carp could maintain or increase their numbers in the Great Lakes and therefore won’t overwhelm the lakes’ sport-fish populations. (Many sport fish aren’t natives, either, but they taste good and they’re fun to catch, so we’re on their side.)..." AND, 8 years later... This is holding true, no wishing needed. It's 2019, 8 years after this 2011 article. Where are the carp... Still where they have always been. Down South were they were released from. "...And don’t you wish we could dismiss their solution as a “politically motivated stunt”? Wouldn’t it be great if we could also assure the public that the canal’s electrical fish barrier — recent news notwithstanding — truly is “a solution that has worked to date.”..."
  19. Go on a hike. Letchworth & Alabama Swamps come to mind in the Leroy, Rochester area. Get lost in the woods on purpose... Then miraculously save the day. Chicks dig the rugged outdoorsy types with a built in compass in their noggin. Throw some pine needles into the breeze for Native American theatrics... Put your ear to the ground too. Contrary to what @EmotionallyUnstable says... She will melt like butter at your primal & cognitive ability to survive in the wild... Even if it just lunch @ the Glen Iris Inn and a $70 wine and cheese tab. You can thank me later. Name your first kid together after me. Maybe make me the Godfather. Just don't fall off the boardwalk into the swamp. LoL...
  20. Because picky N.American diets. People hate change. The first Europeans on the west coast refused to eat salmon because it looked yucky. Go figure. We are eating carp into extinction... Well the rest of the world is. The rest of the world is a polluted cesspool too. Yet, we are protecting our ecosystems here... So the Asian carp are taking off... Except we refuse to eat them because of the stigma they are rough. Yet, some are coming around and figuring out what the rest of the world knows: Just your friendly non-Russian gov't agent:
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