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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Maybe she is coming from Planet Claire to establish a beachhead on Earth? Very possible? Planet Claire is way better than Planet @mead107 I envision this song going thru @/dev/null's head after he attends vespers and lays down to rest. ?
  2. My 2006 Jeep aren't: But then again... Just rip through the top. Sucks if you have the hardtop though...
  3. Clear your cache... The other websites will thank me!
  4. Take a Greyhound, same thing... Unless you spend a zillion dollars and fly uber 1st Class, private jet... Just rent a Lamborghini to New Jersey. Enjoy the scenery. All the crazies gravitate to air travel, it's getting just as good as the bus & train. Here. By the time it takes to get to airport. 1 hour. Get there 2 hours early (even with gratis TSA precheck)... That's three hours... Then take the 1.5 hour flight to Buffalo... That's 4.5 hours... Deal with the hassle, jump through the whole insane dog & pony show, get your toe nail clippers, 4.5 oz of Crest® confiscated, pregnant wife in tow with toddler, etc... Super expensive, the insane people... Crazy demands of the industry, government, etc... I might as well drive to Buffalo and back to Illinois. Oh wait, that's what we were doing on the morning of 9/11/2001. /smh LoL... Want that full "bus of the sky" experience... Fly Spirit Air. ***** you terrorists! You won't win. We shall remember!
  5. Don't worry, they get domesticated down pretty quickly. They really do. One day they're attacking Old Yeller and giving him rabies, the next day they're rutting up the farm. Canada is the place for them. They will be domesticated twice as fast there. See... It's already working: Sorry... I just couldn't help myself. They have hypnotists up there... LMAO
  6. Patton did slap the shell shocked soldier. Times were a changing.
  7. My next door neighbor, Serbian... Was conscripted by the Germans. He came here in early 1950s after fighting Tito in the mountains of Serbia (Yugoslavia). Grew up 12km from where Tesla was born. Worked the rest of life at Ford in S.Chicago since the US brought him here... About 40 years. He collected a small German war pension till he passed away in 2012. He was on the Eastern Front, fighting Soviets... Allies yes... But better than killing Americans. His wife is 95. Still kicking and living two houses down from me. She just stopped driving this past year.
  8. So your grandfather was a German soldier. Who'd he fight? Americans or Soviets? Anyway... It was the era... Lot of men were like that! Till @Gugny came along and broke the WAF mold! LoL... Just busting on you Gug!
  9. Maybe they will be found someday... Even if it's only on Christmas Eve. There is the parable of the "prodigal son." "You are ever with me, and all that I have is yours, but thy younger brother was lost and now he is found". You were raised by wolves?
  10. I was off work. Just spent the weekend in WNY took in the Bills Home Opener against the Saints. Greggo's first game as Bills HC. Was packing up the family and getting ready to drive back to Illinois. Son was 3. Wife pregnant with our daughter. Funny thing... At work... Business as usual. We didn't close, port stayed open. Next day, Marine Safety Office (MSO Chicago) closed us. LMAO... 9/12/2001. Oh well, better late than never.
  11. Like ChafE As in: "Chafed feet." Just warming up for the C & S.
  12. But they have a $107,000 in overdraft fees. The scumbag bankers ALWAYS WIN! Why Dante put them just below prostitutes in his Inferno.
  13. If they paid off high-interest debt... Makes their credit look great... LoL... Save all the interest... Yeah they may have to pay restitution... Probably at a lower interest rate, much lower. Take out a loan to pay it back... LoL Ain't usury great! Yes... Would it have been bad to just leave it there until they come looking for it while earning interest on it? LoL... They'd do the same. No?
  14. What's the windfall the stores make scanning wrong price? Do they go back and credit your card, call you? Say: "Hey come on in and get your cash, your family can use it." Of course... It's on you to check... It's always on you, never on them. The game is rigged. I am not going to break any land speed @Gugny moral high-ground records to tell them their error... They wouldn't if errors were reversed. In the end, it evens out.
  15. The lock at Chicago Harbor... Can't blow horns. Seems it bothers the people living on the Gold Coast.
  16. I understand that. I know the law is the law. Probably why we are in the cultural & societal mess we are in... Why there is no accountability when people see the deck stacked as it is... Leads to even more corrupt attitudes. Just saying The law states a lot of things that are truly effed up
  17. I only let him flip the traffic light and press the horn!
  18. And I beg to differ. NOT unrealistic. There was a simplier time... When errors wouldn't have been caught, and when the audit happened, probably couldn't be traced. Banks now have technology to NOT be accountable for their mistakes. Given, gifts are not "stolen."
  19. That's why you are: "Spiritual & Moral Standards Advisor." ** BTW... I balance my pittance almost every day. All on cellphone app. Get text alerts, etc... 20 years ago, $2k was added to, Direct Deposited to our account. Of course I did nothing... Let it sit there for a month. They caught it and took it out. One of the only times in my life I stayed quiet. And a bank made me do it. ? Are you the type of guy who finds a 20 dollar bill in the street outside a bar... Then walks into bar, holds it up and says: "Did anyone lose a $20?" Smooth move Billy Graham! Anyway... Isn't there a "Chance" card or is it a "Community Chest" card in the board game "Monopoly?" It's called: "Bank Error! Collect $200" **SEE: Recently created thread about overturned boats. LoL...
  20. I am cutting the usual suspects: @BringBackFergy (Ring leader, Legal Counsel, Resident Skeptic, & Mystic) @Cripple Creek (Assistant Ring Leader & Seeker of Truth) A.K.A: @Mike in Horseheads (Chief Financial Officer) @Gugny (Spiritual Advisor & Moral Standards Officer) @SlimShady'sGhost (Chair of the Space & Interplanetary Sciences Department) @mead107 (Food Safety, Parking Lot Docent) @\GoBillsInDallas/ (Silent Partner & Angel Investor) Off at "the pass." I was nowhere near Georgia! I have an alibi: Cargo Ship Overturns Near Georgia Port How hard can it be?
  21. How is given $$$$, stolen? Plead... "I am indifferent to money." "I keep no track of it." "Don't give it to me, I won't spend it." Yeah, like that will float. Now... Get blood out of a stone... Here is your camper back. LoL... Sleazy bank needs to eat it. I want to give a someone $5 and mistake the $50 spot in my wallet... The mistake is on me. Think I am asking for the fitty back? Banks sure got it stacked against the people... Now they don't even eat their own mistakes. Large amounts should be double checked.
  22. Like the minority in every county in the United States: Jets Have No Fans Sorry Jets fans, you're nowhere on this map:
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