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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Winners... Watching Sabres. Upper Patio...
  2. Saw Steve Miller in Canandaigua years ago. Gr8 show... I think that was the first concert I went to see with my wife! Very memorable... Anyway... Jim Kelly was at "Whiskey Bent" last night... Just hanging out, almost didn't recognize him: (Sorry for the extreme file compression in order to get under site limits)
  3. Fueling up South of Indy now... Got a later start. ETA is around 7 local time now.
  4. I am leaving here around 11:00 local time (CDT)... Hopefully be in around 5 ish... Not sure when the group is flying in... But they are flying into Chattanooga... Then two hour drive. Check-in is at 4:00 @ Vandy Embassy. I texted my Bro... But he they may be in transit. Godspeed all!
  5. It's easy because being "ordained" in this case (eyes of the state) just amounts to be a credible witness. What's really to it? Nothing more than saying: " Yeah, I married those two. It's all legit." Catholic here. 1994, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Orchard Park. No Pre-Cana. Here is the Wiki link for non-Catholics: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-Cana
  6. No. Go back in time. Best in AL & NL meet best of nine. Season should be playoffs. Play harder in June. Don't put field positions in as pitchers during blowouts (and vice versa). Here's looking at you Joe Maddon.
  7. Amazon, I think may have pick up. @Dawgg... I have a new hat I haven't worn yet I can give it to you. And don't listen to the losers... I am not a smelly hippy, have head lice... Even if I did try it on once or twice. LoL CC: @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek @Gugny @mead107 @Augie @Cripple Creek @plenzmd1 And a shout out to all others!
  8. Oh.. They are paper tickets, hard copies... Can meet (my brother is in BFLo) in BFLo today or in Nashville to pick up!
  9. Have 3 tix, Section 305... Very cheap. @Nashville Sunday October 6, 2019 @ 12Noon CDT. PM Me.
  10. I heard it is permanently moored at Hammers now. Decommissioned from the road games. Beat me to it! Yup!
  11. Can't be her... It's 2019, OP's article says she's 26. Your article from 2014 says she is 28. I ain't no math wiz kid... But something is wrong here.
  12. Make that two chaperones! Story of my life. Remind me to tell you about the time I went whitewater rafting in W.Va/Pa with them... /smh
  13. God has no building codes! Jesus is his Jewish carpenter! LoL... It's like working for the government and dealing with the EPA or OSHA. CC: @mead107 @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek Shop Steward: @Gugny
  14. Yes... My 55 year old brother and his friends. They never left Grade 7. ...Just don't let then hang out with your son! Trust me on this one!
  15. NewsFlash: Asian carp have been down there for many, many years... I won't be a blip on their radar. Name was changed a decade ago to: Kentucky Bluefin. Of course Tennessee is just south of Kentucky. From 2012: http://eattheinvaders.org/asian-carp/ "It’s true that a seriously bony fish is going to have a low meat yield of only 20% to 25%. But the Asian carp is a filter feeder, so it doesn’t have the muddy taste associated with the bottom-feeding common carp. Since the Asian carp feeds at plankton-level on the food chain, it’s low in contaminants like mercury and PCBs. And it’s low in fat, and some say it tastes just like cod..." "There used to be a time when America used to use Blue Fin Tuna has fertilizer and animal feed because they lacked the pristine white colors needed to be sold as canned tuna. Only after Japanese airliners tested out a new container good enough to hold frozen fish did Blue Fin Tuna become a valued fish for American fisherman. There’s a moral to this history. Asian Carp might be a pest and useless fish in America, but always look to sushi. There’s always a market for new fish species in the raw fish sector!"
  16. The breakfast sandwiches @BringBackFergy fried up were awesome! I gave one to my brother... And he's like: "Ooooh fresh Canadian bacon!" Same with @Gugny's empanadas... Everything tastes 1000x times better over a camp stove!!!
  17. Yep! And be locked away for 30 days with nuns praying for you. Oh... Hand tools, was built in 1800s.
  18. First lesson: Figure this out. https://www.lorettochapel.com/info/staircase Sorry... I am being a jerk again. LoL... But this is an amazing story. The top woodworking project of all time!
  19. You're not taking your kids to the movies. I never had an issue... Actually, we do... Been to many, many games. Maybe 50? All over the country. Even... When my son was young. But... I am a lover, not a fighter... I usually diffuse issue. Don't take anything personal... Don't let it wreck your day. My brother diffused a Bills fan that was loaded and getting mad at a Paytoilet fan... Guy behind me was getting annoying. Young kid, 10 or so also... His father was pretending to be a Bills fan... Anyway... Don't take it personal. One of the Four agreements: http://www.toltecspirit.com The Four Agreements are: 1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love. 2. Don’t Take Anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. 3. Don’t Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. 4. Always Do Your Best Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
  20. Allen's a slut. Wore his skirt too high. He deserved with what he got coming to him. ~ Signed Pats** fans One Pats** walked through row after play. He said: "Well, it was bound to happen. Got what he deserved." Anyway... Congratulations New England fans. You've become the New York Yankees of football. We all bow to your greatness.
  21. Same here. Tailgate package... Something is fundamentally wrong with the new downtown business model. Would be a shame if this came to Buffalo. We will always be cooler draggers and sweater wearers. DIYers. I mean, they can offer these packages for out of towners... ...Nashville will be great, but there is a core belief in me that will be shocked when I take in the experience down there. Sorry... End of philosophical complaint.
  22. Wow! Victoria, BC... Back in 1994 we took our honeymoon in BC and WaState. Mt.Ranier... Seattle... Vancouver... Victoria... And then East to Alberta, Jasper, Banff and back to SeaTac. Victoria was the best!
  23. "Alexa, there are snakes on this plane, what do we do?" WARNING: NSFW... Hope you're NOT in business class!
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