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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Fixed again. You're right. I am a good liberal putting the NYT's employee's children ahead of mine! ? My little angels can take one for the team!
  2. Agree +1. Is it the proliferation of firearms? Now... Everyone has a piece. Notice Keystone Kop Lou Costello above is holding a truncheon, not a .38. Hey... Beating me with a stick is better than plugging me with bullet. But, let's think of the poor civil servant first! They are the most important... More so than the people they serve. Big government gone mad. /smh
  3. Here... Still doing that god awful drive every month or so. LoL... I can do it in my sleep and through 7 feet of snow, wait a second, I think I have.
  4. I wonder if she heard somebody sneaking around back, thought the cop was a bad guy (he never identified himself)... She had her weapon... And you know the rest. Some good that (packing heat in own home) did her, now one is afraid to even have the weapon in their own castle What's stopping a bad guy from identifying themselves as police. Gee... Great. Ain't this swell. Heck, maybe the officier heard them playing video games... Was it a first person shooter? Welcome to 2019 America. What a cluster *****. Moral of story: Don't be a busy body neighbor and if you are... Get your lazy ass up and investigate yourself... Don't call the Keystone Cops:
  5. So who should be playing QB for the Bills? Shhhhhh... Nobody is supposed to be playing QB anywhere. Especially 1st rounders.
  6. They don't bite at hooks, duh... Been on the board since 2003 and under 40 posts. LoL... Sorry, I bite at hooks! ?☺️ Or pump their own fuel.
  7. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/atatiana-jefferson-fort-worth-police-shooting-family-speaks-out/ There is always a way around... Especially if you're a cop and feeling scared. Shoot first, then ask questions.
  8. No. The game between the Bills and Chargers in BFLo when the stadium lost power. It wasn't the whole game... But a blessing! I forget which year. Ooops... I was referring to the in game experience.
  9. Do they commit a disproportionate amount of crime vs. other races? Somebody has to have the numbers on this.
  10. I love you long time GI... 5 dolla I make you holla! No sucky sucky: https://www.nola.com/news/article_f24d0c70-edd3-11e9-a0f5-578ef42032ac.amp.html You can THANK me for my service later. ? Clear your cache GI...
  11. I hit town and grab a carwash... Clean bugs off mostly... I always get the best economical off, like Delta Sonic... They do have a Delta Sonic by me here in Illinois... About 6 miles away... Can use it there... But other places, I just give receipt to my brother so he can use the extra washes begore they expire. Any takers Hap? @Hapless Bills Fan I would have taken it! LoL... I pass thru Toledo every other month!
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/us/fort-worth-texas-shooting-jefferson.html There has to be more to the story. And you wonder why people don't trust cops. Shut your doors folks... Pray your neighbors aren't busy bodies... Holy Moly! Is there anyplace safe from the jackboot gov't thugs? There has to be more to the story? Huh? Even if there is. Huh? I wonder what the video game was? First person shooter? So many questions...
  13. That's what we do with the old ones. Kinda. We build a fire, then practice putting it out with the old extinguishers. Actually harder than you think. Only have so much charge. Gotta sweep the base. I'd imagine in a panic situation... Time flies and charge is less than you think. Good to practice. Now... At work... If 6400 tons of ammonium nitrate starts to look like its going up on a couple barges... I am evacuating the crew and my co-worker and heading for the hills... We are probably goners with the +30 city blocks anyway. We have fire pumps... Yeah, good luck with that! Just to put that into context. Texas City explosion in 1947 was one of the largest non-nuclear blasts when 2,200 tons of ammonium nitrate was lit. Yeah... Fire pump and water will really help!
  14. I don't wear another person's jersey. What is this? High school. The whole jersey thing confounds me.
  15. Why Europe has got it right. Tips should be an insult. A direct reflection on poor philosophy of the owner... Like they can't pay them well? Gotta pit the patron's economic sensibility (I am staring at you @Gugny LoL) against the help? Sorry... To me that's parasitic. No carrot on a stick needed. We're all in this together. Each know their place in the hierarchy.
  16. That's all they are asking for. Just a little scratch. Sometimes you may need that $2.25 for bus fare. No worries. What goes around comes around! Built into the program now in most places. Hit one button.
  17. So... You can afford 4 bucks then... Give a fin... Say: "Give me a buck back." Or... If cheap... "2 back."
  18. So. One thing that was always preached to me as kid: No matter how hard you've had it, make it easier on the next. Do your best. Factor the tip in. 20-30%... If you can't afford, maybe you shouldn't be out spending the money. Save it for another time. Of course... Tip jars are just for collecting loose change. What's more embarrassing? Seeing fire fighters and police panhandle in traffic with the boot... Or call on the phone by professional fundraisers. Raise my damn taxes if they can't make ends meet. They shouldn't have to beg. They get paid fair enough... Servers, service help have their wages suppressed because they (the ownership, etc..) pit the cheap consumer against the labor.
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