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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Not to mention the Sky Way route will be closed down and repurposed. Of course one can come in and leave other ways... But it's an traffic artery that is being shut down.
  2. The Indianapolis experience is the ultimate in sterile. It's quite disturbing! Hope that never happens to BFLo! Nothing compares to BFLo in Orchard Park, maybe Green Bay around Lambeau. Kansas City... All old buisness models. Chicago is a joke. Be prepared to drop a grand.
  3. https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/yw55yw/experts-explain-why-you-laugh-when-you-shouldnt "...“In the field of psychology we understand the unusual things better than we understand the common things.”So there you go. Nervous laughter happens, you’re not alone, but it is a curse. On the plus side, this is most likely happening because your brain needs to diffuse the anxiety triggered by upsetting things, and therefore you are probably more sensitive, not less, than people who have their ***** under control. Use this line; it is likely your best defence."
  4. BFLo is a radial city. I agree with you, the last thing Buffalo needs is the Bills downtown.
  5. Actually it doesn't suck. We parked there last year in a parking garage a little bit away and I think we only paid $4 with SpotHero. We didn't mind the walk through downtown. It was a garage that is used for business during the week. I betcha there is even free parking in Indy.
  6. Yeah... That's what we need. Sad. Well... The laughter will motivate the stick in the mud religious types? I see what you did there! LoL...
  7. I look out of place everywhere. LoL... But I kept up the convo with "Basha" our Moldovan Uber driver. Maybe I would fit in better in Moldova? LMAO! Should I get a plane ticket it out of here?
  8. Yeah... The folly part is pretty low. Nothing really to laugh at here. Like you said, it takes a back seat to other popular issues. Bringing attention to this BS at least gets it out there. If (the air play) it stops at least one incident, that's a good thing!
  9. Who are you and what are you doing here... Why did I get this notification? Hey Pal, you wanna step out back? ?
  10. Holy Moly! /smh https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1066236 "Three women in North Carolina are accused of running a fight club among elderly people with dementia at an assisted living facility, police and state health officials say. ..."
  11. Got a handgun? Be careful defending your castle... It just may be a cop sneaking around the back. Looks like having a gun in the house got her "death by cop." Geeze... Hope the real bad guys aren't paying attention... Going to pretend they are the police. "...The 28-year-old woman was playing video games with her nephew in the back bedroom of the home when they heard noises coming from outside, the document says. She then pulled her handgun from her purse, her nephew told police, and raised it. She was pointing it toward the window when she was shot and fell to the ground. It's unclear how much time passed before Jefferson was shot or whether the nephew heard the officer's voice..." That's how. Read above. Yikes. When you hear something out your bedroom window (that's secured by a fence)... You should always shout: " Whooo is it?" Before digging for your revolver. Wow... This clown set back "defending your castle" back to the stone age by just not ringing, knocking & going through the front door saying: "Hello! THIS IS THE POLICE." Next time grab a rock. Forget the firearm. What's better, guns or no guns? In this case, no guns.
  12. I said: "cultivating." "...Like these previous presidents, Trump hasn’t made a blatant lunge for dictatorial power. But his intermittent impulses toward autocracy have made it necessary for advisers, Congress and courts to contain him. He argued during his campaign for the efficacy of torture and prosecuting his opponent, Hillary Clinton. He has threatened media whose coverage he found insufficiently admiring, and tried to suppress the Trump-damning book "Fire and Fury." He proposed an un-American religious test for immigrants and refugees to ban Muslims; infected the body politic with nepotistic and business-crony appointees; shrugs off Russian meddling in our elections; and discussed a mass roundup-*****-deportation of illegal immigrants. (Arrests of undocumented immigrants surged during Trump’s first year, though not deportations as of yet.) To top it off, the president plays fawning footsie with real dictators. "Can It Happen Here?" discusses how Trump-like populism has left democracy wobbling in Hungary and Poland, where elected strongmen have variously packed courts and government bodies or otherwise curtailed their ability to challenge the leaders. More recently, Italian elections so rewarded far-right parties that one observer tweeted, “While we were sleeping, Putin won the Italian election.”... " https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2018/03/16/authoritarianism-cass-sunstein-rich-barlow
  13. No. But when somebody on this board thinks they are on par with a guy that did lead his team to a SB... That lack of experience is a resume shredder.
  14. "Do African Americans commit more murders than White Americans? The answer is yes… According to the FBI Arrests by Ethnicity for 2016, there was a total of 9,374 arrests for murder in 2016. Of those 9,374 arrests, 4,935 were Black Americans or 52% of all arrests. What makes that number even more shocking is that African Americans only make up 13% of the population (source: Census.gov: 2016 US Census Results). White Americans who make up 60.3% of the population are responsible for 4,192 murders or 44% of murders. According to the US Census, the White Non-Hispanic population is 60.3% of the population or 197,711 (per 100,000). If 4,192 murders are committed by 197,711 White Americans, 2.1% of the White Population will commit the crime of murder. African Americans are 13.3% of the population or 43,646 (per 100,000). If 4,935 murders are committed by 43,646, 11.3% of the Black Population will commit the crime of murder. African Americans are five times more likely to commit murder than White Americans. Sources: (source: FBI.gov FBI Arrests by Ethnicity 2016)"
  15. "One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do Two can be as bad as one It's the loneliest number since the number one No is the saddest experience you'll ever know Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know 'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do One is the loneliest number, whoa-oh, worse than two..."
  16. I agree with this. But they aren't worse. I mostly agree with the second paragraph. That dictatorial power Trump is cultivating is worse and will be passed on.
  17. Am I stuttering again? Let's take a look at your resume again. Were you drafted in the 2nd round or higher? Ooops, I thought so: And don't piss me off. I am out of Scotch® tape!
  18. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Why should we just be numb to the scandals? You do see the Republicans turning the clock back to the 1920s? How well did that work out with the scandals, etc... Business, scandal, ethics, the volatile market... I said this since the start, this won't end well... Yet, everybody that leans right is so sure that a business guy is what government needs. Sorry, I am in a crooked area where the jails are littered with businessman turned politicians. It usually doesn't end well when they try and switch ethical gears towards public service. And don't be mistaken... We got a Democrat businessman in the governor's mansion now. The Republicans wiffed attempting the same the last 4 years. You think Clinton's make bad public servants? Moneymen even worse.
  19. Man! You should make this a public poll! Let's take a look at your resume. Have you ever led a team to the Super Bowl? Nope? Next...
  20. I am not off the rails. The right here is going ballistic. I am going off the rails & it needs 5-6 right wing members to jump in? Thank you very much, I need no help to go off the rails... This just ain't the time. I am citing laws here... Come on... You can see he violated: 18 U.S. Code § 872 & 18 U.S. Code § 595 Just by reading the transcript of the call he made to the President of Ukraine. I guess the whistleblowers are wrong too. LMAO... Did you think the Cheaters pulled a pick play on the Bills? Okay, maybe you don't and you don't see that our President is shady. He's the one, my boss, that's going off the rails.
  21. Did I ever say they shouldn't do their job? Of course I am biased. Just like the Cheaters game. From what I seen, I thought it was a pick. From what I see, our president is a crook. Big deal... Why is everybody on right getting their panties in a twist. Should the investigators with the whistleblower complaint... Just look the other way? No. Congress has the right to throw the red challenge flag. Trump doesn't seem to believe that's built into the rules.
  22. From what I read and being a US employee, It sure sounds like he violated: 18 U.S. Code § 872 From what I read... That's 3 years in the pokey. But who knows, I thought it was a pick in the New England game... But the field ref thought otherwise after looking at the video upon Bills challenge. Anyway: LawS 18 U.S. Code § 595, when a government official, “in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President.” I mean... This is why people listen in. Why there are whistleblowers. You're right. Defend the bubble.
  23. Wow... The are coming out of the woodwork. Hey Pal... This has turned meme/.gif. Which you totally suck at. I thought the right was supposed to be good at this. Why would I have proof he violated: 18 U.S. Code § 872: “Extortion by officers or employees of the United States.” That's for the investigators to figure out.
  24. Oh looky here, another... @Cinga is coming in for some action! No worries my Liberal Bros... I got this:
  25. By the way you guys on the right are circling the wagons to my posts... I guess you've been: We got @DC Tom @Chef Jim @Deranged Rhino even @Azalin circling the Deplorable Teabag Wagon... Now @Rob's House is triggered. Somebody tell Crayonz... @4merper4mer the wagon train is over here:
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