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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Mayo on a hot bun before you put the hot dog in isn't bad. Heat from dog liquefies the mayo... Anyway, NOT just Euros. Hoosiers too: I always tell the story about my wife attending Thanksgiving dinner in Terra Haute, Indiana with a friend's family... Back when she went to University of lllinois... Right before she was gonna go in for some cranberry sauce, her friend's aunt took it away and said: "Oh honey, that's not ready yet!" and preceded to throw two huge dollops of mayo on it. My wife nearly hurled! She hasn't been right since at Thanksgiving Day dinner! Uh... Since it goes with ham or bacon. Steak? Not really shocking.
  2. Is that Marge Simpson in the middle as our #1 SuperFan? Maybe I am not seeing it. Wow! I just seen this post!
  3. Yeah. And wake up the whole neighborhood too. How about: "Don't call the police NO matter what!" Go it alone... People have the ability. How about walk your lazy azz (if you're the neighborly type) over and give a wellness shout out? Why in the world do people call police? True story: In 2000, my sister & young niece were staying at my house watching my 2 year old son when we went to Mexico for my BiL's wedding... He married a Mexican woman. Anyway, long story short... My sister is using the oven and the thermocouple goes out and oven stays on going to +500° and beyond. After calling boyfriend in Buffalo... She can't shut gas off... Can't pull stove away, too hot and since I have a 2 year old, the anti-tip/topple device is engaged. Try telling a hysterical woman who's afraid of burning down here brother's new house how to move the stove away to shut gas off. Okay, anyway... She called the cops. LMAO... They had to radio back-up. One's that preferably has welding gloves! They got gas shut off. LoL... Our stove was in middle of kitchen when we got back... LoL... FF to 2019...Let the house burn. I got insurance. J/K... Or just call fire department, they handle that stuff and don't have guns. Also... Back to topic. When is defending your castle, even know you left both front and back doors open, inflammatory? Let's blame the victim here. Everybody knows, lock your doors. Keeps busy body neighbors like Mrs.Kravitz from calling the PoPo... Who was watching her flank with a well placed: "Whooty WHO!" Some neighborhood that is! Anyway... Police don't need to take guns away... The government will take them when they shoot you dead!
  4. 18 U.S. Code § 872: “Extortion by officers or employees of the United States.”
  5. "I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign," acting US ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor texted to Sondland on September 9." vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 18 U.S. Code § 595: When a government official, “in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President.”
  6. I posted this in ShoutBox... ? "I'd keep playing, I don't think the heavy stuffs gonna come down for quite some time." "Sabres are just a normal team." "For Dear God, Sabres opened: 5-0-1, now 5-1-1!" "Fiddlesticks! There is no God!"
  7. It is. Movies aren't. The book (In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash) takes place in Hammond, Indiana. There is absolutely no references to Ohio. Except in one story, Cleveland Street in Hammond. They even changed the name of store from Godblatt's to Higbee's. Just like the Rock and Roll HoF, Cleveland is a fraud... LoL...
  8. The story really takes place in Hammond, Indiana... I never understood why Cleveland lays claim to it. It was just filmed in Cleveland. Cleveland was selected because it was the only place with a willing department store: "Director Bob Clark reportedly sent scouts to twenty cities before selecting Cleveland for exterior filming. Cleveland was chosen because of Higbee's Department Store in downtown Cleveland. (Since Higbee's was exclusive to northeast Ohio, the department store referred to in Shepherd's book and the film is most likely Goldblatt's, located in downtown Hammond [with the Cam-Lan Chinese Restaurant three doors down on Sibley Ave].) Until they connected with Higbee's, location scouts had been unsuccessful in finding a department store that was willing to be part of the film. Higbee's vice president Bruce Campbell agreed to take part in the project on the condition he be allowed to edit the script for cursing..." Cleveland is a fraud... In so many ways... LoL...
  9. Wooo hold on. During "The Comeback" on Don Beebe's TD, that with review today, would come back (pun intended)... An Oilers player ripped off the middle "E" in "BEEBE", leaving only: " BE BE." My point? Anything works if close with that kinda name! LoL...
  10. You gun loons are grossly over-paranoid, self-centered, and over-sell yourself. Big government doesn't need to take your firearms away from you to disarm you. Here is proof. This is how Big Government will disarm you. Nobody is taking your guns away, they are taking you away:
  11. Nice! I put Bison/Helluva chip dip instead of mayo on bologna...
  12. The Buffalo Elites that ran the buggy whip factories told Ford to get lost. It was only a matter of time before they figured out how to transfer power from The Falls further. BFLo has always been doomed by it's myopic thinking... Then when they realize their mistake, try to duplicate what others do. Why I advocate blazing their own path. Stay where they are. Stay against the grain, the window is closing.
  13. Salt on melons isn't weird. Brings the sweetness to the surface. But... The vinegar... Never tried that!
  14. The Bills first colors were silver and blue. Ralph is from Detroit. If Detroit doesn't exist, Bills probably don't. I have been waiting 20 years for the carp to get into Great Lakes... And I keep the lock gates open extra long at times. LoL... Gonna be interesting to see autonomous vehicles in winter, with snow removal operations and winter weather operating corrections.
  15. $300 a month? X amount of miles... Let's all rely on an app? How about ditching the cellphone bill? A nice car payment and insurance is less. Go anywhere you want, when you want. LoL... Great... Let's see how autonomous vehicles interact with real humans driving them... It's nice to dream... But I at 51 won't see it.
  16. Yet... Less consumer trappings to spend it on like now.
  17. Buffalo has always been a city of a select, but vocal, urban elite. It's a city that told Henry Ford to get ***** -ed... He then went to Detroit. We are a hard puzzle, people-wise, to figure out.
  18. What's the bill going to be on that dinner? Remember... We are mostly "sweater wearers and cooler draggers." I hope the powers that be don't misjudge who their market really is. We got a loyal fan hollering all hell when "surge" pricing for the Cheaters game dinged him 5 extra bucks. CC: @BringBackFergy @mead107 @Cripple Creek BCC: @Gugny I hope I have this "blind carbon copy" thing all figured out... I'd sure hate to screw up and get their name out there. LoL..
  19. But when it comes down to Downtown Buffalo, they usually don't... "Build it and they will come" doesn't apply... Unless it's free. Buffalo was one city killed by roads. Expressways. Buffalo was the first all paved city in the U.S. (for obvious winter reasons)... We have an expressway (Scajaquada) going right through Delaware Park & another(Niagara Section) hugging the water that should have been built further inland. Buffalo is designed to move people through and out... Not linger in. Oh... I see what you're saying!
  20. That's not weird. Oh wait, you're NOT Canadian. LoL... This: + I just invented last week... LMAO
  21. I thought the winning design calls for this: How are cars going to go down that thing. Can't wait till it snows... Be like the toboggan chutes @ Chestnut Ridge Park?
  22. Let's look at this positively. I say we have a future first round pick in the National Nursing Home Fight Club League (NNHFCL) draft in 2048! ??
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