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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The Board's darling in 2016: https://q13fox.com/2019/10/18/final-straw-gop-ex-ohio-gov-kasich-supports-impeachment/ Where there is smoke, there's usually fire....
  2. I thought I'd fix. Lock her up. That's all Kasich is saying...
  3. Look Westie... I like you... Don't project onto to others. I don't get mad at anything life throws at me. I wish you the best... Find your way. /peace...
  4. Just accept that there are two vastly different kinds of people in this country. Don't delete it.
  5. I get my news from the Dark Web. You know. When it's dark out. LoL... I am set in my ways. I have been a Liberal, progressive my whole life. I am a New Deal Democrat if that's even possible in 2019. Plain and simply. I am pretty conservative in my personal life... You know, guns, God, & Bible... YET always break left... Because people who force that conservative ***** on people are azzholes. I guess it's the way we are all "hardwired"... I just don't sweat the little things like life, money, love, family, etc... Enlightenment is non-attachment. Too many people are way too attached.
  6. You'll have to get around my pick and roll first! Anyway... Think of the children! You had me going there for a sec! (I) Almost didn't make to your last sentence! Good thing I can read fast...
  7. I had to brag... But yeah. LoL... I ain't no Debbie Downer!!!
  8. Hey! You're not my wife! LoL... She takes the train... Then has me drive in to pick her up!
  9. Back in the founders day... There was no technology... But the founders still had fear personal intertwining of affairs. Look... Ben Franklin was kicked out of France, carried from Paris all the way to coast via litter. For what? Flirting with wives of dignitaries. What happens if Trudeau slips into Melania's chambers while the Trumpster is too busy early morning Tweeting and cussing out FOX News in his chamber? Will the Trump CC video pick up the entertainment in Chamber 2?
  10. Do you think Trump would pull some sort of Tricky Dick and record. That is record the heads of states in private conversations. How are we to be sure... It's his private place?
  11. Okay! Pinto Kenny to left. I see the Pinto now! Is that Moses parting the Red Sea up front? Delivering his peeps from bondage?
  12. Don't come here. They just run red lights. Ford employees the worst. We have red light cams... But gotta be marked. I assume people get pinched $100 a pop if they get to the sensor late. So when they see one with no camera... They run it. Even Steven. /smh
  13. I see it now!!!! Marge Simpson's hair is the sombrero going the other way, right? Finally... Who are the others? I must not know my SuperFans other than @SlimShady'sGhost !!!
  14. You might be right! LMAO... I smell what you're grilling. Good thing I am around to be her glue! LoL...
  15. He's gotta be charging. Knee is up, ball tucked away... Other leg is moving back. Flag looks weird. Moving forward head tipped... The flag flies the other way! LoL... Now I am ripping this poor guy's avatar. I mean no harm, I come in peace!
  16. Yeah. I didn't mean chimney impacted by wind... Just drawn out of reality. Parallel to roof, not perpendicular. With the flag... Just looks out place with a tail wind. But I kinda get... Don't you want the wind at your back? I thought bison was running foward, flags tend to go other way. Creates forward motion for the drawing...
  17. Except... How does a flag fly "backwards" if the flagbearer is moving forward? One hell of a tail wind? Almost hurricane-esque? Reminds me when kids draw like this. Notice the chinmey:
  18. Hey! Take this Pinko Commie talk to PPP. This is America! What are you... Some kinda egalitarian! ?
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