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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I can't really speak for myself... But I can the Patriots**... Anyway... Where's your proof!
  2. So she goes from one extreme to the other? That's the issue: Extremism.
  3. Ohio has THEE worst drivers... Total douchenuzzles... EXCEPT for: @Cripple Creek he's alright. I don't know what the hell I'm flushing in the water there... But it's bad stuff. Such angry nasty people. You think too much. There are much more pressing social issues to solve. Don't worry, just chill. Dip to the left. Don't fix anything on your vehicle (like that annoying taillight), maybe the cops won't see you if you draw more attention to yourself... Wear a hoodie too. Make it look like the car is driving itself... They will never pull you over. It's one of those new fangled self-drivers! See... People ask themselves that question all the time with that pesky piece and dime bag on the front seat. Or maybe not? Just forget about that spilt beer too... I hope you didn't clean it up when you got home???... Just like that cracked taillight (red tape @ AutoZone = $5.99), You don't GOT time for that! And State mandated insurance too. You'll be fine... Just pick a battle with the cop! In summary: Don't have your shi... together, you're too stressed for that!! Tell yourself it's the system. Even Jesus couldn't go to the supermarket without something wrong with his car. You'll be fine! [The content of this post was for entertainment purposes only, the expressed opinions of ExiledInIllinois are in no way the opinions of others and ExiledInIllinois cannot be held liable.]
  4. Even in Oakland there is honor. Back in 2005 an Oakland fan hot in the face of a kid wearing a Lee Evans jersey. Unprovoked. Two other Oakland fans jumped the obnoxious Oakland crazy (redundant). Took him out till security came. Even in Oakland!
  5. LoL... “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.” ~Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
  6. Docent, "lot docent." Sorry to be a smart azz. I guess a curator is kinda right... We are a collection. And don't give me any lip... I got 4/5 this week! And....Only getting stronger! ? do·cent /ˈdōsənt/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. (in certain universities and colleges) a member of the teaching staff immediately below professorial rank. 2. a person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, in a museum, art gallery, or zoo.
  7. Hey Waldo... Of course I don't. My job is to help them through. What point have you been missing all these years? /smh That you still don't get the concept. Sorry it isn't complicated like you seem to make it out to be.
  8. I don't think they are getting over that goal line anytime "sooner." Oh... I am calling PETA too. Poor ponies.
  9. You mean Justin won't be @ the G7 sleeping in a Trump hotel next to Melania's room? Bummer! What a big dummy! Rumor has it, once you go black you won't go back.
  10. What a *****... Double Down Donald got scared. I will take: "I am being impeached" for $1,000 Alex. I mean sure, he'll polish a turd, but that's not what you meant. Sure, I may even give you that he was testing the waters like a 2 year old or a cat. IMO, he's simply ethically challenged and clueless. At least he backed-off this time because he's facing impeachment AND the one's yelling: "Donald!!" are his morally corrupt Republicans finally showing a spine. Very few businessman can make the ethical gear change legally when they enter public service. What may make them successful in business will land them in prison or booted out of office if attempted while in public service. His choice to use his private business as as host for foreign dignitaries shows that "blown gear change." I mean how much more proof do you need? His business hosting the G7 is highly unethical. So many things wrong and awkward about this. He fired up his morally corrupt and clueless populist base. Yay!... DCTom gives him that!
  11. You... Me. The old saying: "Don't trust anyone over 30." In 30 more, you'll probably be dead: You didn't change. Old leftists are pretty conservative. The left changed. Boy... I must be really scaring the conservatives. Please, it's okay. Get a good night's sleep.
  12. Thanks...Usually when I am averse to change it's because I am scared of something, long for the old days. People grow old and more conservative. They cling to traditional values because, wait for it... They are old. Traditional values are old. It's straight from the definition of conservative: "a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics."
  13. Fear. It's because people grow old and scared. Death approaches... They aren't young, infallible. They grow conservative. Conservative = safe.
  14. Wow... Finally somebody understood what I said. I guess there is hope.
  15. Jesus Christ... WTF you do to Wisconsin... Give them the "BFLo Kiss of Death!"
  16. Closeup... Bills Mafia creating Bills fans nationwide!!!
  17. Bills>Packers>Bears We just had Seadog II come through for fall to pull their vessel for winter dry dock... I noticed the deckhand was wearing a Bills knit hat! I stopped to talk as they were being lowered... They are pro-Bills Mafia... Hate "Evil Empire" Cheaters! Seadog Cruises supports the Bills Mafia! https://www.seadogcruises.com/chicago
  18. Come on... Don't "Snowflake out." It's unbecoming. I mean really... Are we ever going to agree on these issues. We are completely different people... Differ views, different outlook, different everything! LoL... Stop white knuckling people into your own world view. I will try the same.
  19. The son of a slum lord is more appealing? Kinda shows where the righteous one's in this country's moral compass is. And yes... I realize David Berkowitz worked with the USPS. Don't all the crazies? Ut oh... Gotta go... I hear @Howard 's walker coming down the hall. I keep telling him: "Use tennis balls!" It's what businessman bring to the game. Illinois prisons have been littered with businessman turned "politician."
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