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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yeah... But a team won't move anywhere staying mediocre. Teams need talent. 1984 Bills 1989 Cowboys 1997 Colts Want me to go on?
  2. We have one... His name is Chester. He goes by "Chet" and is a total P.I.T.A! Not normal, never sleeps... Super vocal... For the life of me, don't know how he ever found us, namely ME???? Do you have any clue, please tell me!!! His brutha from anutha mutha, Champ, is so chill. WTF! Thanx Baby Jesus for making my life a total test of personal strength. Chet is fluffy... Like the color of a bullseye candy: Champ is white. LoL...
  3. /smh There are 10 million people in the region where I live and all those things that you mentioned are higher here. Why am I living here? LoL... Cost of living is pretty low in WNY. Who lives in a hotel, goes out to eat every night and rents a car? LoL... Seems this is more your speed: Down the hall, make a right, then left: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/219488-are-there-any-debbie-downers-in-your-family/?tab=comments#comment-6090283 Second left:
  4. Anyway... Weren't you the one who wasn't crazy about Trump since the start? Saying that maybe the good of all this (him winning) was that Congress may actually do their job and pull the Executive Branch back from an authoritarian course. Did you change your mind? Are you all in on the authoritarian trend?
  5. Idiot! Get back in there at once and SUE, SUE, SUE! Oh... I mean sell Mortimer, sell, SELL it to the Deplorables Wilson!
  6. Obviously nothing you simpleton... Now go plunge that toilet. LoL... ? Look we have another idiot here. And the judge says its going to be released. Deal with it. DC Tom says: "Stop!" Does the law say the grand jury testimony is to remain secret.
  7. But only 7 students were admitted: https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2019/10/only-7-students-showed-up-to-watch-trump-talk-at-a-historically-black-college-after-he-filled-auditorium-with-allies/ "The best is yet to come" for the African American community..." What, no picture of the crowd? Who's clapping? LMAO...Curious Donald goes to the Moon
  8. The only thing the Republicans want to keep secret is redacted Mueller Report information: "(A)n impeachment trial is an exercise of judicial power," Howell wrote. "Contrary to (the Justice Department's) position -- and as historical practice, the Federalist Papers, the text of the Constitution, and Supreme Court precedent all make clear -- impeachment trials are judicial in nature and constitute judicial proceedings." The House Judiciary Committee had gone to court seeking information in the Mueller report that is redacted because it came from secret grand jury proceedings."
  9. Kids new what was going on. None of them stood up? Yeah, and they will stand up in a boardroom ten years from now. Ban all the kids. They knew what was going on.
  10. What are you a Constitutional scholar now? But let's all take Tom's word for it. He's an idiot I know from the internet. ? But... I guess if we have to trust somebody. Why not the one's with some kind of credentials. It's a start: "Senator Graham's resolution has absolutely no substance," ~Laurence Tribe, Carl M. Loeb University Professor and professor of constitutional law at Harvard.? "I looked at it carefully to see if any of its process complaints made sense historically, legally, or morally. I could find nothing in it worthy of being taken seriously. "And the fact that it focuses entirely on phony objections to a completely fair and traditional process speaks volumes about how little the Republican senators have to say in defense of what the president has done in shaking down a vulnerable ally for his own personal benefit." ~Laurence Tribe, Carl M. Loeb University Professor and professor of constitutional law at Harvard. "And everyone knows that the information being gathered will be public in a matter of weeks anyway, when POTUS and his people will have ample opportunity to rebut." ~Frank Bowman, Floyd R. Gibson Missouri Endowed Professor of Law at the University of Missouri
  11. Do your 8 yo sons' friends run the gamut from macho men to super girlie-girls? They are all just 8 year olds. Relax... Perfectly normal.
  12. Is that same "Russia" as... ??? Oh wait... That's Russia, New York right? LoL... That's by @Gugny, @mead107 & @BringBackFergy right?
  13. Rich folk... LoL... Hope your buddy didn't have to wear "white face." Pretty explosive times now, could come back to haunt (pun intended) him. ?
  14. Was it sad or happy? You seemed to be rejoicing in this day first. Oh... Only that day in 1999.
  15. I don't see that on mobile. I can barely get this emoji to populate in under 360 seconds: ?
  16. LoL Story of my life in so many other ways! The Donger need food!
  17. I know... I saw that and just too damn lazy to correct. LoL... I saw this book sitting on the living room basket: I figure I give it a whirl! Wife's book... I tell my kids all the time: "Your mother's right, she's really up on things." LMAO... Even if she is practicing doing nothing! I try it one time and get busted by Shady! This has been test, only a test. ?
  18. Wow! I love this new proactive wave of feminism. LoL... Watch them file a harassment charge. /smh "Ma'am... I am just trying to do my job, you're giving me impure thoughts and now I need to go to Saturday confession." LoL...
  19. I know. I normally do. It was cut and paste. Forgot to format it back to normal plain next. I was ill. Would you buy that excuse? http://www.toltecspirit.com 4 Agreements, #4: 4. Always Do Your Best Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. Really? Are you being: "That Guy?" ? I was testing all you slobs! See what happens when I spoil everyone! LMAO... They demand more. ???
  20. I just wanna say Happy Birthday... It's all down river from here... Smooth sailing:
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