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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. No. Granted, the left has it's issues... But it's not like the right. The left has a moral compass. And if any did think that way on Left, they probably realized it was wrong... Unlike the Pharisee on the right. Go out and protest vote because your feelings are hurt. Stick to your skewed moral compass thinking it's righteous. Cling to God. Double down on the hypocrisy and righteousness. They are yes men.
  2. Don't tell me. He gave you $$$$$ and asked for advice. What a dumbass! /smh
  3. You think? Couldn't even take in a play. Comparing Trump to Lincoln... LoL... Gotta go... All the Deplorables are coming after me like Kung Fo Fighting. The Board Righties gave me surrounded, but I got this guys!
  4. Hey Donny! Go to the Will Call window... You got two tix to a luxury box @ Capital Center waiting. Take your mistress. ~Signed, w/Love, Sabres Fans (BTW, it only cost me $.20. Ain't Socialism great!)
  5. Someone forgot to clear the hose of hot water before giving him a wash.
  6. Trump Booed with a Chorus of: "Lock Him Up!" Chants https://mobile.twitter.com/JesseYomtov/status/1188623566369165314?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-33846043383894245005.ampproject.net%2F1910161528000%2Fframe.html "So many boos. More than any president ever, probably. Some are saying it’s the most boos ever in the history of time. Winning." "Very many people are saying booing the likes of which the world has never seen. My Generals never heard boos like that, they said “Sir, these boos, I just want you to know, Obama never had this many, Sir.” WHAT? Deplorables can't afford tickets? I don't think so folks! Drain the swamp!
  7. Anybody been to these places? Are they authentic taquerias? If not, then they both suck. Save your $$$$$. Probably both be out of business in 5 years.
  8. Or... Bills have a "Bledsoe Moment." Didn't Drew Bledsoe screw it up. It happens. I get what the OP is saying. Team is keeping good order... Even if it didn't pay off today.
  9. I am glad I didn't go home this weekend! LoL...
  10. Pfffffft... ? I prefer flight locks in a boat: Wouldn't it be cool if these guys could see my talent: CC: @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek @Mike in Horseheads @SlimShady'sGhost ?
  11. Yup. I also hate feeling like a "tourist" in my home stomping grounds... Hate doing the "exiled thing." I am a dead giveaway when I am checking out 36 bottles of Weber's mustard at Top's. I throw the cashier off and use my Brother's phone number. Used to be Bison dip too. But, we can get Helluva here... Just as good. LoL...
  12. My sister was 55 two summers ago.. Don't ask! /smh Always so much drama. ?
  13. I am not sure how it works anymore! LoL... I had a firm handle on it years ago. LoL... I always advocated defer when in actually you couldn't. It's most important to get ball right before 1/2 and 3rd 1/4 kick... That's a potential 16 point swing. In Buffalo, going with the wind in 4th trumps it all! Somebody post a clear and concise way the coin toss works...
  14. If Trump did nothing wrong... Why not testify? https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2019/10/26/20933547/trump-impeachment-inquiry-testimonies-constitutional-immunity Oh yeah... Is above everybody... Never has to answer since he's "immune." Maybe that's why the crook wanted to be POTUS. Gain immunity from all the dirty dealings. They grant... It will just turn the Presidency into the a haven like the Catholic Church was for pedos... Have your people testify. Clear yourself. Gotta go... I hear the Deep State Kooks & Hollywood script writers coming down the hall.
  15. JoshBall! 300+ here we come! Zippin' with zest! Why the Bills drafted him! If we defer... They, The Iggles, get to pick which EZ to defend right? I hope we LOSE the coin toss. Then take wind in fourth! Please correct me if I am wrong.
  16. Huh? I come home, it's cheap. Try getting a ticket on a workman's wage in Chicago... T'ain't happening. It ain't New York ripping you off. It's life choices. It's rather cheap there. That's why love going back. Been to 2 home games, one away... We go back every month or so. Wife is driving back tomorrow for week.
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