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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Buckle up, you ready to go cruisin'? LoL You know what will help infrastructure for the nation as a whole? Revitalized infrastructure spread more equitably? 1. Stop the need to rebuild the infrastructure repeatedly in areas that get Federal funding, aid. You live in the danger zone like flood plains, the coasts, mountain area prone to fire, etc... MOVE. Fix it one time. If it happens again, condemn it, return it to the earth. 2. Stop diverting Congressionally appropriated money, personnel, and resources to other projects. Like TheWall® & the Middle East. Except lock and dam infrastructure in Chicago, all that money can go to wars and walls. LoL...? Some of this means states like Florida have to institute an income tax to discourage people from flocking to the environmental danger zone. That added revenue would go far in making the yearly repairs to the infrastructure things like hurricanes bring. Right now, a lot of those repairs are reliant on Federal aid. By doing so, bringing Fed aid, the Fed has to reach towards Big Ag like Big Sugar, Big Beef, etc... To bring an economic benefit to the rest of the Union. It ain't working... Too many people enticed by cheap taxes keep flocking to the coasts causing the problems to compound. Then the tourists keep on returning justifying the flawed, unsustainable investment by the rest of the nation... While we are all hopped up sugar, getting heart attacks from beef, and over-stimulated @ Disney World. Just look at the two clowns I am carbon copying this post to. ? I am not gonna fall for that Global Warming/Climate Change political football. Humans are causing the damage. Just like the bad farming practices & overpopulation that led to the Dust Bowls. The population walked their way out of that mess... We can surely discourage the masses from settling in the Coastal regions and Mountains that chew up annually so much of our collective resources toward equitable infrastructure appropriation. Oh, and the silly boondoggles too, like walls, wars, & carp (I just had to get that in here, ?). Sorry... Now the legal part, please disregard this part: CC: @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek
  2. What do you call an artsy pumpkin? An avant gourd. Sorry... That's all I got. Carry on.
  3. I have a gag order in force. You want me to go back to prison? /smh
  4. Washless underwear. It's an incredible invention. After 3 weeks, just turn them inside out... You are good to go another 3! Then after that, burn them... They are guaranteed to go up in flames on the first try. Now... Don't anyt of you guys steal my invention. Pat.Pending.
  5. Not fajitas but tacos... Close. Korean-Mex fusion is incredible. http://www.seoultaco.com May I suggest: Kimchi Fried Egg Roasted Sesame Seeds Bulgogi Steak
  6. Just letting you know... You're still a Capitals "Anchor Baby." And... You know what leadership in this country wants to do with Dreamers like you! LoL... But, don't worry, you will always have a home here don't let those bullies scare you! ?
  7. You too!!! So spot on! I know we disagree about the simple things in life like politics, etc... But we totally agree on the important things!
  8. It sure is!!!! I'd be the first! Every plowman knows his lot westside2. Get with the program. Stop white knuckling life.
  9. WHAT part of: "A beautiful wall, a big one that really works, that you can't get over, you can't get under..." Don't you understand Tibs! In my best Trump Uptalk: Pfft... [SIC/Bad Geography] Nevada? The war is in Colorado folks... Get with the program. See the Sharpie® line:
  10. Emergency? Emergency, what emergency? Does this mean I have to cancel my vacay to Sevastopol? No Black Sea spa for me. WTF! Thanks Donald!
  11. Vermont too! My sister's town in N.Vermont east of St.Albans is getting ripped! People displaced I have video too... Of river... But probably can't get it under the site limits. "Turn around don't drown" It only takes an little bit to break the four points of rubber on tires to turn your vehicle into a boat and start floating if vehicle doesn't get snagged. That truck looks like it got swept off the road: Got more pictures... But reaching max on site.
  12. They get a week off but go to Sweden for two games. Anyway, what a Craptacular game. /smh Now that turncoat @SlimShady'sGhost gets to gloat. Oh well... I refuse to cry add in a drained swamp!
  13. He's still throwing off his back foot. ~Board Naysayers. ? What are you? Some kinda wisecracker? I like your style! LoL...
  14. LMAO!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence! Hey buddy... They didn't collapse last year till the first week of December. They were winning the Prez Cup at this time of year last season... Ready to go on 10 game win streak in mid-November.
  15. About 50. My brother's street... Where we all grew up... Celebrates 10/30, Beggars Night. Only street in S.Cheektowaga that does. He got over 300+. They have been celebrating Beggars Night on those two streets since 1967.
  16. Were you in Nashville for the Titans game against Bills. Tread lightly... Look inward. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. Just saying.
  17. Sure... The Blackhawks/Black Hawks... Since 1926. But they suck too...
  18. Yeah... We will send you anywhere you want to go. Hope you like getting there, reassembled, reconstituted as @Gugny . Have fun on your trip Buddy! Hope you like Nissans and "borrowed" smokers... Just don't rage against the machine... Because there's no time to rage, you'll be watching them! Enjoy! No worries...
  19. Argue all you want... But there really hasn't been a breakthrough in making household life "easier" 50+ years. Invented that is. Of course, elaborated on, another story. Too bad she's a toon. Sicko! Or should I say: "Desperate Sicko!" LoL... But I am with you Bro! I smell what you're grilling!
  20. In downtown Iowa City... I believe that's what the warning chains, "feelers" are for before the one bridge near the University.
  21. This is awesome! CC: @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek My two best pals in the whole wide world!
  22. My wife is a year older than me. Kinda the way it should be. Men die earlier. Oh... 18 year olds go off to war. I guess that's old enough.
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