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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Now they are making them wear boutenaires. I guess they never heard of: They ran away...
  2. "Mr. B" collar. Even Grapes appropriated that from the Jazz Age It's Canada. It's an United States birthright to fight tyranny. The conformists ran to the Province of Quebec during the American Revolution. Grapes is right... Put your damn poppy on you bloody Tory!
  3. Don't be. @Gugny lives in an RV. In a van down by the river. The head, sink, and shower are all-in-one. He has a knack at: "Tell all the truth but tell it slant — Success in Circuit lies Too bright for our infirm Delight The Truth's superb surprise As Lightning to the Children eased With explanation kind The Truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind —" And... If you're not up on your 19th century Emily Dickenson, here's the modern Simpson's translation:
  4. No not at all. I keep a few red towels on hand in case there is an major bleed out @ the rancho happy hacienda. Also in my vehicles. It's called an O.C.D first aid kit. Lots of towels and plastic bags too... Never know when you'll need them. Like the time my wife's water broken while at dinner downtown. It protects the upholstery. Maybe I should have called an ambulance... But my son made it to 21 and resale on old car didn't take a nose dive. LoL...
  5. Only way! Most of the time... Plow drivers are just dumbazzes. Just not thinking. I take it as nothing personal when they plow your approach in. It's gotta go somewhere. Or be like the neighbors my sister had... Just drive up and down driveway packing the snow down. /smh FWIW. Do a good job the first time, subsequent shovelings are easier. Do a crappy job, just makes it harder the next time. You wanna just push the snow and toss flick it. Going bumpty bump on old packed snow... Impaling your nads when the shovel stops abruptly sucks. Shoveling ain't as hard as people make it out to be. I don't owner a snow machine. Simply not worth it at my age and the region Iive in. Work smart, not hard... Amazing how many people cut corners and make the work twice as hard for the next time. As the season progresses... Then gets past 12/21 different tactics are used. I don't shovel the same in November and December as I do in late February & March. First off... My driveway faces north. By early March the sun is starting to reach over peak of house and burning it off the driveway higher up. This time of year, clean it well or you are in for misery later.
  6. First world poll. Washcloth for junk and after you hand wash & rinse it off, it's clean again. Unless you leave a big old skid mark... Then bam, in washer... LoL... And boy this is stupid poll. We are dealing with soap and water here. You're cleaning, then cleaning. What the hell you leaving on your soap? A turd? Clean the damn bar with itself. Can anything live on the bar? Now... The real question: Do you step outta the shower to take a piss. It's all going down the same damn drain anyway. And @Mike in Horseheads YOU should be doing, worrying about other things, like stopping this damn snow!
  7. Melted Snowflakes... Lazy and non-industrious. What do people do when they live near trains... Complain that there is a whistle, horn. You learn to block it out. Actually, the sound of a snowblower I'd rather relaxing... Pretty rhythmic. LoL...
  8. It's 10:45pm and someone is snowblowing... But that will happen when a foot of snow is falling. Who's gonna complain?
  9. It's because a snowblower, shoveling, plowing is actually serving a form functional, non-gratuitous purpose. I still here my old man in my head: "Get your azz out there and clear the snow... Before I get a heart attack and ambulance gets stuck in driveway!" LoL... "Dad... I think they will need a sled!"
  10. Sunrise to sunset sounds fair enough. Unless it's a snowblower or leafblower. Leafblower... Can use during twilight since leaves are a finite commodity. They will drop and be done soon enough. Snowblower... Anytime anywhere the snow flies. Do people whine when the plow is coming down the street at all hours creating noise. How the heck you gonna blast through the plow line that the plow leaves behind at 1 in the morning?
  11. I thought you were anti-blow. Pro-suck? Anyway... Blowers just blow their problems, leaves and detritus for other people to handle. FWIW... I use my loud as hell, 20 year old two-stroke to suck. I vacuum and mulch 20:1 and take care of the problem once and for all. Deal with it neighbors... The leafs will be gone soon enough and there will be peace and quiet in the valley... Still the snow flies. I named my leaf blower-vac after the Sponge Bob episode: "Reef Blower" ? Sounds like @plenzmd1 lives around a lot of Squidwards? LoL...
  12. Bingo! Exactly... I totally agree. It's called living in the real world where people work. I work swing shift... I have to open garage door, come and go at various hour... Shovel. I don't have a snowblower because my we don't get enough snow a year... Maybe 40" on average... But I will quietly shovel my neighbors say at 2 in morning. They have snowblowers and will use them when we get bigger storms. They will snowblow my driveway. I keep mixed fuel on hand... Even if I am working nights, who the hell in their right mind will complain if they are snowblowing and someone is sleeping because they work nights! Sounds like @plenzmd1 lives in "Pleasantville." Have an or gasm and start colorizing life. Disturbia sucks. Leafs are a limited, finite commodity. Deal with it, they will be home soon enough... Who cares about the noise. Who wants to be shoveling frozen maple leaves up the impending snow. Even worse huge sycamore leaves. Oaks, I can deal with, thet fall all year. Anyway, can't have them freeze in gutters. People need to get a grip. I hear there are towns out there that ban clotheslines. BTW... I live right in town. People have been dealing with noise since 1896. Just be respectful. Mowing grass is very gratuitous. That's done during daylight hours. Snow removal, leaf tending... Is a necessity just like coming in through your garage door, running/warming up a vehicle, etc... At any hour...
  13. /smh It's meant in the context of the era... Living. Necrophiliacs need not apply. @Mike in Horseheads thanks you for your service and getting this thread back on track!
  14. Viking Shield Maiden: https://www.livescience.com/amp/Viking-shield-maiden-facial-reconstruction.html Step right up Mr. @Gugny... Earn your WAFcard back! Oh, no more stupid egg questions.
  15. Exactly... Because historically, domes are unnatural, football is weather driven. Weather is part of the game. Important aspect of game. Teams shouldn't play in all perfect weather. Teams shouldn't play in all bad weather. Gotta learn to huff it in the heat and wheel it through the snow and slop.
  16. I like when they put a southern team in a northern division. Nice to mix it up with weather. Southern teams play in snow. Northern teams get a break and head south when cold out.
  17. No. They were messing with test taking. Even Teddy Kennedy got kicked out for cheating. Yes... There is a right way and a wrong way. Messing with the testing system is the wrong way and needs to be severely punished. Buying your way in through legacy or donating $$$ for things like a building is still acceptable.
  18. Mods, can you make this public so we can shame the 29 people who don't think Josh is improving.
  19. Then next time keep it under your Stetson. The crazy rant is about how crying doesn't equal classy. It's the exact opposite. But... You just love to go off half cocked. Sorry to trigger you.
  20. Wooo... Get a grip, if you think some chick balling her eyes is indicative of how classy Boston fans are, fine. I don't. Anyway... Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself; (I am large, I contain multitudes.) ~Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself" No. You've just gone simple, as usual. Save the waterworks for the pros Ace. ? Get a grip.
  21. I guess... When it happened, there were two men onboard. At the time they couldn't attempt a rescue by vessel... I assume, engines were underpowered in 1918. Check out the vessels they use to clear the ice from the intakes of the dam culverts today, pretty powerful and I think they have redundant power plants. Anyway, 101 years they rescued the men to the Canadian side by cables and a boatswain's type chair. Reading about it, the men had to spend a night on the shipwrecked scow till they squared away the cables, rescue line. Wow... Pretty crazy rescue!
  22. Yeah... Crying will really help. Keep it real. What are you a chick? That's why Boston fans are special? They cry during crisis? Sure I am NOT saying laugh... But get a grip.
  23. Really???? Or, you can say the worst fans? Get a grip. But... I guess it was a lady. She'd make a terrible first responder... Heck, even a terrible bystander. I get my head knocked off, I don't want people crying. Really gives the wounded some confidence to carry on! I'd ask myself: "Why is she crying? Am I really in that bad of shape." One time, lie to me... Keep a stiff upper lip my dear lady. It wasn't your head. If she is anywhere close to (thank God she is in the stands) victim, no we have another emotional wreck on our hands. /smh Jeesh... But keep it real people. It sells.
  24. What? You passed right by and didn't say hi? Okay... I can take the hint... Sure, rave about the cheap amenities and great looking ladies this area has to offer. Hope you get stuck in Muncie next time... Enjoy the cheap beer! /smh
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