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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. No. Ecclesiastes 5:10-11, judges: "10 Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. 11 As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owners except to feast their eyes on them"
  2. So nice watching hockey with no advertising every where, boards, ice, etc... Goalies kinda sucked years ago. Some don't even Look like they were trying. Not taking anything away from #11 though. Yeah... That just shows you how crooked the NHL has always been. Proof that it was a farce since day one.
  3. Is it guaranteed to prevent this: I guess I have to be against it. Trigger away!
  4. I would agree. Except I haven't flipped. It's not up to me to decide "who needs assistance." I don't hate like that. I consider that none of my business. Fiscally more conservative... But indifferent to money. Easiest thing in the world to make or let go of. That's most certainly NOT the source of my attachment. Money, taxes, etc... Sorry if I believe it shouldn't be your's either. It's the root of all evil. I am pro-Christian... But not over the top whacked out religiously.
  5. Pro-socialist. But, not that extreme. More less a New Dealer. Left of center, off of the strip... Sometimes rocker. Okay most of the times rocker.
  6. I think with self checkouts... It's 4:1. There is still an overseer working 4+ registers... You're just helping them. Yup. And I hear it's very parasitic. You gotta hustle. I respect the hustle. Yet... Once again, wages in this country still lag 8% behind production. That ain't right. Go all self check... People will rip off left and right. In my Hood, they actually tore them out. LMAO...
  7. Do you have enough $$$$$ to keep your brakes up, oil changed and that pesky Check Engine Light off?
  8. You can rent/lease a vehicle from Uber. Even get a phone. From what I hear... The system is even more parasitic than the old cab companies. I'd rather take my chances with a dispatcher like Louie and mechanic named Latka than 3 guys leasing a vehicle and doing zero maintenance. Heck who knows if that "clean" car @KD in CA is jumping into w/his wife and kids even has decent brakes.
  9. As I wave my hand in front of face: "It's all about me!" Yeah... But pollute the world going the private contractor root. The world is your dumpster over your time, & convenience. You'll be dead, you won't see the consequences because Jim "Iggy" Ignatowski isn't driving you with a company cab and placard. Hope you don't get smeared, end up a parapalegic. ?? Don't get me wrong. That's great... But it's the in between to full automation. Then what are we going do when the $$$$ ends up in less and less hands of the individual? Maybe we will be dead. But the end game isn't pretty. We gotta an engineer. Probably degreed... Moonlighting. What's next?
  10. I agree... But let's be real. Yeah... But he made his $$$$. Won't be worrying anytime soon, his kids escaped.
  11. But... You know it's moving to phase labor, drivers, right out of the picture. Just the first salvo to soften people and their wallets up for the coming automation. It's like asking: "Is the game of football better now than 60 years ago?" Sure... It's bigger, faster, stronger. But is it better? Hardly. The game is actually worse, unwatchable. But... You have your extra scratch. Same thing when households moved to two incomes. Nice at first. Now, that everybody is doing it? It's almost mandatory to survive? I see it all as twists on tragedy of commons. Resources dwindle more and more... The game becomes more competitive.
  12. No offense, but that's your problem. It's a deregulated cab industry now. I mean... The OP says he works a job... Now people are saying gig at certain times... Like mid-morning, rush hour, etc... Aren't they part of the rush hour, working during these times. Uber was never intended to turn into a "real" job. I don't get it, people always push things. Wreck the spirit of thingd, or was it planned to do that? Wasn't it intended to pick people up when the driver was doing other things. When did it turn into a dedicated job? There are only so many hours of the day. Then the enviro angle... How is thid better? Wouldn't be better if people were waiting. Burning fuel everywhere, cruising fares.
  13. Why don't you just pick people up on way to and from work, to store, anytime you go out. You know... The way it was invented. When did Uber turn into driving a cab?
  14. No... I am in a good mood. Even if I decided to put a poppy on and somebody told me that I should.... Must... I would take it off. Canada isn't a Lego movie: Maybe it's finally taking 243 years to figure it out. If Canada wants to be the U.S., then denounce that tyrannical clown Cherry. If they want to be "Awesome Canada" then own it. Maybe Canada was built on "always rooting for the local team"... That's NOT how freedom is built... What Cherry is proposing is antithetical to what our soldiers died for. I am not that up on Canadian history, I take it's little more homogenized up there. I am not trying to be coarse here. But fundamentally both nations think differently. I got no problem with Canada forcing it's people, or people in their country to wear poppies. But, again... Own it. Yet, don't call yourself a free nation. This is all rather silly... Except for bully, tyrant Grapes trying to impose his will. Sorry, that dog don't hunt below the border where water doesn't freeze in July and real tobacco grows. LoL... I am over the top now... You did tell me to stop. Canada, just own your lack of freedom and tolerance. This is a nothing burger.
  15. Of course we all are. But I won't be forced to toe the line. We fought a revolution over that. What's so hard to understand? Oh yeah... I was born a rebel... It's my birthright to fight tyranny, not accept tyranny. By choosing to not wear a silly poppy, it doesn't mean one is NOT grateful. If you do think it's ungrateful, then you do what ever your overlords say. We should be grateful... Because many in one country actually had the balls and fought, and died for the concept I just explained above... NOT to run away and conform.
  16. Either are silly poppies. Bye bye Grapes. Honestly... Forcing people to don (pun intended) poppies? I guess it is Canada, they weren't founded on freedom... But founded on boot licking a monarch.
  17. No. Just making a Jags jokes. You're right, he's legendary... But in BFLo... I agree, better served playing at Key Bank. Yet, I take he likes playing outside... Probably get another 10-20k people.
  18. So... Kinda like a Jacksonville Jaguars home game? Do we have tarps?
  19. Where's the option for both: "Whatever the spirit moves you." It changes all the time, I don't keep track of this kinda crap. I mean really folks? Sorry I can't vote. I don't have a correct option.
  20. Wow... You must be a really big shot. Please tell me about it. I guess, it's your life, you can do what you want. Just don't be a stranger. Stop in once in awhile... Maybe bring a bottle of red or white.
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