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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Ha! Don't drink the water! There is something red in it.
  2. Except... If you turn too fast and spill the SuperSized soda being delivered to the carless, lazy fat azz down the street. It's on you. ?
  3. I was never on the GW crap. Not denying it, just I ain't gonna fix a political game by swapping things out for bigger headaches. Once again, the game is bigger, faster, stronger... That doesn't equate to "better."
  4. Those American cars can take a lickin' & keep on tickin'... Until you take your family to Disney World... Then you're stuck on the side of the road in God forsaken Georgia! LoL...
  5. Ask @Seasons1992 he was with me on my last Uber Drive in Nashville. Lady (name held private) from Moldova. LoL... Both of us were gabbing a mile a minute... Season's was in back chilling in awe. She crossed the double yellow line once... Had oncoming traffic give the toot of the angry horn... I brushed it off and continued yapping away! LoL... She did too... Great gal! Someday she'll make enough to go back home. That's her dream.
  6. The footprint on a new car is worse than keeping an old one running. Even an old one with worse gas mileage. Roads are funded/maintained by mpg. Less mpg = better, smoother roads. I think the threshold is in the low 20mpg range. Everybody getting 50mpg, the roads & bridges become crap. My 15mpg vehicle will have to pick up slack... Even though the Prius' are wearing down the infrastructure at same rate.
  7. I am not all worked up. I am being sarcastic. We are always trying to invent a better way which usually in the end turns out worse, puts more burden on the system. All in the name of one's personal convenience. I just find bit hypocritical. You obviously trust the independent contractor more. I don't. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and people gaming the system. You got yours, that's all that matters.
  8. Crap... Just adding my 17 year old daughter to policy is costing me and extra $100/month.
  9. Further south. Chicago Harbor is downtown. I am on Calumet River about 7 miles down river from Calumet Harbor. Calumet Harbor is about 10 miles south of Chicago Harbor on L.Michigan in South Chicago. This is the industrial corridor. Both Chicago River and Calumet River-Sag Channel meet up downriver about 20 miles south and inland. Both locks are similar... Sector-gated controlling works.
  10. Hey! Take your fancy college stuff to another thread.
  11. Al recommends one of this on the days he screws up the forecast: Wow... What a great weatherman!
  12. We are just misunderstood. Got too much free time on our hands. LoL...
  13. Hope a bum didn't throw dirt on your windshield and then force you to pay him to clean it off. ? Illinois bums are industrious! ? But NOT as bad as Illinois Nazis:
  14. Yeah... So many good ones in that one! The Oldsmobiles are in early this year:
  15. Recycling. You're not recycling... You're sorting the garbage in hopes that somebody recycles it. Kinda like: 3. "The cigarette does the smoking, you're just the sucker." A quote from anonymous, this saying is used to convince people to stop smoking or to never start in the first place. However, it just doesn't make sense to say this because if you have a lit cigarette in your mouth and you are inhaling the smoke, you are consciously smoking. Fact: checked. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/ten-common-phrases-sense
  16. You most certainly do! That sure doesn't put you "above reproach." Another lie. The White House can sure use your spin talents.
  17. And drive on parkway! Finally a thread totally dedicated to the story of my life.
  18. Actually... Coffee keeps ants away. So I read, sprinkle away!
  19. I don't touch the crap. Wife is a coffee snob. We use a Bunn. ***** those KCups! Sunday afternoons don't mix well with the ole ticker... Did you quit Sunday afternoons in the Fall??
  20. I don't wanna catch a cold... Just gonna have to deal with my cray cray episodes. Tough choices in life we have to make!
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