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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I would have NEVER asked you to merge the threads! LoL... Just the way I roll. At least we are bookending the two big sides of the media outlets. He he... ?
  2. No way! Okay... Only if Johnson & Johnson "No More Tears" Baby Shampoo is used! Lavender scent... It calms me. ?
  3. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/24/us/82-year-old-bodybuilder-grandma-intruder-trnd/index.html "...As Murphy tells it, she used a barrage of household items to attack the intruder, beginning with her own table. "I took that table and I went to working on him," she said. "And guess what? The table broke." Unphased, Murphy said, she used the metal legs of the table to keep hitting him. After jumping on him a couple times, Murphy ran to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of baby shampoo and squirted it on the man's face as he tried to get up. It didn't end there. Next, she said, she took a broom and whacked him some more..."
  4. Generally, I am a DIYer... But, this is where I will show my laziness. LoL. Best PB&J is when someone else makes it. I have preferences... But happy with anything if another is making it. Just don't pass none of that vegan crap off on me. I need the real deal. Why sould the whole world bend to the peanut allergic. In the animal kingdom the sick & weak are banished, eaten by predators... We humans don't have to be that drastic... But man, don't shut a whole school cafeteria down because a few allergic kids have to be mainstreamed. Today you'd die of malnutrition because they'd ban you from bringing in that PB&J because Billy next to you has a weak inmune system.
  5. For what... Garrett took his helmet off. Of course he's going after him. He ain't on the Sabres. Rudolph should have got nothing, because he did nothing.
  6. Would people act like that today. We are extremely divided both sides. JFK was extremely liberal for his day. Was it out of respect... There was a lot of hatred for his policy. He won a very close election in 1960. Funny... See the reactions people talk about, but think differently today. When did the venom kick in? Vietnam? Loss of decent paying industry jobs for low paying service sector economy? Very interesting to say the least. There had to be much venom out there, he was killed with it. Yet... Everybody said they cried. Is that like saying: "I was at Woodstock?"
  7. That's how we clear the lock gates. They have grates and toe plates. Royal p.i.t.a. to shovel.
  8. I don't thinks kids have it that easy anymore. They probably mandate pre-payment on a card now in college areas. LoL... There are ways to fix this: Just put some weight into it... Get to the gym first:
  9. He died in a cab right? Should have taken Uber or Lyft. Those cabbies don't give a highdy highdy ho. Real Minnie the moochers.
  10. Crap, they'd have a coronary looking at my cellphone bill for 5 phones.
  11. You lost me at marmalade Paddington. Anyway, on the subject of peanut allergies, etc... Take a sane approach, progression feeding young children till they are about 3 years old... LoL... Doesn't mean starve them. We didn't feed our children peanuts, etc... Till well past 3 and we are strong as an ox with immune systems. Not one allergy. We are peasants, live in the dirt. That probably helps? Now... How do I get rid of this nasty rash and shortness of breath I've had the last 49 years? Mom said it would go away.
  12. When do stores open? Yup. But, that's voice call. I hate morning. You think I sound like shi... Here... ??
  13. 10am-9pm. /end_thread Now... Posting on forums... 24/7/366 (2020 is a leap year) LoL...
  14. Part Duece of the rebuttal to your incoherent rants about automation: Amazon ain't moving bulk commodities, like 10,000 tons of sugar or corn. Those shipping times are pretty much set in stone. Of course our aging parts of the infrastructure that need attention in order for efficent shipping. It's multi-intermodal system that's being streamlined. Robotics will exist in places. Still need at least a few humans to run the show... That's what exists now. Outside of bulk commodities, inland water is ancillary. Yet, as the "pipeline" continues to be filled, other goods and services will enter... Already see overflow with containers as the eastern ports fill since opening of New Panama. It's pretty time based, but it's still only taking about 10 days to move 15,000 tons of petrol-chem from Chicago to New Orleans and back. Ain't gonna get much faster even with robots. I don't see Amazon shipping your new 70" OLED TV via water, ever. MAYBE, if anything to warehousing. Even your sour grapes will go by reefer train or truck. So get a grip, your apocalyptic Andrew Yang take on automation ain't happening anytime soon in the bulk commodity biz. Anyway... I gotta get back to moving 9,600 tons of pig iron faster than a herd of turtles with my face hanging out the window.... Damn Sudoku has to wait on this glorious November Saturday morning! Go Amazon!
  15. I am searching your for your anniversary right now. You can't escape my calendar! Ha! The big 15 is coming up in 2021!
  16. Just wait till your anniversary Buddy! We ain't gonna rally around you! ??Oh wait... You'd probably want that. On second thought we're gonna throw a big party! Congrats... Even if Mike is irked at your LAMP. ?
  17. Always seemed like there was never ending ironing back in the day. My grandmother would iron the bed sheets. WTHF! LoL... You do seem like a guy that would bother people. J/K...?
  18. Wow... I gotta look this up! A real "death device" no doubt. LoL...
  19. We set the water levels. Like paving a road. Constitutionally mandated. "Common Highways, forever free of duty or toll." 9 foot channel, harbors (of refuge) are congressionally appropriated. Like the USPS... Who else will do it?
  20. Name brand is best. Choosy Mom's still choose: Followed by: Then that QueerBait: NOT that there is anything wrong with it...
  21. Sure does! I work next to a landfill too Cupcake! LoL... Rub some dirt on in, take a deep, dank breath of that dirty air! You can stay here...
  22. Be prepared to read and weep your ill educated take on automation... Maybe there is a lawyer algorithm... But in the work a day world... Things gotta get moved. Never (reply to your post)! In the last 50 years we actually added a worker. Crews were one person years ago. Now two! S.A.F.T.E.Y. ...Will always need four boots on ground. Good read about shipping, economy, if you care to read the "back story" https://www.wbez.org/shows/curious-city/mystery-boat-alone-and-idle-in-waterlogged-corner-of-chicago/7833e5d2-0936-46c3-b68b-3d3da75acde8 "...Overall, the shipping industry is still relatively active, but the Port of Chicago is not the economic engine it once was. According to a 2011 report, the most recent data available, the Port generates nearly 2,700 jobs, 25 percent less than it did nearly a decade prior. And the jobs the Port creates indirectly have dropped by 22 percent over the same period. Industry-wide, shipping on the Great Lakes faces headwinds, due to the phasing out of coal and a steel industry that has yet to return to its pre-Recession peak. “It’s an industry that will never die. But it will never get better,” Hansen said. “It just gets smaller and smaller and smaller. As we lose our steel. As we lose our cement. As we lose our coal.” Still, marine transport is the most economic way to get cargo from one place to another — far cheaper than trucking and even rail. But a struggling manufacturing sector mixed with low commodity prices, means ships like the C.T.C. No. 1 are left waiting in the wings, stuck in a kind of limbo where they’re too valuable to ditch, but not useful enough to repair. ..."
  23. Welch's Concord Grape & creamy as a kid. Super chunky today Goober grape right out of the jar now. No carbs. LoL.. People with superior immune systems. LoL... How the world has not really changed, the weak and allergic are still calling the strong: "Peasants." /smh
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