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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. LoL... But that's what teams need. Remember Joe Fergus? Except opposite. Work in the winter. Maybe this team is starting to get the right pieces in place. Figuring out timing.
  2. Got me thinking about how "Speed kills." Sorry to sidetrack... But watch how Dallas' #50, Sean Lee misjudges Allen's final burst. WHIFF! Difference between a TD and stopping a few yards short of line. Every stop is a potential goal line stand as a turnover (downs included). Made him look like total chump. I mean, 2-Time Pro Bowler, Lee has good "angle of pursuit", but Speed wins out, Allen gets ahead of the attempted would be tackler. Total whiff!
  3. I am cool with it. Won't hear me crying if things turn south. It's the brash in your face world we live in. Gotta get over it, not be triggered by it. No quarter shall be asked. No quarter shall be given. I can accept this... I just don't want to hear any whining and crying when things get blown back in your face. Suck it up. And everybody that does beg for mercy, should be put down even harder. If we are going to live in a world with no decorum, then live in it. No cherry picking, it's the bed one makes.
  4. Wow... That's like the Bills strip sacking Dak! Uncanny, that girl has Trent Murphy moves! https://mobile.twitter.com/nfl/status/1200208921224343552
  5. Hunters have enough problems among their own: Pack that before thinking twice about taking a dump in the woods during deer season! http://www.ruttwipe.com
  6. Yeah... Uhhh, no. Our founders wanted that dialog as long as nobody is stabbing the obnoxious sister in law with the butter knife. Somewhere Ben Franklin is smiling as long as the political discourse is taken up with a modicum of decorum. That's how it is suppose to work: open dialog over less important things. Consumer products are fleeting.
  7. Me or the Chiefs? Thanks if you mean me. Can always use more balance! Hence, my avatar...
  8. Mahomes over passing. Coming back to earth once the rest of League adjusts.
  9. The "Chefs" really have a great record this year. Good for really the first year. See Dan Marino. Sure great. Won nothing except an early AFC Championship.
  10. Wow!... America is really great! No wonder the world hates us. JEALOUS that is all!
  11. Let's lawyer up too! I still think we need to add Chiari for good measure... Can't have too many personal injury attorneys on your team. No. No divas.
  12. And pluck the ball out of great tightness, he was up to his elbows in there! I am still in awe. I believe this was the part of the play from God's PoV, after he picked it and started raging his way north over the LoS: Look at everybody just frozen in time.
  13. I am coming around to thinking that 300+ yards metric is like shots on goal in hockey. Unless everything is going in and you're killing it... 300 yards is like peppering the goalie with bad shots... Too many shots/attempts, when you should be passing the puck off. Same in football. +300 is unbalanced attack, unless everything is going in... BUT, BY then a lead is bought and you should be running time off clock. How many big games did Marino have but was grossly inefficient and couldn't win big game. Hate to quote Tommy HomoBoy...But he's right: "What you hope all drives end with is a score or a punt. That's it. Then you'll be alright."
  14. Just keep spraying it w/Axe Body Spray... You'll be fine! ?
  15. All perspective. It's the same. You're just old and conservative and adverse to change. Take a look at the old parades and balloons. Downright simple, small and spartan.
  16. Here's a think on all the SNAFUs thru the years since balloons started flying in 1927: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/28/us/macys-thanksgiving-day-parade-balloon-accidents-trnd/index.html
  17. Mildew too. I heard somewhere that's why they don't paint/build houses up there straight white. Lots of off white, grays, etc... To hide the mildew.
  18. Yeah... The lines were, are drawn. My Polish/German last name is purposely pronounced to sound Irish for one fact alone: So my grandfather and his brothers could work on railroad. Once they found out they weren't Irish... The fist fights would ensue. Back then things were handled that way... Then you proved yourself with trust and doing the job, but not before things had to be resolved with fists first. Being simply a different skin color would have closed that employment door immediately, especially in a place like BFLo. I can't imagine how difficult it would be for people of color, non-Euro ethnicity... I get what you are saying... I not trying to disparge my hometown... It's very different here in Illinois in a way... But very much the same, the game is just 1,000 times bigger so the warts are hidden. You gotta figure, the ChicagoLand area is like going from Niagara County to the Pa Line. Years upon years of mixing. BFLo area is very parochial. South Buffalo is the center of that parochial attitude. Parochial is the word. Geography plays a part in how areas start out and grow too. Other factors too historically how an area like BFLo, WNY played out.
  19. Same here! Happy Thanksgivings! See folks... This is how you get along! ^^^^ Children, are you watching?
  20. Crap... We are white and felt really out of place in a South BFLo bar. South BFLo, as does South Chicago leave me with a creepy vibe... But I am Polish heritage... My family worked on railroad... Predominantly Irish workforce hated the Polish. They all picked their tribal corners. If my mother would bring an Italian date home... My grandfather wouldn't say a word. He'd get off his chair... Go to the bedroom and closed the door until they left. My mother inlaw is Italian from Olean. Father inlaw South BFLo Irish... It was HUUGE ta-do when they married in the early 1960s. Hard to believe, right. My MiL could tell you stories of how Olean was segregated between ethnic lines. Too much to get into here... I will just bow gracefully out.
  21. Okay... Test is complete... I am just going to have to jack other's quotes: You gotta reply... Nice sweater Seasons! Sharp!
  22. People cut their losses and go where they a more homogenous, it's all about economics.
  23. It has a lot to do with economics, property values, etc... It's changing now... And in some places like W.Seneca people are steaming mad! So they white flight and move farther out. It's happening (always been) here in Illinois. My house built brand new in 1996 lost $40,000... Because of white flight. Unlike Chicago... Detroit, where the Great Migration from South after the 1920s to the manufacturing jobs of the North put AAs on the South Sides. Buffalo is more geographically isolated and radiates out east. But till this day... South Chicago and South Buffalo, Predominantly Irish have stayed the same segregated way.
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