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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Well, see... There's your problem! Oklahoma ain't a port on a western bay and serves 100 ships a day... You need to move OK to one of the coasts! Move it and the fine Brandy/Brandi's will come! I am here to remind you that your WAFcard is straining under the pressure. Keep it up Mr., objectifying women, your card will be revoked and you'll be hanging with the dogs. You're not dead to me yet, I believe in second chances.
  2. All I gotta say is: @Foxx DEFINITELY has a shot with this one. No need to blow biological steam off in this thread. He's booking a plane ticket to OK right now to help that poor Okie from Muskogee out! ?
  3. As regions go... And who struggles the most to hustle a buck... New England is the biggest rat race on planet... Everybody thinks they are doing the best there... Very Coastal Elite... But when you factor it all in... #1 region where the hustle and struggle is on the most. Pretty though. Very nice. But work at it. Yep... And it's all Blue States. Appearances are just that... Appearances.
  4. There are social mores you know. Why wear any clothes then? She's gotta be Gawd uncomfortable, especially in the heels. You're sorta right. But biology does (defines). Tease an animal, say a lion, with a steak, he treats it like a rag doll. Don't dress up like a steak and parade around the lion cage @ the zoo. Hopefully... Most sane men can control those natural urges & don't act like animals... Or at least cute little freaky penguins! They'll come here & blow off steam, like they actually have a chance at treating her like a slut. Well, that's what you were doing right, creating the thread... You surely don't have a chance with her.
  5. Yeah... It's the only one. Kinda like "Radio" is to "TV." A little more leg work goes into figuring out who I am.
  6. Here were the comments: Unfortunately, not all social media users agreed with her. "Why do women like you wear see thru clothes, then get mad when men treat them likes sluts? I guess you dont [sic]," one person commented.
  7. They say that objectifing is bad, but then do stuff like this. What are they doing it for... To tease themselves? Narcissists? Control? How much more obvious can one be? How can one expect to not objectify? Why the double standard. But, don't let me stop anyone's fun. Bless me Father for I have sinned, my last confession was 20 years ago. I have impure thoughts. Many, many... And I can't get them outta my head.
  8. Yeah... I got no problem if people do it for the love of it... Truly enjoy it, spend away. But, Jonsing is so not in my mindset. We all waste money on crap... But do it for yourself... Not because of others. Jonsing is hard to prove though. And easy to call out.
  9. Yeah... But who am I to tell them how to spend their disposable money... It is a free country.
  10. "What happens in the Southern Hemisphere, stays in the Southern Hemisphere"
  11. Don't quote me on it... Just listening to what a co-worker said. I am under the impression you can upload different courses... All over the world. Like a biking, touring simulator. Of course for bookoo bucks more!
  12. Anyway... Ain't a "peloton" a French biking mob, spandex mafia? Who wants to be a controlled lemming in a peloton? Aren't they like Trump Deplorables? Ooops, my bad. Those things aren't cheap. Like 2-3 grand or more... For an exercise bike with virtual capability to take you high in the Alps. LoL... The Rich get all the cool toys!
  13. Yeah... But she was skinny, fit to begin with... How did it transform her life? Maybe loading the virtual biking through various parts of the world? How does that tramsform your life? People with disposable income and gratuitous avtivity time. ??
  14. I am not even on social media... Knew nothing of it until a co-worker told me. I could have guessed it... The commercial is very weird. I seen commercial and inwas like: "Huh?" What focus group were they using? All coastal elites?
  15. Only thing I have an issue. That's very subjective. I can tell you cases were the A student, worker is totally at a disadvantage... Struggling... Where the C student, lazy, playing video games is successful. Yet... Somethings come easy for some when they finally apply themselves. OR... Maybe, just maybe they were applying themselves all along. The decisions parents make, diverging roads they go down shouldn't be made at those junctures. The old adage: "Get good grades and work hard" is crashing and burning in the 21st Century. People are burning out.
  16. Yeah... Burn my skin, inject monkey frog poison will surely get me from flopping around floor! Like drilling a hole in your head for a headache, during Middle Ages. "Mr.Exiled, do you have a headache... No. No... I am fine thank you!" I guess not so voluntary, but involuntary... Yet, similar: Oh my... "You having a seizure! We are gonna burn you and inject poison in you... That should tell your brain to stop all the shenanigans and send it's valuable resources elsewhere!" Zoom in on hands. Hands are always a dead give away of a female's age. Face too, probably why the profile. They look old. But, yeah... She looks 12. I guess that's cool now. Yuck!
  17. That's never a constant. IMO. For the many out there. But I generally agree. Just not quick to claim those as hard constants. Even loving equally, sometimes may take a hit.
  18. That's nice on paper, but I beg to differ. Something is different... In the equation. Not just the child.
  19. We will show him what diversity is. Probably love it here (as I do)! We, as a country, really contain multitudes. On other hand, I need to ship my daughter to New York. Let the youth, that some of us so gleefully treat as the most important, get a good, very good idea of what's out there past their "internet" and own physical world. Sounds like many (not just children) need a "change of venue" to grasp what's really out there. Where do family resources ($$$) fit in? More the majority, people are simply making too little.
  20. PETA People the most important thing in the world is the ethical treatment of animals. They want to knock on doors and release all the animals. Let me tell you this... Our cat Champ won't last two minutes out there. He's just a scared white cat in a black neighborhood. Now the other cat Chester. He'd hang in the hood swing for a few days before the coyotes got him. /smh... He's annoying like that. ?
  21. Of course he does. I understand that What if he doesn't want to? Do you force him. FWIW... I agree with you. You are doing a great job, more need to be like you.... BUT, you are still number #1 and he knows it, you raised him right. People are just humble enough not to have to ram down their kid's throat. The trust lies in they won't cross you and needlessly rebel. But, there is one thing that always changes the game: addiction. Rosemond would have no problem with you. You rule the roost. Set limits. Etc...
  22. Yeah... It's all smoke and mirrors. LoL... Not saying they are poor. They are loaded beyond my wildest dreams. But... All I am saying... What do these #s really mean besides getting the poor slob fan worked into a lather. ???
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