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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I am calling BS on this one: LoL... These people look happy!
  2. Bingo! Exactly! They ain't going for a walk around South Park Lake Park on Saturday morning. LoL... Yet... Years ago... When Sabres were playing the Filthadelphia Cryers in Playoffs (I think it was the "hole in net series") we were @ Chef's and the whole Flyers team came in off the bus and proceeded to walk thru towards the banquet room.
  3. Yup. Time. I sometimes let my grass grow for a month or more. No biggie. Chem-in' it should be on a regular schedule. Simply I don't live a normal schedule. It would get done... And then applications skipped. Other times, all the time in the world... But you can't double up on missed chems... Just my missed meds! LoL... Lot of times, dude is out there while I am sleeping. He leaves bill in mailbox... I send check for 30 smackers. I do keep it in ride for breakdowns on road. Great handsfree changing tire in dark.
  4. I work a rotating shift every week. I don't think the neighbors would like me fertilizing and mowing the lawn at 2 in da morning. I do have a head lamp.
  5. Speak for yourself! LoL... I get a chem guy only because I can't stay on a consistent schedule. And that spreader is buried in my garage. LoL... Who the heck has time to dig it out. Anyway... It's only $30/application and they do 4 or 5 a year.
  6. Napalm, mix in a little Agent Orange. Call me in three weeks of the rash doesn't go away.
  7. You responded to me. You could have easily ignored it. Don't escalate, it won't get shut down. The burden is on you.
  8. Hey! I am watching that show on CNN right now. This ain't no rerun! LMAO...
  9. I II III IV V VI VII VII So on and so on adding to it w/ I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1,000 No cheatsheets needed. But if one is needed:
  10. Nice... I will fly in/out there to avoid Logan. Sister up in Vermont. Sister in laws in Massaholachussetts... LoL... Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  11. Only thing that concerns me... Why the leash on treadmill? Ain't that a hazard, unsafe... What if it gets caught. A dog, even the GOAT can't push the emergency shut off. Maybe I am hypersensitive working around heavy machinery, lock out/tag outs, etc... Cool story... Just jumped out immediately at me. Signed, Safe Button Pusher
  12. Fascist! ? That's what a Band-Aid® or electrical tape is for. You can also set app permissions. But nothing beats the piece of tape.
  13. What if you catch your own punt? Is that like a forward pass? 15 yards is almost always a 1st Down?
  14. Sports teams... Regions are okay. I never got the political message thing. Should leave your ride ambiguous politically. I get searched entering Canada, for weapons, because truck looks like a Trump supporter. Sorry... These are tights I am wearing and just two pairs of skis under the tonneau cover. Oh well...
  15. You tell him! No Apple watch. Those are for the younger Gen Xers like the Houston Asterisks. ?But, UnderArmour tights and shorts in winter. As one gets older, the hippy man bun gets replaced by the skullet... BUT... Never sport a comb-over... THAT'S for the vanity laden people of the world that can't age gracefully.
  16. "It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas." No thanks. I am with @Gugny: That will get me from point A to B just fine.
  17. Oh oh... Mr.Kotter! Lester Holt! LMAO...
  18. What? You invent the ditto machine. Love the smell of a fresh ditto copy?
  19. Who? Where? Is @Gugny?? In the Boston, Houston & Queens War Rooms? Or sitting catatonic in front of ESPN? They are called: Jimmies. jim·mies /ˈjimēz/ Learn to pronounce noun US tiny sugar beads or rods used for decorating ice cream and other desserts. https://spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/jimmies-vs-sprinkles-is-there-a-difference
  20. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Happy Birthday!
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