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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. "...Marvin Gaye’s brother, Frankie, who lived next door, and who held the legendary singer during his final minutes, later wrote in his memoir that Marvin Gaye’s final, disturbing statement was, “I got what I wanted….I couldn’t do it myself, so I made him do it.” Don't trust Wiki... @BringBackFergy will be mad: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/marvin-gaye-is-shot-and-killed-by-his-own-father
  2. He was shaking down his Old Man... Old Man didn't play. So in honor of Marvin. The times change but stay the same:
  3. A reed. A reed is a weak & impressionable person. #HelpReed
  4. reed /rēd/ noun 1. a tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family, which grows in water or on marshy ground. 2. a weak or impressionable person. "the jurors were mere reeds in the wind"
  5. It was: Mrs. Peacock in the Observatory w/the candlestick.
  6. She popped out a kidlet @ 18... AND the kidlet reciprocated @ 16. Geeze... Couldn't even get them both to 18. LoL... Let's just call them both 17. And I am using best numbers possible, who knows how old the grandkidlet is!
  7. I totally agree... Of course Stevie is blind! I was gonna tell some Steve Wonder jokes, you can look them up, I don't wanna be like @Gugny... And the others that voted no... They won't believe them. /smh... Okay... Twisted my arm... One from the internet: "At a celebrity party, Stevie Wonder meets golf champ Tiger Woods and mentions that he, too, is an excellent golfer. Tiger is a bit skeptical that the blind musician can play golf well, but he's too polite to say anything. "When I tee off, " the singer explains, "I have a guy call to me from the green. My sharp sense of hearing lets me aim." Tiger is impressed, and Stevie suggests that they play a round. When Tiger agrees, Stevie asks, "How about if we play for $10,000 a hole?" Tiger insists he couldn't possibly play him for money because of his sight handicap. But Stevie argues and badgers Tiger until Tiger finally relents Stevie says, "You pick the place and I'll pick the time?" Tiger says, "Fine. Pebble Beach" Stevie replies, "Midnight!""
  8. The OP is able to catch them = Free. Free food is always good, living off the land/water is good too.
  9. I highly recommend the movie: Avalon (1990). Great movie! Great scene...
  10. Exact opposite with my dad. His personal space was Old World (my grandmother born in Poland)... Like 2" away. Freak people out! LoL... God love him. But man, I can see him getting arrested if he was a young man today... Especially complaints by uptight chicks, that's a given.
  11. Too funny... But seriously, there has to be a point where they stop selling FastPass, right... They can't sell too many. So, when they reach that point, lines gotta kinda of even out. That should be the goal of everyone entering the park... To buy a FastPass ad on. Max them out... Then everybody is miserable! Anarchy at the Amusement Park!
  12. My parents and grandparents... Grandparents never had driver licenses... They'd take the Canadiana on over:
  13. They get everyone through gate paying all you can ride admission... They don't care if you go on ride, it rains, closed because of lightning. They got their $$$$ up front. That can be pooled into better services. Oh... And don't dare bring your food in because that could lead to domestic terrorism... LoL... Concessions = the real money maker! Business model sound familar. Take the good with the bad... We got awesome cathedrals called: Theme Parks. And... I suck at economics. LoL... [DISCLAIMER: I am not saying modern parks are bad... They are actually quite awesome, best ever. It's just gratuitous, we should put the effort where the "rides" can actually help people!]
  14. Modern parks are a very hybrid-socialist economic concept. LoL... Why anybody goes during season is beyond me! Even with FastPass... Still standing in line. Go on a cloudy, cold day. LoL...
  15. Yup... But when they max out the daily allotments....You're still standing in line with the smelly masses. Sucks if you pick a slow day... They got your extra $$$$. I guess it's like taking the rental car company's insurance rather than using yours. Great if if you get in wreck. POOF! If you don't. It's because you paid as you went. Tickets for ride. Notice that model would change in late 1970s. Parks were also dumpy back then. We'd bring a cooler and drag it. Try THAT today. They want you buying their food. Darien, you can pack your own lunch... But stay in parking lot, old shelters next to the row of dumpsters.
  16. That's the whole point to the business model since moving from the pay as you ride ticket, to the one price admission. Notice that modern amusement parks are awesome. They can pool the money. Back, years ago... Not much could go into new, bigger, better, rides... Better tech. Look at this way. How healthcare should be. Just go on off day... Or plan, schedule early. Not... To go sideways here... But this discussion can get really deep. They got your admission... They don't care if you stand in line. They are maxed out, just the way they want it. Then throw a economic wrinkle with "FastPass" concept... Pay more, cut in line... But everybody can't pay more or we are in same long line boat! /smh... So... The Parks can only allow so many "Elites" with FastPass...
  17. The Seals (Oakland, then "California") were in that sticker book with the Scouts (Devils) & Caps. The books I remember were the expansion season of 1974-1975. Sabres Cup Final year ('75)! Wish I could find one, mom probably tossed them! Seals became Cleveland Barons in 1976, then merged w/Northstars....
  18. We had so many of those completed NHL sticker books... Uncles worked in the Loblaw's warehouse... My mother worked in the admin offices. Get us all the stickers we wanted. They probably all ended up in the garbage. Should check to see if one is laying around. Probably worth something... Was the year Capitals came into League with the Kansas City Scouts. /smh...
  19. Ahhhhh... The good old days, when people weren't in freak out mode and sickness had clear vectors! Speaking of puke. My wife still talks about the time we were entering the flume at Cedar Point... Some other guy: "Oh Miss, oh Miss... Don't enter that boat, there is "sickness" in it!" LoL... She reveled in his politeness the way he handled it. I guess there is hope for us Americans. He was probably from overseas. LoL... Couldn't have been an Ohioan. I know @Cripple Creek, he was no Cripple Creek... LoL... Oh... Just kidding. CC is very polite, for an Ohioan.
  20. Was that the same Hunt family of the Chiefs! The ones that crashed the Ag Market? I never made the distinction! Oh... Somewhere your cheap uncle is proud! ? ? J/K
  21. Thanks... Gonna ask around... My siblings. I remember Giant (Yellow Coaster):
  22. Wow! Such an awesome thread! A&P! Flash from the past! We'd shop there too. One on Walden in Cheektowaga, across from where Galleria is today. Remember the Eight O'Clock coffee grinders at the registers? Check out lady would grind the coffees you wanted. I think it was Eight O'Clock? I was little and had my hand slapped by the cashier. I was ***** -ing around, putting my hands near the grinder... She whalloped me, then my mom whalloped me. I deserved it! Still got 10 fingers 47 years later! Thanks Guys! LoL...
  23. Same here @Buffalo_Gal... I just asked my wife, she has no recollection either....They went every year too with her father's work picnic. (We) Don't recall the Bullet. Slightly off topic... But on subject of free tix. That's how we got all our BFLo Braves tix. Remember Dairylea milk? We'd have to cut the cartons and redeem. For the Oranges, but we'd move down to Blues @ The Aud. Where I first acquired vertigo!
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