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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Are they free and can you use then multiple times before they find their final resting place? What's footprint to make, produce... Some cesspool in China?
  2. And when you buy those bags... Do more harm because the plastic will be thicker that ends up in the environment. And of course, used only once.
  3. It's stupid... Enviro do gooders doing more harm. As usual, the road to hell is paved with good intentions: It will hurt the environment even more: https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2019/04/09/711181385/are-plastic-bag-bans-garbage My 84 year old MiL is fit to be tied... She never bought garbage bags in her life... Always reuses, repurposes... She throws out her garbage daily in one bag. Most people will now by thicker bags, worse for the environment... All because a few slobs can't take care of their mess and do gooder enviros think they gotta be helicopter parents with the earth... I save them too... I will just bring her a year's supply. There is a person who uses them to make sleeping mats for the homeless... The ban is squeezing them out: https://www.1millionwomen.com.au/blog/diy-crochet-plastic-bags-sleeping-mats-homeless/ Like everything w/Greens... It's a $$$$ grab that backfires and causes more damage.
  4. Nice! LoL... See, we can find happy accord!
  5. Konami Code... Is that like KonMari method? Oh wait... Nevermind, I think I got my Japanese "kons" mixed up. Carry on...
  6. That's who I first thought of... ...Oh, children, if you're watching... DON'T get old, you'll regret it:
  7. What the hell is a stone... In 'Merica! We pass those through the kidneys. I thought we were already on the English system... Now they pull this crapola... /smh... And don't make me Google the stone conversion... Thanks... Just reading back. She looks heavier than +112 pounds in her after pic...
  8. How can he have shot himself when he swore he didn't have a gun? Somebody give him one... And if that's the case... Is it murder if you give a suicidal person a gun?
  9. I thought it more of a "Ladle handle." ??? We took our honeymoon in Seattle, June of 1994... Had two full days of crystal clear Mt. Rainier days... Friends we were with there said that was unusal. Then moved on to Victoria, BC... Which is out of that convergence zone... Victoria, absolutely gorgeous... Then through the heart of BC on to Alberta, Jasper, Banff... Then back through the arid part of WaState... Via Yakima... To Seattle-Tacoma. Don't think it rained once the whole two weeks.
  10. Oh... You're a "mere pratt of a lad" alright! Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, that's rubbish! J/K... Cheerio, Good-Bye, Toodle-oo, Hip Hip! ?
  11. But that's not a sustainable business model in today's world. People "need", fresh, bigger, more exciting... Theme rides, etc... There is only one way to keep up with maintenance and people's attention. Move to the model which Disney started. *This doesn't mean I agree with this. It is what it is. Amusement parks need a constant infusion of cash, capital to keep them going, maintained, upgraded... Etc... Or they get stale. You want to pack food, go walk in a town park or head to beach.
  12. Nice!!!!! Always good to let people know your intentions. We raised you well! Have a wonderful time... Thanks for letting us know where you are young lady....YOU know, so we don't worry about you. Just like going on a hike... We'll send out the Snow Patrol (in this case, Beach Patrol) if we don't hear from you after the 29th.
  13. My sister's were with our mom in 1999. My father was alone in 2019. My brother had just left hospital. I never really asked my sisters.
  14. Yet... They (lawyers) will tear apart land like Philmont, New Mexico... Florida Sea Base and sell to the highest bidder, developer. Thank God... They just remortgaged Philmont to high heavens. I was reading about the Houston Council... There are some real prime land there. 13,000 wrong... 10s of Millions went through without even a hint of impropriety. Once again... America has this backwards. Not saying, don't help the aggrieved... Boy Scout model is dead, doing things for free... It's the business model of the Girl Scouts that won out: $$$$ Destroyed by the pedos infiltrating the ranks.
  15. Hmmmm,.very interesting! I use this excuse all the time and nobody helps me. I must be doing something wrong. You met me, what am I doing wrong? I am a very likable and nice guy. Something is wrong here, very, very wrong!
  16. *Considering if she's homeless... Hopefully, it makes: @BringBackFergy , feel like a bigger heel than he already is with her. But... He's coming around to accept what part she plays in Small Town, U.S.A. Hopefully, the enlightened ones in this thread, like others and myself, have shown Mr.Ferguson, Esq. the "light." Gotta hand it to him... First step to resolving a personal flaw is to seek help and admit to that flaw, and that this thread does achieve! *[Thank You Fergy, that will another billable 1 hour of my services. I will take my fee for service at the end of each month].
  17. Worker production is about 8% higher than stagnant wages at this current time in the US. @BringBackFergy gets 50% more worker production. @Gugny gets 90% over his slave wages and he as a "leader of people" still doesn't think that is good enough! Fergy is coming around, hid secretarial staff production is lower than Head Junta Gug, but he can live with the 50% higher production over the pittance he offers. Oh... Those two will think they can take these shoutouts and run roughshod over me... But, no sirree! Even as a gov't worker my wages are still lower than my output... Hard to believe and crazy, right... #TheTruthHurtz #BeKind2Vagrants #GovtWorkersCleanUpPrivateIndustriesMesses #FreeTheCarp
  18. "Doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo The police in New York CityThey chased a boy right through the parkAnd in a case of mistaken identityThe put a bullet through his heart..." MAYBE brother Frankie was there in 4 minutes? Maybe the shot wasn't totally taken to the heart... I guess @Gugny lives in a land of absolutes where everyone who is shot in the heart, dies instantly. Liver... Internal gut wounds aren't absolute... Actually, kinda slow. https://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=554838 "The brain has about 4 minutes of oxygen, so no, a heart shot isn't instant death*. In fact, depending where the heart is injured, it's remotely possible to survive. That would only be if sophicated medical care was immediately at hand. *I have sad personal knowledge of this. My grandfather shot himself in the heart. I was the first to reach him. He was able to say my name before he died." Glad Sir Absolute Gugny lives in a land where everything fits his rhetoric.
  19. LoL... Fair enough... You're calling Marvin's brother, Frankie, a liar. Just come out and say it.
  20. We all thank you for NOT being a doctor. Stick to being a leader of undervalued labor. Where do you come up with these absolutes? But... I gotta admit... You're good at the rhetoric.
  21. It is so wonderful to finally see Fergy come around and realize the value that interacting with others can bring. Pushing boilerplate documents around all day can get pretty stressful and tiring... And very boring. Glad he didn't use one of his cease and desist letters on that poor sweet lady. I bet she tells wonderful stories... I like people like that. Real talkers in an otherwise unoriginal existence.
  22. LMAO... Wait, you just can't be happy for us unsong "stewards of cleanliness"... I am happy for you and that old fella friend of yours. #BeHappyForYourLocalOperatorWhileTheyCleanTheEnviroment Beat THAT hashtag!!! I feel bad for Amazon and Dunkin... Wow!
  23. Slow march to full automation. @BringBackFergy and @Cripple Creek They gotta get it some where... Even if it means ***** -ing a machine. They can get it in their self-driving car while operating the algorithm controlling their trust and will... No secretarial staff needed to chit chat with the general public. Total automation or bust! Just humor me and tell me those awesome Canadian bacon breakfast sandwiches and tenderloin BBQ @ tailgates are made by a human hand! I will look the other way with their freaky side! ?
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