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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Because people get DTs without their daily booze.
  2. Can I take a peek and see where Mama hides the cookies!
  3. Every see the ducks at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis? Quite a spectacle every day and night!
  4. Been there, done that. By the time he got to fabricating rubber band machine guns, it became really dicey! JC son... Do you have to leave your loaded weapons all over the floor! How many times have I told you... Unchamber the ***** -ers!
  5. Not what I was looking for but interesting. Same year the Pandemic Response Team was fired: Epidemics Going Viral: Innovation vs. Nature In April 2018, a group of renowned researchers, clinicians, public health officials, and others with first-hand experience dealing with epidemics explored the complex challenges of global health emergencies, as well as potential solutions. Watch the video: https://interactives.nejm.org/iv/playlist/index.html?media_id=siCcYW3U&pcs=sidebar
  6. Not sure if this was posted. Town of Cheektowaga declares it too... Within Erie County.. https://www.wivb.com/news/local-news/erie-county/cheektowaga/town-of-cheektowaga-declares-state-of-emergency/ I read April 2018... But.11/17 is close. EDIT: 11/17/19... Ooops... Gonna try and find link where I read similar sickness in 2018...
  7. Juggernaut? It's like miles long and almost flat! At Steamboat, I took my snowplowing daughter all the down from summit... On the snowmobile switchbacks... But she already had lessons at Squaw Valley the year prior. There is always an easy way down. And it ain't in the "ride of shame" sled... EDIT: Oh wow... Killington killed, closed off Juggernaut in 2018. Just looked it up.
  8. Gee... Great... Now we are pinned for spreading Wuhan Fever. LoL... Boy, can't catch a break. I go anywhere, I am lying... Saying I am from Toledo.
  9. Well there's the problem... Not supposed to be drinking a can of Sprite and biking. That's Sprite abuse! Skiing, just stick to the gentle groomers, cruise a little... Go in, then cruise a little more, then go in for a little longer. .
  10. "Let's keep the kids guessing and getting dressed every morning." Was... The sadistic superintendent's snow closing policy at W.Seneca Schools in the 1970s. Old Erie County culture is hard to die. Beer Goggles!!!!
  11. They had filters back then too. And photographers who knew how to e ork advantageous angles and fical lengths. I look like David Hasslehoff from beyond 70mm and my head turned 120°. LoL... YOU still don't want to wake up next to me! Look at the eyes on the football team... War Horse alright!
  12. The Wuhan is NOT for the children! (Only old are dropping... Well sort of. A 19 year old tested positive here, first outside Cook county AND no COVID-19 connection thru people. So... It's out in the wild?) What happens in summer?
  13. Good luck... Do the best you can. Illinois will shut down completely... All schools by governor proclamation.
  14. Illinois shut down: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/illinois-shuts-down-all-schools-in-the-state-because-of-coronavirus
  15. Jesus Christ... I was eating lunch... Give me a hint? Answer: "Does she like orange guys?"
  16. Family Friendly Sick and Medical Leave. After 30 years, I have +2,000 hours sick leave on books, that's over a year's payroll. Nice insurance policy. Of course my wages have been lower all career... And being essential, they always need one body to replace on my watch... Will have to fill with overtime. Higher wages or higher benefits. The truly blessed get both. Two good employers. Me the DoD Army, my wife the Village. Both family driven...
  17. Yeah... That's a big problem! Good luck. For 20 years, we were two ships passing in night... My wife works 9-5... I swing shift. Somehow it worked with closest family 500 miles away. Leaned on nobody. But, our employers are fair. Wife at library has her staff off... They will find a way to pay them.
  18. No shi.. Sherlock. ? Yeah... The average Joe Smucmatelly has the disposable income to invest instead of feeding his family. Hope he's with an outfit that pays while he's off work.
  19. Shut down here. Wife at library followed school district... Shut it down, disinfection on Sunday. AND WE wonder why The Market crashed 10% yesterday. Coronavirus is a financial crisis. It affects production.
  20. I don't think they let you run businesses from prison. LoL... Laundry and stamping license plates will keep him busy enough...
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