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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Classic example of "type cast." I guess the mustache didn't help that much as an LA cop. RIP.
  2. 2002 birth year. My daughter. Conceived pre-911. Born post-911. Now that class of 2020... doesn't get to walk as high school grads. No prom. Virtual graduation. It does really suck. For now... College is on hold. Who knows what will be.
  3. I heard this on The Coffeehouse: Ha... the Quarantine Song. Anybody post it yet. Who's ready for a good tear-jerker??
  4. You sure? My calendar says May and the Michigan Miltias are throwing a: "Terrible Two's Party." Nothing spells "Summer", apple ? pie and Chevrolet than that. I think you're hoaxing me!
  5. Would you say the "Silent Generation" has PTSD too. I would say yes! Yet. The Great Depression, living through it at a young age allowed the trauma of the eventd to channel the PTSD in positive ways... MORE positive ways. Just like now. The ability to save money and hunker down away from the trappings of rampant consumerism. My inlaws are a classic example. NOT missing a beat during these lockdowns. Same here. Its how I was raised. So... Basically, what I am saying... Channel the so-called "negatives" into positive. Everything in life can be PTSD.
  6. Or make people tougher: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8256573/Why-crisis-making-Snowflake-Generation.html (I know it's the Daily Mail... look past it.) Look what the Great Depression did for a generation
  7. The Tralf. Spin on Tralfamadore and The Ralph, Café in BFLo. Kurt Vonnegut (Slaughterhouse-Five): How much more BFLo fans can you get? "Tralfamadorians have the ability to experience reality in four dimensions; meaning, roughly, that they have total access to past, present, and future; they are able to perceive any point in time at will. Able to see along the timeline of the universe, they know the exact time and place of its accidental annihilation as the result of a Tralfamadorian experiment, but are powerless to prevent it. Because they believe that when a being dies, it continues to live in other times and places, their response to death is, "So it goes." They are placid in their fatalism, and patiently explain their philosophy to Pilgrim during the interval he spends caged in a Tralfamadorian zoo. Eventually Pilgrim adopts their attitude and is returned to Earth."
  8. Here is a cardinal nest in our front arborvite last year:
  9. Totally agree. Yet... @Gugny is willing. Something is terribly wrong here w/a guy known to wheel a way smokers under the cover of night to save a penny or two. LoL..
  10. Robin Family always sets up in our pine tree this time of year. Also, put out the oranges and the orioles come by this time of year: (I have to compress these pictures down drastically to get under the 200KB site limit)
  11. Hey! Where did you get that! If you got that in the Jets thread, my royalty ✔ better be in the mail ?! ?
  12. They also are fans that do not hold a plurality in any U.S. county... Including their traditional home burough/county of Queens. Truly sad. But that doesn't matter there is only one New York State team that plays in New York. The Jets simply don't exist. Probably why they have an inferiority, little man complex.
  13. The Bills would have been relegated years ago and never got out of relegation hell. The death of football in Buffalo.
  14. A single elimination NHL tourney... You'd see the most intense games ever in sports.
  15. And every team is invited. Including the Sabres. Be amazing ? if the won it all. LoL...
  16. One of Johnny's party's... I had to do a little fact checking: Claim: "Sixteen girls were impregnated after a boy ***** in a swimming pool." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/girls-impregnated-swimming-in-pool/ Unfortunately, that's NOT true. Bummer. Enjoy your Italian sausages!
  17. Pass me a cold Corona! NOT on your life till a vax. But Bills fans do have great immune systems. The herd helps!
  18. Patties. Big Roz: http://places.singleplatform.com/rozs-pizzeria/menu It's a hot "Royal Sub" w/Italian sausage patties... Can't find an exact pic. Just put hot Eye-talian sausage patties on this:
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