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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Agree. I don't know how everybody was raised... But... I was always taught: "Make it easier for the next guy." Why not help out? Aldi charges 25 cents so they don't have to pay someone. That ain't right. Really? Cheap food for my fat azz is more important than keeping people working. Sorry. Charge me more. I will still help the kid out. Make their job easier. OH. Sorry. My posting style is a work in progress. ? ?.
  2. Historically they used to have an arrow on helmet and an R with feathers for a short spell. They were in PC crisis even before it was PC???
  3. We call them beanbags. Cornhole sounds dirty. LoL... ? ? It was even AutoCorrected with: Console.
  4. Non-Diversity. What's 180° the other way? And... The answer is NOT "diversity." The answer is: "The shoe is just on the other foot." Trust me. I live it.
  5. 1971: For the slam dunk... "Dah, dah, dah, dah Rockets, moon shots Spend it on the have nots Money, we make it 'Fore we see it you take it Oh, make you wanna holler The way they do my life Make me wanna holler The way they do my life This ain't livin', this ain't livin' No, no baby, this ain't livin' No, no, no Inflation no chance To increase finance Bills pile up sky high Send that boy off to die Make me wanna holler The way they do my life Make me wanna holler The way they do my life Dah, dah, dah Dah, dah, dah Hang ups, let downs Bad breaks, set backs Natural fact is I can't pay my taxes Oh, make me wanna holler And throw up both my hands Yeah, it makes me wanna holler…" 50 ***** -ing years ago. 50! Still haven't learned.
  6. /smh A Brownie is Scottish/English for an elflike character:
  7. I am blabber mouth. LoL... And it wasn't exactly buried. I wear the badge proud.
  8. Sure. But the very nature of the thread is. We are all supposed to say things that aren't true? But... I will honor the Suzy Sunshine thread. There is a lot going on. I will hide my head in sand here.
  9. You forgot: ?? ?? They are NOT laughing with us but laughing AT us. Two sides of pride. One is a sin, other a virtue. Hopefully the virtue gets us through! Stay humble my fellow Americans! Our humility needs to shine through.
  10. And to think. Probably built for about 10 grand new.
  11. I have to make a correction. At Aldi, I leave the 25 cents on the parking lot, so they have to pay an employee to go get it. At least I am kicking in... If I ever do shop at Aldi. LoL... The name brand stuff is on par with other stores. It's just their store brand that is cheap.
  12. You are most likely NOT gonna pick it up from objects according to the CDC current findings. Unless someone coughed all over it seconds earlier, the virus is weakening outside a human body. I think they are figuring this out now. It's being spread people to people. You'd get it in your digestive tract first than upper respiratory. I am not nearly as OCD as I was when we just didn't know. I probably wouldn't have complained, but agree with your other stuff.
  13. It's my Saturday. Tomorrow Sunday. Then I work 0600-1800 on 7/5... Which is my "Monday."
  14. I always wanted to invent pop down skis for carts in Northern climates. Would work right? Turn your cart into a sled. Like the mechanism on those ladders in stores. I am such a blabber mouth. Now someone will make a zillion bucks in Buffalo and they can quit plowing parking lots.
  15. Anybody post this? The relationship between air conditioning and The 'Rona: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0764_article Read the A/C study. We are a first world country. Lots of air conditioning.
  16. I pick up garbage too. Even post-COVID. I use the "Disney Swoop"... Hardly know what I am up too... ? ?
  17. Even if you tear it down... what are you building on that plot?
  18. One can ask for help. Unless they are shopping the scab stores. Do places like Walmart help load? Those are places where the shoppers are pumping out the babies. We always park far away. Doesn't matter.
  19. Then push it to a curb and put two front wheels up on other side of curb if be people think they are sugar and melt in the rain by not going to the corral or taking it back to front of store. I do it so others don't have to work as hard. Pay it forward. If it's a downpour, you're wet already. Can't get much wetter...
  20. I take them right back to the door and grab any extra I see. Every time. Every place. People are lazy...
  21. LoL... I know. Just busting your... @Gugny Master of the "Turnbuckle LAMP." Somehow I got caught lamping. LMAO. ? ?
  22. Who's the horse's ovary that bumped this abortion. Let me guess. LoL...
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