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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Maybe... But bicycles should have lights. YET... I hit a deer like that 2 years ago just past sunset. A vehicle slowed down... They obviously saw something, which I didn't process... I thought they were stopping at a house. I wasn't going fast, but I didn't creep around... Maybe 10 to 15mph... 💥 deer ran right into driver's side front, deer turned around ran back and collapses dead on lawn. $7,000 damage to truck. Point is, didn't even see what happened... I learned my lesson, don't second guess the driver ahead of you, they see things drivers behind don't. Never in a million years did I have deer on my mind. It was the Friday before the Bills playoff loss to Cincy @ home. I wish the deer had lights! Oh... I wasn't drunk. Totally sober. NOT distracted either If that deer was a bicycle(s) I would never lived it down. Thank God it was 20°F & January!
  2. If he had 3 rights, it would definitely solve @Augie 's problem of making a left!
  3. It happened about 40 minutes after sunset. Did the bikes have lights??
  4. Wow! So sad... RIP... Here's the breakdown. The guy was gonna pass left in the oncoming lane, but vehicle ahead of him moved left to avoid bikes... The jerk then went right and plowed into the bikes. There's gotta be a special place in hell for jerks like this guy! "John Gaudreau, 31, and Matthew Gaudreau, 29, were riding their bikes north on County Route 551 in Oldmans Township on Thursday at 8:19 p.m. At the same time, Sean Higgins, 43, of Woodstown, New Jersey, was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee north on County Route 551, according to investigators. Higgins tried to pass two vehicles ahead of him and entered the southbound lanes, police said. An SUV in front of Higgins moved to the middle of the roadway, splitting the north and south lanes in order to safely pass the Gaudreau brothers as they rode they their bikes on the right side of the road, according to investigators." 😔😟
  5. Probably hysterical! Funnier if it was "3 on the tree." When my father met my mother, he had a '55 Chevy. He always pulled through, never reversed... Getting it in reverse meant climbing under the car and finding the scrambled up linkage he never fixed permanently. 😆 Mom definitely married down!
  6. Grrr... Sigh... Big Bed & Big Admirals with their own housekeeping staff are behind this! cc: @Mike in Horseheads
  7. Don't make your bed! Here's why: https://www.today.com/home/scientists-keep-mites-away-leave-your-bed-unmade-every-day-t43496 "...Those who are terrified of creepy crawlies may want to stop reading now. Here's why: Leaving the bed unmade, according to scientists who spoke with the BBC, allows the million or so dust mites who share the sack with you every night to die off. This should come as a bit of a relief to people who don't make like their bed, much like — according to his wife, Christina Geist — our very own Willie Geist. ..."
  8. Sarsparilla I thought was root beer, specifically birch beer? Vernor's is pre-Prohibition ginger ale. My grandmother loved that stuff. I can't taste it today and not flash back to my grandmother's apartment! Pale dry ginger ale (pre-Prohibition too) mixes better.
  9. Bunch of yellowbellies! I only drink Sarsaparilla!
  10. Or... Checkers in WNY just seems weird!! I cringed when I saw them springing up in BFLo area. Like seeing a White Castle there. Here White Castle is WNY's version of Mighty... Late night drunk food. Put a Mighty here and it would probably flop. Nostalgia plays a part with the bar crowd.
  11. 1. Kid Chameleon 2. Sonic 3. Prince of Persia 4. Pitfall! 5. Adventure You see a gaming trend here, right? 😉
  12. Bad business model for drug dealers to put their customers on an installment plan. 😆
  13. I will see your Philly Sound AND raise you one The Stylistics!
  14. RIP Greg! I liked Weird Al's awesome parody tribute: https://youtu.be/BvUZijEuNDQ?si=WgkC5waMjqPCoBWM @Mike in Horseheads "Ohhhhhh... I was there, to match my intellect, on national TV, Against a plumber, and an architect, both with a Ph.D. I was tense, I was nervous, I guess it just wasn't my night. Art Fleming gave the answers, Oh, but I couldn't get the questions right-ight-ight..."
  15. The problem with kummelweck rolls is they dry out in a day. Gotta get them fresh and most certainly keep them in paper. Buffalo Wild Wings used to serve it. Why it's still nicknamed as BW3: Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck
  16. Yeah... When ordering, just ask for the "combo sandwich." They will toss the link into that mess! If you're gonna get taken out by your diet... Might as well go big!😆🤣
  17. How is this gross? Close-up: Melted mozzarella can be added too.
  18. It's awesome! Heart attack on a bun! Yeah... They do use au jus! 😆
  19. Next time... Order the: "Combo Sammich"... It adds a link of Italian sausage. I also add: Mozzarella w/hot & sweet peppers. Order it wet. Wetness scale: Dry Wet Dipped About $10 @ local places. The Pier gouges... https://www.312beef.com/single-post/2017/06/29/How-to-Order-an-Italian-Beef-Like-Pro
  20. Horizontal stripes make you look larger. Just something to think about.🤣
  21. No. I got over +2,500 hours. Can I start taking them over a year before I retire. 😆🤣
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