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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. They used an ellipses. Suck it up Pincess Buttercup! 😉 😜 😘 Welcome to 2020.
  2. Ha! I feel Star's pain. I just need a little bit on top where the bed post makes it thin. That's my story and I am sticking to it!!!
  3. 😆 At least he admitted it. Today's words of wisdom. WOW, this is freaky appropriate timing... At least he's NOT codependent! 🤣 🤣 🤣 "Our Good Points What’s a codependent? The answer’s easy. They’re some of the most loving, caring people I know. —Beyond Codependency We don’t need to limit an inventory of ourselves to the negatives. Focusing only on what’s wrong is a core issue in our codependency. Honestly, fearlessly, ask: “What’s right with me? What are my good points?” “Am I a loving, caring, nurturing person?” We may have neglected to love ourselves in the process of caring for others, but nurturing is an asset. “Is there something I do particularly well?” “Do I have a strong faith?” “Am I good at being there for others?” “Am I good as part of a team, or as a leader?” “Do I have a way with words or with emotions?” “Do I have a sense of humor?” “Do I brighten people up?” “Am I good at comforting others?” “Do I have an ability to make something good out of barely nothing at all?” “Do I see the best in people?” These are character assets. We may have gone to an extreme with these, but that’s okay. We are now on our way to finding balance. Recovery is not about eliminating our personality. Recovery aims at changing, accepting, working around, or transforming our negatives, and building on our positives. We all have assets; we only need to focus on them, empower them, and draw them out in ourselves. Codependents are some of the most loving, caring people around. Now, we’re learning to give some of that concern and nurturing to ourselves. Today, I will focus on what’s right about me. I will give myself some of the caring I’ve extended to the world." <<<<😆 🤣 😂
  4. Why isn't "ugly" one of the choices? Definitely get my vote!
  5. So... I figured I'd get these few questions out of the way @EmotionallyUnstable, you ever seen a grown man naked? EmotionallyUnstable, do you ever hang around the gymnasium? EmotionallyUnstable, do you like movies about gladiators? EmotionallyUnstable, have you ever been, been in a Turkish prison? 😆 🤣 😂
  6. 😆 We landed on the Moon 🌙. @SlimShady'sSpaceForce
  7. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/3646936001 Would ya? @BringBackFergy @Gugny would! [You'd think you'd carry some sort defense, handgun, bear spray, knife, Axe body spray, condoms, even a whistle to make a "Cat Call," etc... in Cougar Country 😆 🤣]
  8. In my best Duvall, Col. Kilgore: "You know... That pheromone smell, that thick smell of sex... In the morning... It, it smells like... The, THE FINAL RUT!"
  9. Supposedly the cemetery behind our house is haunted by a girl who died in the early 1900s. One time, when my daughter was young, we were walking through it and she claimed to have seen a girl in a flowing white gown move off in the distance behinda few gravestones. Broad daylight, Sunday afternoon... My daughter knew nothing of the haunted story. We were walking, cutting through to help a friend that got their car stuck at the back of the cemetery, just beneath a small hill. Upon entering, my daughter looks and points: "There's Katharine (our friend's name)." I laughed and said: " Come on, why would she be here? They are at the bottom of the hill." My daughter claimed a girl ran off in distance. When I researched the cemetery, there were claims of people seeing a girl who died and was buried there around 1914. Could my daughter have seen her ghost? Of was it just flare from the sun? Her imagination...
  10. What's wrong with screaming obscenities @ my anus? Tagged: @Johnny Hammersticks 😆 🤣 FWIW... I once listened to an interview w/Ted Nugent. He takes paraplegics out hunting. They pull the trigger with their mouths. Enquiring minds want to know where 🤔 that falls between "Forest Bathing" and "Harvesting." In the old days, they used to do the "Christmas Bird Count"... By actually shooting them, side hunt. It was an "inventory", census of birds out there in the Western Hemisphere. For science, record keeping purposes and competition. This until all the birds started to get wiped out. Then they started just painting pictures of birds followed by using a telephoto lens. "...Up through the 19th century, many North Americans participated in the tradition of Christmas "side hunts", in which they competed at how many birds they could kill, regardless of whether they had any use for the carcasses and of whether the birds were beneficial, beautiful, or rare. In December 1900, the U.S. ornithologist Frank Chapman, founder of Bird-Lore (which became Audubon magazine), proposed counting birds on Christmas instead of killing them. ..."
  11. No. Not at all. Some may think that. IMO, harvesting food is more honorable. I joked and posted this last night in the ShoutBox: https://www.livescience.com/amp/first-human-caused-animal-extinction.html With the comment: "Let's all hold hands and sing 'Kumbaya' w/a short-faced bear! 😉 😜 " My wife taught English, rhetoric @ the University level for a few years before going into public libraries... One of her favorite corrective measures with red ink was: "Sweeping Generalization!" Don't fret... I am her worst enemy when it comes to this. Almost 30 years strong and still haven't learned the lesson. 😆 🤣
  12. You're absolutely right! +1 "Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead." ~James Joyce On a serious note. FiL was, I say was because He passed away this morning @ 0500, in Hospice. We couldn't be there yesterday because we are from lllinois and NYS wouldn't allow it. I did take my wife into the woods yesterday to seek solice and find her peace... And through FaceTime and the kids being 700 miles apart each way... We made our goodbye and love known... "Forest Bathing" was one of her book discussions... Oh... To answer your question. No... IMO, there is no difference. Except, w/hunting, the "bathing" ends with death... ...Chaos, quickly restored back to order.
  13. I almost used Dear Abby, but I wasn't up on Prine Songs! 😉 😜
  14. Can you still wish the deceased a Happy Birthday, or is that only for the living? https://dying.lovetoknow.com/words-comfort-after-death/how-say-happy-birthday-after-death-family "You don't write a birthday wish for a deceased person. It is insensitive to the family and loved-ones because the person is dead and doesn't have any more a birthday to celebrate. You might confuse it with wanting to write to the partner of the dead person and to let them know that you are thinking about them..." ~Signed, AnnLandersInIllinois [But I get your sentiment...😉]
  15. You don't use the portion somebody else used. As you pull it down a clean section comes out and dirty section rolls up. It gets to end and they have to wash it. Still very gross. But, people should be touching it with already clean and freshly washed hands.
  16. Yes. Not bad. Went to the JAX game a bunch of years ago, they were selling them along the road side. My brother stopped get some. The spicy ones... Dude selling them scooped them out of a cooler warm. I just remember they were kinda messy. Poor rental car, LoL...
  17. You know what I am saying after reading this? HOLY *****!
  18. LoL... Yup Silverthorne. The wife had to get "provisions" /smh... It was winter. Never misses a beat stopping at the outlets. 😕 😞
  19. We stopped in Dillon on our way to Steamboat a few years back. Looked like a Mecca for flying fishing. NOT ugly at all by my standards. 😆
  20. Yeah, that northern was just over 40" (100cm)...
  21. It wasn't just Upstate New York... It was all over the country. They did it here too... In Illinois and Northwest Indiana. You are a few years younger than me. I was at the cutoff with change in the culture. I missed it by a year. So, it's no surprise you haven't any recollection of the culture trends prior to your arrival on God's Green Earth. Or, as I like to call: "Gugny's Green Earth." OR: Thou protest too much. Tell us what the gym teacher did to you... Point on the the doll and everything will be fine. Let it out. @BringBackFergy is on retainer. Money always helps ease the pain. Lots of money, he'll make them pay! 😆 🤣 😜
  22. Now, the ultimate in "Urban Fishing!" From a year back... Bet @BringBackFergyhas never seen this from his tree stand! All you need is a jetski to bag this whitetail doe!!! Look closely in what swam in for a northbound lockage....
  23. Here are a few shots from around work @ the lock & dam: A co-worker's friend in the barge fleeting area. Last November... The Lock Mechanic fishing right off lock gates. From GoogleMaps...The pond right behind lock. Access road in background.
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