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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I think they have screens that go up and down with the garage door now, revolutionizing the "Polish Patio!"
  2. This. Lucky the Jets didn't get blown out. It isn't what Jets did, it's what Bills didn't do. The Jets are terrible, they are fortunate not get beat badly. Of course they looked past the Jets. Who doesn't? When the Bills stopped messing around, they found a way to win, which wasn't hard.
  3. I don't know... She sure loves her $10 million dollar house. How in the world will she survive! Maybe it's just me. But sounds like once the sledding got rough, she decides to come and go. How about staying put. They kept up appearances through the divorce proceedings. He was probably a jerk, but I'd take his word for it.
  4. Sure sounds like abandonment to me. How does one "come home" to find this? "It was on Sept. 15, 2019, that the former supermodel came home to the $10 million Gramercy Park townhouse she shared with her husband, Cars singer Ric Ocasek, and found him dead from heart disease and pulmonary emphysema. The 75-year-old rocker had recently undergone surgery, but his passing was still a shock."
  5. No. But if you saw him today, kinda like R2D2-esque.
  6. No. Not Tim Cook. But, computer related. Burt Reynolds. I know this because I seen the picture before. We have same birthday. February 11th.
  7. Because I saved the ticket stub from his first game as HC. 9/9/2001. It has his ugly mug on it! You remember that HomeOpener vs. New Orleans, right? I will sell it to you for $0.99.
  8. It's probably real. All on the up and up. It's what stupid does both ways in this gun culture. I vote it's real. BUT, I am willing to be wrong. Horribly wrong.
  9. You're in the right era with your father.
  10. I know the answer. I was born on his birthday. If my math is correct, try 1954. "War face." I believe it's called. Just after the end of the Korean War. But before "Rebel...(1955)" Wanna hint?
  11. Years ago went to see Brüno with my BiL/SiL and my wife. As we were leaving my wife and BiL were talking. I think one of them mentioned: "Good thing we didn't bring Dad, he'd come outta here scarred for life!" 😆
  12. I am more concerned about the wicked hold the Chiefs put on Cam Lewis (I think it was #47, Cam Lewis) in order to break that ~40 yard run early in the game! That was bruuuutal! That lead to their first TD I believe.
  13. I don't believe so? That would be a Yellow-Bellied. 😜
  14. Found Mr.Morton "Downey" Jr. 😆 🤣
  15. I assume from the ScreenShot there was contact in that zone shown. Mahomes was swinging out. There's a Bills pass rusher for every lineman in shot, and close. Only thing... Where's the right tackle? Just out of the shot to left??
  16. We have them here. Trying to dig up a pic of the Downy... This is the Red-bellied I took a few winters ago... f6.3, 1/400 @ 300mm (highly compressed & much cropped to get under site limits): I may have posted this one earlier. PeckerHeads are cool. Special shout-out to my buds @Gugny & @BringBackFergy I caught this one while "backyard bathing" with the telephoto trigger. 😉 😜 😘
  17. If the receiver was between the 38 & 41... They may have called it, since OLineman was in position to make a block. Anyway, it's really close. Like uptrend poster said, his butt's at 5 yards. Judgement call. Does it affect the play?
  18. Learn to know the difference between spelling and a typo if you're trying to tit for tat an insult. You look like a fool if you don't.
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