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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. A clue to the name of his hometown: If you replace a vowel with another in a Red Hot Chili Peppers song name, that's his town. But, of course, it's not in that state... Because I drive thru his home state on the way to and from Upstate, New York.
  2. On the right path... But no. Awe come on! Nope. I said typewriter, not trombone. Researching is allowed... From the Midwest, I go past the road stop named after him every time I go back to BFLo... A true America hero!
  3. Nope. Does my typewriter skip a key? I said: Neither...
  4. Dogface Greybeard is hot on the trail! Neither.
  5. Steeeee-rike 1. Nope, NOT "Old Blood & Guts" "To hell & back" Patton! But, right war. The Big War.
  6. Okay Hound dogs, are you ready for one! Not gonna be easy, but it's a American. Dead male, last century. No complaining... This ain't no weird, off the wall poo... But, sorta obscure today, but wasn't back then when war was raging...
  7. Let me take a crack at this: Jacques Cousteau
  8. Only 448 for me. 208/year earned. 240 on books. If I deploy, they wave the 240 limit... But when you come back Stateside, as you burn, that limit drops (down eventually to 240). Yup. I don't understand the kids that "burn it as fast as they earn it." You get raises, so hourly it's worth more on the books as your pay goes up. Well, I guess how you value your time... They've already accounted the leave. It's just the carry and differences in raise they budget every year. It's all solvent. Well I hope. 😏 Sick leave is unlimited, but that's always flat 4 hours every two weeks no matter how much time in. That only goes against years of service, no cash at retirement. But... A nice insurance policy to save it up against catastrophic illness.
  9. That's what I do to work 3 days a week. 6 days every fortnight pay period. One day every two weeks I take off 8 hours. 6x12=72+8=80. Every two weeks I earn 8 hours leave. I keep 240 hours on the books every year too. Can't carry more than 240 every leave year. Comes out to be 26 days (8 hour days) I use a year, keep 30 days on books. I get paid by the hour, that goes up, my leave pay goes up. They will cash that 240 hours out at retirement. Straight up. That 8 hours always "bridges" into the long string of regular days off... Even better when that 8 falls on a holiday I have to work. I stock pile it against other full 12 hour days. My last year before retirement, I am NOT taking any leave, then retire one day before leave year ends. That's another 208 hour $$$ + the 240 on books.
  10. I was gonna swing on Andre yesterday. But figured wrestler is an athlete. Even if it's "fake wrestling."
  11. I do that too! Figure this one out: Work: Sun, Mon, Tues, Sometimes Wed. Off to FOLLOWING Thurs, Fri, Sat. Do the math, that's 7 days in a row. 7 days off. 😆
  12. I didn't vote. I don't want to commit fraud.
  13. That reminds me, I gotta get up and shower... Go to work today...Since I have been regularly scheduled off since last week. 😜
  14. I'd always choose to work the long week. During COVID, worked 7 12s on, 7 12s off. And still got 4 hours OT every 2 weeks. Drive less too. Less fuel... 3 12s even better. Every 2 weeks take 8 vacation day earned.
  15. Somebody's a little salty because they feel their position deeply. 😆 When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
  16. Lit up Toronto, over Upstate NY. Sonic Boom was heard in Syracuse. Anybody catch it? https://www.syracuse.com/news/2020/12/see-video-of-meteor-that-caused-large-boom-across-central-ny-elsewhere.html?outputType=amp Good news, it headed towards Cleveland, Ohio. 😆 🤣
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