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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Oh... Funny story about the Mets and 1969. My brother was 5 and in Kindergarten... My mother got him a Mets tee-shirt. Same mother who grew up thinking only the Yankees & Dodgers were allowed in World Series (honest Native, really! πŸ˜†)... And daughter of total Yankee lover AND Mets lover, my grandmother... ...Anyway my brother, who's 4 years older than me says he goes to school with said Mets tee-shirt and is promptly picked on, called every name in the school bus dictionary by the older kids. 1969 wasn't all that idyllic. Did you ever see Shea Stadium during those years?πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Anyway, he went on to be a Yankee lover... During the Yankees-KC years I rooted for Royals... YET, he tolerated the Mets and would root for them. But NOT over St.Louis Cardinals! πŸ˜…πŸ€£ I hope this clarifies things! πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  2. I really don't have any dog in hunt. BFLo doesn't have MLB... So... My heart is purely out of it. No Hometown connection. Sure Home State. But who from Upstate doesn't secretly loathe NYC? I can tolerate The City, it's like Chicago here. Love & hate the place and it's teams. I will root for Sox here, that's about it... Over the Mets, but not Yankees. Strange... I grew up hating Yankees. I'd take Mets over Cubs. The 1969 collapse is epic! I rooted for Cubs over Marlins and San Diego... But Indians over Cubs. My MLB allegiance is schizo without a heart! πŸ˜† I guess like me! πŸ˜†
  3. Look, I rooted for Mets in 1986 because they played the BoSox. I don't mind seeing the Mets collapse. I can't explain it. I think it's funny... Like watching the Cubs suck. Or Boston suck. But, on that scale... Watching Boston win is the worst. Why pick on me? You didn't see the OP's initial post? I guess, I am just a troublemaker. You can't convert me. I have no remorse with this issue.
  4. Yeah... And get their meat hooks in parking and tailgate. Leave it alone. The new biz model NFL will be the death knell for WNY football. We're cooler draggers...
  5. Varying levels. There are fewer teams I root for over the Yankees. Maybe one or two teams. Mets ain't one of them. Little more with the Mets. Yankees are one of them.
  6. Met Agnostic. Troublemaker too. Yankees are the only real team NYC. Mets are like the Jets. They hold no majority of fans in any county in the US, even their home City.
  7. What about this guy. I love it so much I stored it on my clipboard: "Worst case: Despite the new owner and all the good tidings from the offseason, the Mets prove to still be the Mets. The rotation behind deGrom can't stay healthy. The bullpen implodes. The defense is one of the league's worst. The Mets stagger to 80 wins and a fourth-place finish. Discord ensues and Lindor decides there has to be a better situation for him somewhere else. -- Doolittle" πŸ˜†πŸ€£ Back to the πŸ»πŸ»β€β„οΈπŸ§ΈCam! πŸ˜†
  8. I clearly call it FakeNews. It has vinegar in it. It's already safe at room temp.
  9. Nothing! πŸ˜† It was designed in Buffalo, 1950-1960... The lock & dam that is. πŸ˜ƒ Honest! Au jus is for Chicago Italian Beef. Dipped, Wet, or Dry:
  10. What do you know... You're not from Buffalo. We might like ketchup! 😜 It's bar food. Why people make more out of it than it's worth is silly. The beef is done rarer first and then finishes off well in the gravy.
  11. They rebuilt. That was the first one. You mess with beef, you play with fire πŸ”₯... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ I never got why it needed to be refrigerated. Doesn't it contain vinegar?
  12. If you want it done right... Skip the au jus... It's working man's food... Original invention of the recipe calls for gravy: How the coastal elites co-opted it with au jus is beyond me: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/history/torn-down-tuesday-bailos-famed-for-beef-on-weck-and-an-urban-legend/article_c401f97b-2d78-5ac5-91ee-b3d85bb4546c.html "...The draft beers were big. The shrimp cocktail was big. And famously, the beef on weck was huge. The well-done beef, usually topped with GRAVY and horseradish at Bailo's, poured off of the full-sized kimmelweck roll. Again, at a time when dozens β€” if not hundreds β€” of corner saloons were carving up beef on weck around the region, Bailo's was famous all over the city for people who'd make the trip for what was universally recognized as one of the city's best roast beef sandwiches."
  13. Does anybody remember the cheat to: "Kid Chameleon?" So... You can skip right to the Boss (Heady Metal) Level (Plethora)? Well... Here it for a refresher: https://kidchameleon.fandom.com/wiki/Plethora_cheat
  14. No. They played a regular schedule. Few blips... But played alloted teams thru season. The NFCeast just sux.
  15. A record losing streak. Or, let's look on positive side. A team out there could have had a record winning streak. I suspect both are more easily attainable with the Bush League antics... How this whole year and part of last year, if it doesn't get an asterisk is beyond me....
  16. The other 26 teams the Sabres never get to play? Only about 6 teams get to play the Sabres... How did the League not see something like this coming?... I guess the Sabres get an excuse. It's like Groundhog Day out there. Who do they play next?
  17. πŸ˜†... But there's no tolls at any Federal lock in the US! Industry pays the fees for the average Joe. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œπŸ˜˜ Getting ordered around is better free! You can take your chances in Somalia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ or Yemen πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡ͺ!
  18. It's the 1st time canal transit fee that dings you for $2 grand. The Egyptians don't trust green sailors!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
  19. FYI: @BringBackFergy @Gugny I am hard @ work calculating what it would cost Gugny to bring his 16' deep-V boat through the Suez Canal south from the Mediterranean Sea. Let me know if my numbers are correct. Lowest I can enter is 1m draft and 1 ton each for Suez Canal Net Tonnage (SCNT) and 1 ton for Gross Vessel Tonnage (GRT)... https://www.wilhelmsen.com/tollcalculators/suez-toll-calculator/ The bad news is Gug, your transit toll will be: $6,465.38. BUT, the good news is, your dingy qualifies for a 65% rebate! You save: $3,555.96! for a grand total toll of: $2,909.42! Good deal!!!! Happy sailing β›΅πŸ’“!
  20. πŸ˜†πŸ€£ "Henry David Thoreau might have had a harder time connecting with nature if the Ever Given was stuck in Walden Pond" β€”Mark Gartsbeyn / Ever Given Ever Ywhere, Esri, Maxar
  21. https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2021/03/29/suez-cargo-ship-ever-given-viral-app-boston-public-library-curator/amp "The enormous cargo ship plugging up the Suez Canal was set free after nearly a week Monday, but now you can customize your own catastrophic global blockage of world trade thanks to a web app made by a staffer at the Boston Public Library. If that floats your boat. Garrett Dash Nelson, a curator at the library’s Leventhal Map & Education Center, whipped up the applet Sunday morning between cups of coffee. It lets you place an aerial image of the Ever Given over satellite imagery anywhere. ..."
  22. Thing is, it wasn't just the "mud." I read the bow was stuck on rock. FWIW... Not really simple... Try to get it unstuck one way, it gets stuck deeper the other way. Or, like trying to go through a 3 foot door opening with a 5 foot 2x4 length wise. The ship is 300m long, the width of the canal is 203m. Ships are simply getting too big for it... They probably need to dig an emergency lane? πŸ˜‰
  23. Probably didn't want to unload it so as to unbalance it... I guess there's a systematic way to unload those containers... Counter balance it with filling the ballast tanks? ??? Why they just didn't rush in and start unloading containers... Would be worse.
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