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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Nice! Maybe it's the exact opposite. Anyway I hear SC vets the crew team very well. 😆
  2. So... What's the offical consensus on why some mount a robust response? Yeah, I know everyone is different, age, blood type, BMI... So many variables when dealing with the immune system. Anyway, is there a way to make heads or tails of it all? I tend to lean outside the box... You're the strongest @ your our weakest. I know we have to shield and protect the weakest in the herd... That's a good narrative, yet we're stronger than we think. Much stronger. One takeaway from this whole pandemic would be just that I said. Find strength in our weakness... /that be it carry on
  3. I don't think that's what he meant. Why would anybody do that?
  4. Here's a gr8 one! Running through my Tupelo Honey LP and I am like: "Damn! That's a shortie!"
  5. Yeah... Now you have to solve the pathological liar addiction. LoL... Always like with addictions. 😉😜
  6. Sorry to hear. It sucks getting tangled up with doctors and the insurance companies that are bleeding everyone for what their worth. I guess they know people wanna live so they all got us over a barrel. Be careful and tread wisely or it will pile up even with insurance... Number one reason why people go bankrupt is due to medical costs. Number 2 is job loss. "1) Medical Expenses A study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2019 found that 66.5% of bankruptcies in the U.S. were due to medical issues like being unable to pay high bills or due to time lost from work.3 Even with health insurance, high deductibles and copays, plus job loss, impact Americans. Rare or serious diseases or injuries can easily result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills—bills that can quickly wipe out savings and retirement accounts, college education funds, and home equity. Once these have been exhausted, bankruptcy may be the only shelter left, regardless of whether the patient or his or her family was able to apply health coverage to a portion of the bill or not. (Find out what you can do to avoid a financial meltdown when there's a medical emergency. Read Steering Clear Of Medical Debt.)" https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0310/top-5-reasons-people-go-bankrupt.aspx Good luck!
  7. @Beerball 's bear 🐻 cam is better. I just felt I needed to say that.
  8. We did no such thing at work. We shut down on Wednesday 9/12. 😜
  9. Nice use of the word: "die"... You got poet in you! 😃
  10. Sure they can field teams. MLB over the last 30+ years has had more different Champions than the "capped sports." I am surprised small markets in other games can field competitors... Which they usually don't.
  11. 911 is considered Patriot Day. But that's September. It's April now. They must like to plan. 😆
  12. But... Everyone over 50 sleeps for 2 hours in the afternoon. In Mexico 🇲🇽, they call it: "Siesta"... All ages do it. Stay strong... You're rest habits are being tracked!
  13. Our mayor secured the vaxx for the whole village (about 10k) by working with a local pharmacy. He's a Democrat. Election Day is tomorrow. Think he wins? Gets re-elected? 😆... Gotta admit, was a shrewd political move. What a beast! 😆
  14. And that flame-grilled taste! The gift that keeps on giving! 😆... But you're right, "other worldly!!!"
  15. Yeah... I stand corrected, 2.8 million in the Upstate New York Region of WNY... But heck... 1.9 million is a heck of a lot of Poles. I have even noticed in recent years, they are coming through on recreational boats, speak nothing but Polish. Hard-headed too! 😆 Anybody know how to say: "life preserver, no wake" in Polish! Help: @BringBackFergy @Beerball Special Shout-out to: @Gugny (I hear you just graduated from the Polish-American Museum in Amsterdam, New York! 😉)
  16. Actually, the largest concentration outside Poland I believe is Chicago: "Institutions. Chicago bills itself as the largest Polish city outside of Poland with approximately 1,900,000 people of Polish ethnicity in the Chicago metropolitan area." I don't even think there's two million total in WNY.
  17. Also... The day everyone is Polish in South Bend, Indiana. They celebrate it really big there. Like BFLo, if not even more hyped by the town!
  18. Get it in your dominant arm. You know, the one you wipe your azz with. 😆🤣
  19. 40 in last 100 years. That's one every 2.5 years for all you little mathletes out there! Mets? 5 in last 60. That's one every 12 years. 2009 was 12 years ago. That's about right for the Yankees with Mets standards... 😆
  20. Good luck... Your welcome. Again, pure bar food. In the old days, when they were invented, the sandwiches were gratis... Salted rolls so the workers would drink more BEER. FWIW... My BiL is from the Boston area... A lover of all things Bawston and his grandmother's baked beans... IE: Obnoxious to the core. Anyway... He loved the lowbrow, "salt of the earth" beef on weck when he was first introduced to it back when my mother was living (pre 1999). And yes, it was made with gravy. It's bar food, fare for the salt of the earth... So I guess there is a redeeming quality about my BiL... Yankee frugality and sensibly overrides coastal snobism... Even if he thinks BFLo is an outpost on the Niagara Frontier and a million miles away in Indian Country. Try not to make it out to be more than anything more. Get a big piece of suet and slap it on top of the top round while it cooks. Cook it rare, easy to slice and it will finish in the gravy. Kimmelweck is just a salted Kaiser roll with caraway. It's really not that hard. Gasp: finish it off in a CrockPot... 😆 😃😊
  21. There's a joke in here somewhere about a leeky peck! 😆
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