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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. They did let her in at the gate like that. She's got a bit of a point. What it has to do with autism beats me. Maybe she feels comfortable dressing like that? Like I said earlier, let's just all run around nekkid. Are you going to the tailgate? You're in for a real treat! 😆🤣
  2. Yes. There is a delineation between water park and amusement side. They won't let you on rides in a bathing suit I am pretty sure. Anyway, the error was at the gate. Should have stopped her there. They let her in. And if she's autistic, isn't she hypersensitive to the world around her? Being practically nekkid, probably helps, right?
  3. Maybe he's a "Roman Emily Dickenson." No punctuation and indiscriminate use of capitals to denote importance. Hey... I tried. 😉😜
  4. Was that 2017? My son went to that one. I like 2 nights @ Alpine Valley as the better Chicago Area Venue. But, that's just me...
  5. Went 3 years ago @ Alpine Valley, Wisconsin... Nice venue... But I see they are playing 2 @ Wrigley this year as the Chicago Area shows...
  6. Wrong thread! Press 2 for customer service: Paging @BringBackFergy @Beerball maybe you can help this wayward soul out!
  7. "Approved Containers" I suppose is a hoax... ?? Are they filling Rubbermaid containers with fuel? Where's the Fire Marshall? Oh wait, it's the South, there are no tyrannical government thugs down there. /smh... AND this folks is why you may not pump your own fuel in New Jersey. Just think how bad it would be in the most densely populated state. That's like Georgia on steroids! But thank God there's government there! 😏
  8. "Nair" did the spin-off commercial a few decades later in the '80s:
  9. My wife is in BFLo the past week helping her mother... She drives back tomorrow. Unfortunately, she's all fueled up for the ride! AND if she tops it really, really off... Can make it the whole 525 miles on one tank. Sure she'll be coming in on fumes... But I have done it before! Dang it! What's the odds she didn't tippy top it off? She's going East to West and I only pulled the one tank feat off on winter blend and a strong West-East tailwind! 😆 I used cruise control too... She's a Luddite and doesn't believe in cruise control... I got that working for me! 😉 GodSpeed Honey! [FWIW... J/K... In no way shape or form am I serious about possibly keeping my freedom and independence because there is a fuel shortage and my wife can't get back home.]
  10. Count me in! I have my own suit!
  11. So, you remove the badges, labels, etc... from your outlet mall, clearance racks, whatever purchases? I know you wouldn't want people thinking you paid full price?😜 Wow! NOW THAT'S cheap! 😉
  12. It's the all-in-one on/off switch that most modern fuel pumps utilize nowadays. You know the ones that turn the pump on or off by either unhooking handle or hanging pump handle up. The earlier pumps you had to flip the lever up or down after unhooking handle or hanging it up to turn on/off. That being said... It was easier to get the residual fuel out of the line Yeats ago. Just flip switch down and squeeze handle. It will click and go "free." Now, you have to reach your hand up into holder to shut pump off and then squeeze the rest out of the hose. I think they did that for convenience and you're suppose to save the residual few for the next guy... 😉 Oh... And also don't buy your fuel during the hottest part of day during summer AND avoid gas stations that don't have an awning overhead... It's not just for rain. You'll get cheated if if you pump in the heat! 😏
  13. Apparently a few years back, the CDC had to put out a warning ⚠️ for people like you! 😆🤣 https://fox2now.com/news/cdc-warns-people-not-to-wash-reuse-condoms/amp/
  14. Sure they went to the river in season. But they also played elsewhere back in da day! Bring back open garbage dumps and get rid of closed transfer stations. Problem solved. You make the garbage, you dispose of it. End NIMBYsm! If you were a bear cub, what would you chose? A greasy pan from a stolen smoker OR a half eaten box of Froot Loops and spent package of SwissMiss? 😆
  15. @BringBackFergy @Beerball Time to shut down all roads that go through the woods! From The Weather Channel: https://weather.com/science/nature/video/struggle-is-real-for-mama-bear-and-cub-on-canadian-highway?pl=pl-the-latest https://ca.news.yahoo.com/mama-bear-tries-help-struggling-172528063.html
  16. "Prince of Liechtenstein" is that @BringBackFergy goes by when he goes on a European "Forest Bathing" trip? "🇱🇮Prince of Liechtenstein🇱🇮" Come to think about it, that would be a great name for @Gugny's vessel! That would look awesome plastered across the transom of a all-aluminum, deep-V dinghy! 😃
  17. Already covered here: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/232324-it’s-back-better-than-evar-🐻🧸/page/3/#comments
  18. Yeah, you're right. Sorry for judgement. I wish they'd eliminate the EV premium. It's what is really discouraging people, IMO Then car insurance goes up 23%! https://www.valuepenguin.com/how-having-electric-car-affects-your-auto-insurance-rates "On average, we found that car insurance for an electric vehicle is about 23% more expensive than the cost for the equivalent combustion model." "Why is there a difference? One major factor why car insurance premiums are higher may be that the cost of the vehicles are higher. Electric vehicles tend to be filled with cutting-edge technology like high-capacity batteries, sophisticated sensors, and more. The more a vehicle costs, the more expensive it is to repair."
  19. Fair enough. IMO, things will cost us more. In long run we'll pay more... Get that break even point under 5 years, even better 3 and we're in business. Look how they have us hooked on cellphones. Barely end up paying it off if lucky and thing goes bad. They will work obsolescence into cars. I will believe it when I see it. We are land of unintended consequences!
  20. 1. We shall see! 2. LoL... Oh yes they will lay around. In the poorer communities. BUT we shall see. Is it free to take a battery in? I know they will give you a discount on a new one with normal lead acid batteries. Call me a skeptic! You're less off the grid, hook with an ICE. This will speed up more environmental racism, create more sacrifice zones...
  21. We will see. Yet, I can tear into an engine and fix it, not so much fixing a battery... I hope green vehicles become DYI. Once they start flooding the market and getting miles put on... The used car 100,000 market will the beater vehicles laying all around be more "toxic?" What's the long term plan for the working-class, DYI, poorer communities? Will they still have the freedom? Or... Tied to a power grid? The rich engineer in your article didn't discuss that... When we fully go this new tech. Is a rusted automobile with oil in it worse than a rusted automobile laying with a lithium battery in it? Going across country... Will you have to swipe your card for juice? Get rid of the cost premium for basically a rebadged, different power-plant ICE vehicle and I am on board. $7,000 is over almost a 100,000 miles on a vehicle. That's 10 years. An average car loan is 5 years... Get green vehicels to start saving you money under 5 years and I am on board. I am still skeptical because of real-world parameters that you'll end up shelling out more, not really help the environment and lose your lack of DYI freedom. It's going to hit the poorer communities harder, IMO.
  22. Yeah... But does he drag a vehicle out to a 1/4 of a million miles or more?
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