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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yeah... And there's lots of them even protesting their own government in Israel as we speak.
  2. Maybe some are Muslims, or related to Muslims???😆🤣 You really should practice mindfulness. 😉
  3. No. Not at all. Israel has a right to defend itself... But don't cry when things are escalated or no end in sight. It's a two-way street sparky and there's definitely one side that has more power, privilege, and a minority in numbers.
  4. 🇮🇱 Isreal just escalated the tit-4-tat. There will be no end in sight with the neighbors playing nice.
  5. People of privilege trying to explain other person's of privilege moral shortcomings. /smdh
  6. If I was squatting on someone's land or pushing them off... I'd probably leave and find another place to settle.
  7. Free healthcare & kibbutz living for all... Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue! LoL...
  8. Why NOT a one state solution? The United States of the Levant. 😆 Isreal = New York Palestine = Alabama 😆🤣
  9. 50,000 innocents and counting now... Fair enough. But AT least be situational aware! Isreal is NOT a democracy. It's a socialist theocracy.
  10. Yeah... But celebrating that music festivals outside the walls of an open air prison is the epitome of stupid... You gotta admit. Like living in New Orleans 8 feet below sea level and wondering why your lawn is soggy. /smdh... Same for you. We're all supporting terrorists. What's the difference between a freedom fighter & terrorist? The freedom fighter wins.
  11. Before I dive into this thread... I was wondering... If I say anything that can be interpreted as anti-Zionist... Will my phone blow up in my hands? You know... Like: "Is Israel now officially considered a terrorist state? Should we have listened to Bolivia🇧🇴 a decade ago? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/07/30/bolivia-israel-terrorist-state/13384989/ Just asking for a friend... 😏
  12. Mods, please merge this with the "A Quick Laugh to Get By" thread. Thanx!
  13. This one: https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Pressure-Monitor-Bluetooth-UA-651BLE/dp/B00MXTE7CS Works great👍
  14. When did you get a social conscience? 😉😜
  15. The Curse of Tremaine! NOW repent all you sinners!
  16. Thnx! Here's a good breakdown by an MD: I feel bad for the kid.
  17. KillJoy!
  18. Yup. I think reckless/careless is a major moving violation. Yeah... That ride could have got away from him. He did bemoan running late though. Calling his agent Drew Rosenhaus like the little B-Word he is. Be a man, stand tall. Next thing you know, he's on the ground saying: "Drew, Drew..." Then... Victimize his knee surgery. I WONDER if he does that on the field? "Watch the knee, watch the knee." Not a good look. Like another poster said. Try that on Abbott Road @ 1000 on game day. Zipping around in a McLaren. Cops of coursed were miffed. Any pedestrian taking their life in their hands walking around near the clown as he drives would want him tuned up AND they really didn't even do that. They immobilized him.
  19. No there's not. We're talking 3 seconds. Get hit at 10 mph and come back & talk to me.😆 Hope you get a good body cast.
  20. His 1/2 million $$$ McLaren reaches 0-60 in 2.8 seconds! https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/how-fast-tyreek-hill-police-citation-speed-traffic-stop/ea8855d995668a0199054533 I walked that stretch under a dozen times: "...Hill was cited for careless driving and for a safety belt violation. The citation does not include anything about Hill driving at an unlawful speed, and there is no speed measurement device listed on the citation. While the citation includes a number of boxes of potential citations, careless driving and safety belt violation are the only two checked. The visual estimation of 60 miles per hour was included, as well as a note that Hill was not wearing a seatbelt and that there was a high traffic of pedestrians and other vehicles..." Damn tootin' the cops were po'd after he got cute with the windows! They gotta ask themselves: "Is this guy gonna punch the gas pedal & be gone in 2.8 secs and up to 60 mph. Get cute. Immobilize the mutha-phu... **! Yup. On CNN w/Caitlin Collins last night. Wife just shook her head. Both him an Drew on the show. McLaren. DON'T disrespect his ride bruh! LoL...
  21. I've been to HardRock lots of time. That's by the pedestrian bridge where he was pulled over. That's like a 30mph area. What does it matter? He's going twice the speed limit. I don't think you wanna get hit at 10mph while coming off that pedestrian crossing! That's reckless. What if he crashed into that structure at a high rate of speed? Will it hold up like other great Florida building projects?
  22. George Floyd died. Chauvin fell asleep on his neck. That's not mindfulness. That too. It was a pissing contest. What part are you NOT getting.
  23. That's part of the lesson Sure the hell was necessary! Sorry cupcake. Get out of the vehicle or I am ripping you out. Again, you're NOT Monty Hall and this isn't "Let's Make a Deal."
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