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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. They should have never built the 190 in Buffalo where it is. Should have never been right on the water... Should have been further east. They knew it then, and they know it now the destruction it would bring... There were studies 60 years ago. Just nobody to advocate. During Boom Times people tend to sell each other out, till it comes crashing down... Check this article out. About Tulsa. 100 years since the massacre. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1268455
  2. No. X went from 1965-1980. Millennial 1980-1995. Give or take a few years either way. The meat of the Boomer years coincided exactly with their echo children in the mid-1980s I am Gen X, yet my parents were Silent Generation... 1925-45. My children are post-Millennial, Gen Z.
  3. Hey @Doc... I just read this. Now YOU know why old wives tales like that got started! Fight strep with strep? Crazy... But people believe the strangest things! "Despite rumors to the contrary, urine is not sterile . It can contain dozens of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, which are associated with staph infections and strep throat, respectively." @Johnny Hammersticks... Hope this scares you off you mad man!
  4. It's not... Must have been an old wive's tale? My mother thinking it was true, supposedly took a pissy diaper to my older sister's strep when she was a baby. 😆... NOW WE know why she's so pissy all the time! 😆 That's child abuse today! Glad she got her old wive's tales squared away before I was born 5 years later! 😉
  5. You know urine is sterile when it first comes out! 😆... @Johnny Hammersticks is in the know.... Hey buddy, don't let it sit around too long and go rancid! 😉 😆
  6. Mine begins with "0". I was before the mandatory 1973. My father DAV, so we had ours in 1960s. I THINK 1973 is when they started going low-high, east-west. People born out here are 3s. Yet, old timer at work's father was a 0 born in Illinois. Again, I think the 1973 is the mandatory year. Wife if older than me, her's starts with 1. But she got after 1973. A guy from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 I work with his starts with a 5. My 0 stands out like a sore thumb in a sea of 3s here....
  7. I owe. No. Last few years the first time in 30+ years I had to owe. Fed playing games withholding. Not withholding enough from wife, even know she claims 0 through year and we file 4 at end of year. Crazy. I can imagine those tactics get people in tax jeopardy. Not sure what's going on. I just withhold the $150 every two weeks. /smdh But... Now Illinois, yes... Just got a fat refund. Took a few weeks after I get in with Fed deadline. Go figure.
  8. You know what the other name for "Millennial" is, right? Yup... "Echo Boomer" because they echo their Boomer parents. 😆🤣... 😉😜
  9. AND maybe best we don't know. BUT we do know! From '88... https://buffalonews.com/news/tampa-bays-marve-happy-the-bills-are-winning/article_f076a24d-f9a0-5530-bca9-03c3f65209a7.html Interesting... It can also be viewed conversely. Maybe Marve wasn't part of the new process? "...The Bills began their turnaround last year with the hiring of a top-flight defensive coordinator, Walt Corey, and the acquisition of two of the top young linebackers in the National Football League -- Shane Conlan and Cornelius Bennett. But Corey's system, which required inside linebackers to have greater mobility than Marve could generate, and the infusion sion of youth suddenly caused Marve to go from Mr. Steady to Mr. Obsolete. As a result, he was shipped to the Buccaneers in exchange for an eighth-round draft pick. ..." Bills did do better after he was traded... Don't interpret this as speaking ill of him, your point is still very well taken. Just looking at it from both sides of the coin. There was a culture & talent shift right when he left. May he RIP... ...And no microfiche @ the PL needed. 😉😉
  10. How football should be played. Players have become over-coached. Just eliminate the coaching and take it right back to the sand lot. You'd see better football. Less synchronized swimming.
  11. It doesn't matter, this season's a fraud just like a lot of other NHL seasons. Bush League coupled with a pandemic... So many seasons need an asterisk. This one's top of list.
  12. Wow! Ann-Margret (The Swinger, 1966)... As one comment said: "That's still illegal in most States." 😆 I concur! 😆
  13. Gonna take a stab in the dark. Pia Zadora?
  14. I come in peace. I meant no harm. ***** @Gugnyif he can't comprehend basic English. 😁😉
  15. They wear full body coverings in the Sahara Desert... Are you saying Georgia in August is hotter than the Sahara Desert? OH! Those poor Bedouins! 😉
  16. Yeah. But the thoroughfares are only taxed @ the pump for $.20/mile. Happy hiking! Put your boots on and don't stumble around in the dark! 😉😜
  17. It's just 10 extra seconds officer... Can't you cut me a break? I won't do it again. 😉🙃😉 Maybe he meant "Bitter Green?"
  18. Jim Kelly. 😲 😆... I will bet my whole life-savings it is spelled with that e! 😆
  19. I think you didn't read my link above! ^^^ If the Japanese can get mice to breathe out their rectums... Then magic is in play here! Just imagine what the cops can do! 😉
  20. God Bless the Japanese 🇯🇵! They better rethink this though or they'll wipe out Florida! https://nypost.com/2021/05/15/japanese-scientists-say-breathing-through-rectums-saved-mice/amp/
  21. This guy probably doesn't a nice hike anymore: https://weather.com/science/nature/video/mountain-lion-stalks-utah-hiker-in-harrowing-video?pl=pl-the-latest https://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/mountain-lion-stalks-hiker-in-utah-viral-video-leaves-netizens-petrified-7317177/ I am going away, I am going away @BringBackFergy , I am going away @Beerball
  22. No. 😆🤣 What is this a cruel joke! Are you working for: @BringBackFergy and his overseer @Beerball ?
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