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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The tank is on! πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  2. I don't go rollerblading in the middle of the road either and then complain when I get hit by a car. He wrapped around, that's like playing in the middle of the road. Evans took the upper hand in the scoring chance, but not the hit. Clean, heavy hit is the result. Should Scheifele just quit on the play? Give up? He can't stop on the dime. This is like two jousting on horseback, Scheifele stayed mounted on his horse. Evans scored, but almost got killed doing it.
  3. NHL is such a bizarre bush league. πŸ˜† That will teach a team for being bad. Stay bad! Nothing harkens back to the day when The Habs had exclusive rights to players coming out of Quebec. It's always been a league where the rich get richer and the poor have step out of the gutter with one skate holding them down. You don't wanna legitimately turn bad in this league, because there you'll stay, for good. Look what Edmonton has done with all their #1s. Nothing.
  4. I think it's road design, topography too. The way the roads bend and curve. Some are bruuutal. Think like "slack" on a really long train. They are addressing those concerns with better modern design technology tools and planning.
  5. You're nuts. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ Neither. πŸ˜† Don't take anything personally. Each individual has a unique worldview that alters their own perceptions, and that the actions and beliefs of a person is a projection of their own personal reality.
  6. Yup. Locality pay. We gotta raise when we switched from Rock Island to Chicago a year ago... Our Wage Grade (Not GS) is based on local industry. Funny... We were first based out of Chicago before 1979. In 1979, industry had higher wages in Quad Cities and Peoria (Deere, Moline & Caterpillar, Peoria) than Chicago... So when they moved to Rock Island as HQ, we got a raise then too. Today, last year opposite when we moved back to Chicago... Got another raise for locality...
  7. Yeah... What a jump! From the "Ink Spots" To:
  8. Still not sold on any "process." Maybe it's just me. Okay... I want 3 600 yard games in a row and a 19-0 season, maybe I'd change my ways... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ
  9. Thanks. That's why I asked. Thanks for pointing out that it's a different one.
  10. Incredible nobody posted these: Two most famous Dylan covers... Maybe too mainstream?
  11. I was reading that he left "McHale Navy" so he could do a part in the movie: "The Sand Pebbles" (1966)
  12. Maybe for the small and intermediate markets. But the big markets, hell no! Yet... Concrete and asphalt = $$$$ BIG $$$$$ Still have to supply areas by truck. Also, weren't the first interstates created for national defense or safety... So they claimed under Eisenhower. They can land, take off planes on them if needed too???
  13. I think you're wrong but will entertain your fancy... Maybe. But you must mean "toddler neck roll"... Look at Pic w/mother. There's no collar there.. That ain't a Polo, especially for that era long-sleeved and thick material. Then it's a cross between a rugby (thick) shirt-henley... Which is a: "River Driver" shirt? πŸ˜†πŸ€£ Which L.L.Bean makes, BUT still a Henley: πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  14. Oh! Ok... Yeah... Direct Deposit is there in under a week with Fed. State about 2 weeks. I would think with so little Snail🐌Mail now, you'd be more ripe for identity theft, etc... Going electronic seems actually safer with me since it's where the masses are! IMO...
  15. Dam? Anybody say dam! Dams is my biz! πŸ˜†... Is this the dam? https://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/wm7PR6_Court_Street_Dam_Genesee_River_Rochester_NY We use sector gates here! In fact the gates in Rochester, NY were built here! I am not sure they can get rid of that dam so easily... Unless you like higher gas & electric prices? Hydro? That's "green" energy, right? "The Court Street Dam functions as a water-control structure for the lower Genesee River to regulate water levels in the nearby Erie Barge Canal during navigation season and to furnish water for the Rochester Gas and Electric hydroelectric plant at the west end of the dam." Maybe they should just close down the Erie Canal... It's only for pleasure and recreational use... RG&E can come up with another plan? Let me talk to legal counsel first, @BringBackFergy... Now about the Lower Falls. How about bussing in some bears, Install a camera then we can watch them feed. I GOT the perfect project manager for the job! Hey @Beerball , you up... Start working that resume...
  16. City Fathers were always elites in a labor town... BFLo is the city that told Henry Ford to get *****-ed.. He went on to build his Highland Park & River Rouge plant in Detroit. Buggy whips were up and coming in BFLo! πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž... Same old BFLo... "Buffalo could have been Detroit," [Jim] Sandoro said of Buffalo's automotive past. "Henry Ford came here in the early 1900s for an auto show. Ford wanted to build a major assembly plant here, but the city fathers didn't want to give him any incentives, so he went elsewhere."
  17. By no means I feel bad... The check I write just goes to pay my wage. Think of it like working for free for a week or two. I got nothing to complain except what the heck is going on in my wife's payroll office? Do they hold that money, then send lump payments to IRS?... I can kinda see why they don't want a lot of money? Does it make their government grants, etc... Go away if they are holding too much? Have big bank accounts until they make payments? OR do they withhold right to the IRS every two weeks... I can't see why they wouldn't... We are in electronic age! She's in the public sector, local government too! /smh Crazy... They simply aren't withholding enough of her pay. She claims 0 exemptions. You should be able to claim at least yourself, 1 and still be pretty spot on with the withholding. They (I am not going to say who, that's politix) in the early 1990s did same... Then people bumped to 0 exemptions... Just so they can get a refund and not owe. Pure convenience for me. I'd rather overpay then underpay, under withhold... You don't wanna get yourself in a trick bag with the IRS... And that's why an interest free loan is worth it with me. AND... They get more money every two weeks to spend. All going in the General Fund, they can use it every two weeks, AND people don't end up pissing away a small amount every two weeks... Over paying, getting a refund gets them to sink into into the economy on bigger ticket items... OR gasp... Pay down debt, or double-gasp....SAVE! They are all definitely playing games! There's a "war" with withholding.
  18. Yes. I understand. I just got lazy... Wife says she did, claimed 0 and an extra $100-$150 every two weeks... I knew it wasn't coming out with her employer, so I withheld it. Didn't want to argue. What bugs me... We are very simple, clean return... If she claims 0 through year and then claim 4 at tax time... Why isn't her employer withholding at least the right amount in the ballpark. Few hundred each way... NOT owe 1,000s. And yes the Fed is playing games... I work for them. She makes more than me. They withhold only $300 more from her than me. We both withhold zero... OR maybe it's her employer (the village) that's playing games?
  19. Why? I filed my son's return the Wednesday before 5/17. He got his refund in under 7 days. Fed is fast. File midweek all the time. It's the state that is slow. Yet. My Illinois refund is in my bank account as of this week... I filed same day as my son. AND I didn't realize if you owe, you can file early and have it debited on the tax deadline. If I would have known that, realized you can schedule the payment, I would have filed back on when the 5/17 was set. /wallbash I am slow on the uptake!
  20. In fear of sounding old... But here goes: Yet! What the heck is going on out there... It seems a lot aren't following rules. YEAH, I know, rules for the sake of rules are dumb.. Same thing said about "power" and what it does to people can be deconstructed and flipped 180Β° the other way. Give people an inch of freedom and they take a mile. Everyone wants to be an individual, special, get noticed. This uber-competiton is only getting worse with subsequent generations coming of age. It's what they were bred into. Everyone is special, unique snowflake, everyone is a victim. Like I said early. Don't enforce any rules. On the road, in the park, at school... That's what it seems like people want. Enforce nothing. OR: Let's just act humble. Humility is a virtue. Pride the vice. It's a power trip both ways. Like battling with a 2 year old.
  21. Dude! That's NOT a polo shirt! It's a HENLEY from the late 50's, early 60's! There's clearly no collar there! A long-sleeved henley! Ever see a long-sleeved polo? NOT sure which country club you were raised at! KnowYourHenleysPlease! Do I have to school you on everything! πŸ™ƒπŸ˜. Don't even get me started on "Golf Shirt" OR "Tennis Shirt" with a little polo dude, penguin, or alligator on it! Your WISH has been my command, danke... https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/henley-polo-shirts/ "Here's a little backstory before we start the henley vs. polo battle. Both our fighters have LONG careers behind them… the polo just under 100 years old and the henley nearly 200. Have they still got what it takes?" Now, take a backseat, let the big boys analyze the nature of the very important thread! A lost youth is at stake here! πŸ˜‰
  22. Joe Verses the The Volcano 2. Never heard of it, you ask? The first one was so awful, they never finished shooting the second one! Heck, I am not even sure how the first one ended, I left the theater early too...
  23. It's always the college educated hikers! Didn't the Dude hear of the "buddy system." I hate to pass judgement, but the defense attorneys for the two grizzlies that jumped him will have a heyday with this case. The lawyers always make bank! PROBABLY two trust fund frat-Bears with rich parents from Jackson, Wyoming. They will buy them "nice bears" some "justice." Play all summer long and sleep all winter. Some life! I bet the hiker had a half-opened "Nature Valley" granola bar hanging out of his The North Face too! Hey... I am not here to pass social commentary, but you'll most certainly get un-woke fellas like @Gugny saying that hikers like that "were just asking for it!" Things like: "Just look at that pack hip belt hiked up so seductively high over his hips with M&M crumbs all over it. What a slob! Betcha he took a sponge bath on the trail with strawberry scented WetOnes too! If I was a bear or other critter, I'd jump him too! I'd hit it, fo sure!" OR: "What a hikingslut!, why do guys go out in the woods like that! Where was his friend!" /smdh... Let the debate rage. If Mods here were smart. @Chandler#81 should shut this thread down immediately! ASAP! No good will come from it. And @BringBackFergy wants TrailCams/Trap Boxes Federally mandated HikerBodyCams for his live action enjoyment... Sick, very, VERY SICK! πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž
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