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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. This should be renamed the "I'm not really a liberal -- I just play one on the Internet" thread.


    So let me get this straight -- we should throw someone out of office who in your mind has handled many things well but ultimately made one unforgivable mistake on an extremely complex issue.  Then we should overlook another candidate's past which involves committing war crimes and discrediting the entire military upon returning from Vietnam.  Then we should overlook this candidates atrocious Senate voting record on the issues you've creditied Bush as succeeding with.  Then we should overlook the 16 different positions this candidate has taken on Iraq and the fact that the only difference between his 4-point plan and what is happening today is the involvement of France and Germany ( :rolleyes: ).  Then we should make this person president and just trust that he'll continue to do a good job with the things Bush is doing well, will clean up Iraq, and won't make any other mistakes.


    Me thinks you're either a bit confused or you're being a tad bit disingenuine with your post.

    Yeah, right, Exiled.  You would have voted for Bush if he would have just stayed out of Iraq, huh?  Unless we got attacked again and Sadam had his hands in it, right?  Interesting that libs all of a sudden are backing off on attacking Bush over anything and everything and are focusing their attacks on Iraq "like a laser".  We'll see how long this kinder, gentler strategy lasts.  Given Alawi's comments to Congress today, it will be a lot more difficult making the case against Iraq.





    He was doing everything right (I cringe) up until he got obsessive about Iraq. As mush as I disagree with him on other issues, I would have towed the line and not stuck with the "fringe."


    It was HIS JOB and place in history after the 2000 election to unify the country through POLITICS, not WAR. He failed.


    Exit stage left.... I think they say in the theater???

  2. Another $.02... :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    Term for prez. should be 6 years... Nothing happens in 4 years anymore ;);) .


    I know you can't believe that! It would give Bush 2 more years to clean this mess up (or least make sense out of it)... Not that I think he will (too polarizing at home AND IN THE WORLD).


    Do you think if GWB was heading a company and just lost his company 130 billion when others would have willfully payed and helped out... Would he still be head of that company? Or would he be let go when the shareholders became outraged?


    Let him go, bring in fresh meat!

  3. I think the EC should stay. Nothing says that the delegates in a state have to go the way that is picked? Am I right? I think some states can switch their vote/ split the vote. Some states can't.


    The thing to do is to make all the EC voting uniform to were you can defect from your "given" vote.


    I think New Hampshire and Nebraska have rules in place like this? Does anybody know if Florida was an "all or nothing" state?


    What I would like to see, and I have said it before, is to return to where the loser becomes the VP... Yet, the tweeking should be that this should only happen in a "upside down" election (ie:2000... and what were the 2 or three previous?).


    I think it would force bi-partisanship. In our most recent case, would have cut the head off of the "war-beast".


    Just my $.02.

  4. I caught the very start decided to switch it off because I thought it would scare the kidlets... Funny how "Prime Time" in Central Time starts at 7:00 PM? My wife was at a board meeting... Having known that my 6 year old son pressed for Cartoon Network... Ya, right, like some of the things on cartoons ain't disturbing enough!




    Anyway, can anybody refresh me... How can an airliner get lost? Don't they fly a "beam" from departure to arrival?

  5. So because Oprah convinced Pontiac to give these people a car, the government should just forgive the taxes.  Yeah okay.  Well jeez why don't they forgive my taxes for the year too, since I could use the money as well. 


    Of course you want the government to forgive the taxes, but want them to pay for your healthcare, your unemployment, Social Security when you retire, roads, military, security, etc...


    And they can do all this without collecting taxes.



    No. No. No.


    I agree with KRC. Oprah should pick up the bill. If she is really cool she would do this "random act of kindness."


    The tax bill is a big chunk of change for the poorer driver to pick up.


    Basically the 28k car is probably out of their means.

  6. That's how it is with the casualties in Iraq, whether American or Iraqi.  It's to the point that it's the exception if we go through a day without hearing about people getting killed or wounded.  Too many people have been numbed to it instead of being outraged over it, after having been given the "happy Iraqi" scenario prior to the occupation.



    Hey dude, pass the "Pringles" can and shhhh, I trying to watch "Fear Factor!"



  7. But the GE-90 has a much higher thrust-weight ratio...not that that's important.  The real measure of a turbofan is its bypass ratio.  The GE-90 has a nice, high 9:1 bypass ratio, which is what makes it such a great long-range and (relatively) quiet engine.  A sparrow, in all flight profiles and with any load, has a bypass ration of a mere 0.75:1.



    And to think, somebody actually married this "book of knowledge?"


    Best wishes to you and the "better half" Tom!



  8. The Electoral College has nothing to do with voter turnout or the feeling that their vote doesn't matter.  It has to do with the transferrance of power from the individual to the government at every level.


    A simple majority is an absolute disaster of an idea in just about every instance.


    I agree with the sentiment that Bills need to be limited to the subject at hand.




    Why... We are totally "Federalized" in this day and age. I don't think regional issues are that important anymore. We are interdependent, not independent.


    Just my belief.

  9. Sorry at one time I thought the Electoral college was they way to go.  However with these now FIXED red and blue states your vote only counts if you live in a battelground state.  It is time for some major revamping of our political system.  We must get rid of Bills that have all types of other things attached it should be single issue bills prevents the pork pile on. With current system I vote for a new law and tacked on somewhere in fine print is support for/against ( fill in blanks)  Voting records of folks in congress can be twisted in any ways, I can attack the most conservative folks by saying they voted against a conservative thing etc.  The Electoral college is no longer a proper mechanism it should be a simple majority which will encourage folks in non battleground states to express their liberty and vote.    Today voter turnout is at its lowest since many folks feel their vote doesnt count.  We must also institute term limits, the founding fathers didnt ever think folks would be career ploticians the idea was to serve and than return home.  The two party system we have today and control it has over the process makes it impossible to reform to a modern form of government that is more reflective of the information age etc.



    It is brilliant because it works for Alaska. They get to feed off federal money and have political power when joined with the other "small" rural states.

  10. He certainly knew the right 'Washington' people... Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft...


    Something is not right if at least ONE of those people aren't replaced with someone else if he wins(obviously not Cheney NOW)... and I am curious to see what happens.



    I still think that the constitutional thing to do in "upside down" elections is to let the VP be the popular vote winner. Wasn't it that the loser becomes VP in the early days of the constitution? I am suggesting tweeking it out for modern times.


    I think this is more of a repsonse to the other thread.


    What do you think AD?

  11. Sorry, that's not wrong.  It's Constitutional and brilliant.



    Brilliant in the fact that the few control then many.



    I don't think it is wrong. Just the way 18th century elitists feared the choice of the people. The only thing wrong today is that it is working backwards.


    Now we actually have the "Joe Smuckatellys" dictating what the many will do.

  12. Are you drinking Chicago River water again?


    What does your post say/mean?



    No. I don't work on the Chicago River. Anyway, by the time it gets to New Orleans, it has passed through 3 people. :blink:


    The answer my friend is dillution!


    You really don't care what people running for office have done in the past?

  13. I think it was vendetta... nothing based on hard evidence, though,,, just my opinion. The escalation of the need to attack Iraq was frightening; another Gulf of Tonkin, IMO.



    I agree.


    I have been working for the gov't for 13 years.


    Bush claims he wasn't part of the Washington scene. Yet, he acted on it.

  14. Perhaps you are missing GG's point, which I share.  Maybe I miss yours - if it's sarcasm, the printed word is notoriously poor at that.


    I believe he is speaking about a powerful dessiminator of information, with a degree of public trust, making an attempt to impact a process reserved for the citizenry.  Terms from the turn of the century (19th) like muckraking and yellow journalism come to mind.





    Are they really a powerful disseminator? Seems like the "Blog" took him down.


    I think he means HE doesn't really care what a candidate did 30 years ago.


    I say let it all ride on everything... Doesn't matter who it is. I will sift through it. You make a mistake, admit and get on with it.


    The networks are only powerful in getting information out to the old.


    Change the way we vote and you would see the switch.


    What would your reaction to voting on Saturdays be?


    I don't want to live in a bubble.

  15. It's pretty simple why they can't push this solution: since they didn't find WMDs, the excuse for war has been "we got rid of a ruthless dictator who killed his own people, and we restored democracy." 


    If you install a dictator and have no democracy, then why did we invade the country?



    Here are some reasons:




    Bad intell?


    They just don't give an eff?

  16. Funny.


    I don't care about events that happened in the candidates' lives 30 years ago.


    I do care about mounting evidence that a major "news" organization has deliberatly used its airwaves to slant public opinion 45 days before an election by using falsified information.



    You really don't?


    So I guess time gives everybody a free pass? How "liberal" of you.

  17. I dont think you are piling on. I think that Bills fans are blindly loyal to almost every Bill except their coaches and quarterbacks.

    I guess this is part of what makes Bills fans so special, but the fact remains that Travis Henry is stinking up the field this season, and we have a first round pick waiting to go.

    Everybody is screaming for Losman. What is it that makes Travis untoucheable despite poor play?



    I agree Bill!


    I have always been positive towards and remain positive towards Bledsoe. Given we have a viable back-up, why not give him a crack when he gets healthy?


    When it comes to back... We have two viable ones... One preforms not up to stuff, change things around.



  18. He is not the #1 problem for the offense, yet yesterday he might have been because he could have won the game with a one yard plunge?


    Boil everthing down, when it is time to put up or shut up, yesterday he couldn't get it done.


    He might not be the total problem, simplistically he could have masked the problems.


    This team is in desperate need of positive reenforcement more so than the other teams you mentioned.

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