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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Who cares?? Pretty soon this board will turn into Romper Room!


    DAMN  :flirt:



    Hey VT! What do you think of the Cubs' pitcher Carlos Zambrano beating your "Buckos" 5 times this year?


    It was the first time a pitcher did that to Pittsburgh since Tom Seaver had a 5-1 record against them in 1973 playing for the Mets.


    If that is sign?... Didn't the Mets win it all in 1973?


    Go Cubs!



  2. BA in Political Science, and History... 1990, UB. :flirt:


    Working for the army. Lock and dam operator. Started off doing hydrographic survey work early on the Great Lakes (Toledo to Watertown, Buffalo District) and Upper Mississippi River (Rock Island District) (first 3 years with the government). In between that time, worked a little at Black Rock Lock before going to the midwest.


    Say what?

  3. War ain't over till October, and we will see who are the champions, and I let you in on it, it sure as hell won't be the woeful Yankees.... :D




    Did the BoSox even clinch a spot yet?


    I wouldn't count the chicks before they are hatched. :flirt: Not so grueling road swing... yet last seven are on the road...


    Given the Sox history, it can happen... :D and they do a major league stall at 92! :D


    Of course the stars would have to align with the Rangers or Halos!


    Don't mean to psych you out BoneMan? :D;)

  4. What a horrible year for our fish friends.  The Marino fiasco.... Boston getting injured.....then Ricky bolting.... then the preseason uproar for having to play in New Orleans the weekend of a hurricane and leaving their families behind....then their 1st home game is moved up thereby inconveniencing thousands of fans who planned to attend and couldn't.  Now another hurricane playing havoc with their schedule and personal lives (not to mention all the fans that fly down for the games, etc..).  What a nightmare.  I'll take the occasional blizzard.



    I'll second that!


    Sit back with a 6-pack and watch it snow!


    Heres to ya Jimmy!

  5. Should have taken him out after the 7th, Red Sox Fans get pissed off seeing the same dumb play over and over again.


    sort of like seeing the music city miracle happen again in a game....



    Hey... Watch it!


    The MCM was a fluke! Happened in the "heat of battle."


    Now... Buckner's glove coming down and Grady's call?, I think are more self-inflicted... Those acts really didn't take much skill to commit.



  6. Most far righters assume that anyone to the left of them, aka the majority, is a liberal.  Or that someone who disagrees with them is an "idiot", has his "head up his ass", has lost control of his bodily functions, etc.   


      I come to this board as a voice of dissent to what I see as a bunch of people who may want to debate.  However, when pressed, they resort to personal insult.

    When a historical precedent is cited to pointedly compare such close-mindedeness to Western Europe in the 1930's, I am arbitrarily censored. 


      Whatever happened to, "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?"


      You guys don't want a debate- you crave total agreement.  Step one on the march to...you know what.   


      Truly sad.



    They (the righties) like to spout "facts" that only fit their agenda. Throw history out the windows... This form the so-called "historians", self-proclaimed enlightened ones on the board.


    This is the effing internet, go figure! :lol:


    I take they like the personal insults?


    You see, they got "patriotism" on their side... Whatever that means? :w00t:

  7. He's right, you know.


    Lincoln had to hold back the Radical Republicans in order to preserve the Union AFTER the war was over. It sounds strange, but its true. Only his death prevented it from happening, and the South's reaction to a vengeful Radical group was Jim Crow and hatred.


    Unfortunately, now the Radical Republicans are called neo-cons, who will stop at nothing to attempt to drive this great country into the ground. This article says what should have been said long ago...



    Facts suck don't they?

  8. This would be enough to stop any road rage out there... ;):devil:


    Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    We love you.

    And, in

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    What we'll do.

    Near, far, in our motor car

    Oh what a happy time we'll spend.

    Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Our fine four fendered friend.

    Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Our fine four fendered friend.

    Your sleek as a thoroughbred.

    Your seats are a feather bed.

    You'll turn everybody's head today.

    We'll glide on our motor trip

    With pride in our ownership

    The envy of all we survey.

    Oh Chitty You Chitty

    Pretty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    We love you.

    And Chitty, in Chitty

    Pretty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang what we'll do.

    Near Chitty, far Chitty, in our motor car Oh what a happy time we'll spend.

    Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Our fine four fendered friend.

    Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Our fine four fendered friend.....(hold)

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Fine four fendered Chitty Chitty friend.

  9. He paints a pretty good picture:


    "Whenever I think of those New Yorkers hurrying along Park Place or getting off the No.1 Broadway local, hustling toward their office on the 90th floor, the morning paper under their arms, I think of that non-reader George W. Bush and how he hopes to exploit those people with a little economic uptick, maybe the capture of Osama, cruise to victory in November and proceed to get some serious nation-changing done in his second term."


    "Dante said that the hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who in time of crisis remain neutral, so I have spoken my piece, and thank you, dear reader. It’s a beautiful world, rain or shine, and there is more to life than winning."



    Where did Dante place the "banker" in the Inferno?


    Would that be who we are pandering to?

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