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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. How do you know they are propping themselves up? Maybe they are really being critical of themselves.
  2. What are those? Google it right now! Oh no! I BET THEY'RE COMING! JC! This will get someone killed or cause extensive shoreline, property, or occupational hazards, damage! @Miyagi-Do Karate You in the USCG?
  3. It's why Fergy made this thread. Let's just say he had "inside information!" 😉😜
  4. Spin. He beat him to the puck THEN made a dangle move. Since when is checking, crushing your opponent illegal? I'd even go so far that he knew the collision was gonna happen and he let up on him. He never left his feet, he didn't hit in the head. He REALLY could have tuned him up. Of course THAT would be illegal. I live in reality. Going 25 mph, the play just doesn't end the second the goal light is lit. Safer for Scheifele to just follow through, unfortunately Evans was playing in the middle of the road. He could have grabbed the puck and played it behind the net, thought twice of dangling out into the hammer lane! Think twice next time and use better judgement... Or just suck it up... WHICH judging from the last game, the Habs have.
  5. I don't know. That kinda started in the 1970s with Gen Xers, their parents. I give the Millennials a pass here. But, yeah... It's creepy.
  6. 'Toons In the "grand scheme of things" the pleasure craft that peeve me the most: #1: Sailboats... What is it with their personality? Always the victim, bicycles on water. They can't stay put, motor in circles and feign they can't control the damn thing. #2: 'Toons, pontoon boats... What's up with these. Like a floating Honda Fit with a big deck for the masses. They're just funny looking. #3: Bassboats, no common sense. Finding fish at all cost and getting in the way is their sole purpose in life. Like taking a car and parking it in the middle of I-94 during rush hour "because that's where the fish are!" SEE: #1, Sailboats without fishing rods. Good 👉 point!
  7. The "0.0" IMO are far superior people!
  8. This pumps my Plimsoll line: #WhatPumpsYourPlimsoll Oh... Nice use of the PFD too! /smdh...
  9. As Ferguson so eloquently stated in the OP... This is what peeves me... Fishermen, the bain of Lock Operators everywhere. Please people, if you're ever in a lock, please don't dog that line off! It makes for a bad Friday afternoon. The ever pursuit of fish and all things lurking below and/or swimming isn't rocket surgery. Don't make it anymore complicated that you have to or you'll be the one swimming. Thanx, this has been a PSA from your "TBD Safety Office."
  10. Here's the range and migratory map: You should well be in the Northern Nesting, breeding area!
  11. Nice I am 5 miles in from the Indiana Line dead South of the Lake... in Will County. They stop here like clockwork every May 5-10th or so, spend a few weeks and head on N, NW! 😆, They are going up to the "Cheddar Curtain" to nest! 😃
  12. Not sure where you're at... But if up North, like here, you're in their migration pattern. Obviously if they are building nests, they are staying for summer! LoL... Put sliced oranges out, they will comeback like clockwork. Here it's every early May. I have a few pics up thread...
  13. I sent that to my wife. In the throws of it @ the ripe young age of 54... 😆
  14. The whole team. Beat them to the net. Which he did... By only a second. Still judgemental error. Players are going 25mph... The game doesn't stop the second the goal light is lit.
  15. Yup. Yeah, because of lack of situational awareness the player will get creamed. Go behind the net, touch up and think twice. You're asking the other player to stop on a dime the sec the goal light is lit. 25mph to 0 in a sec. Look.. I respect the hustle, but not wanton reckless abandonment... He misjudged, sure he got the goal. Still misjudged how fast the other player was going to the body which had the puck a second before. Some times you win and come out unscathed, some times you win and get creamed. Suck it up buttercup...
  16. Yeah there was. You're once again wrong. Confusing the hit with being cute. Both were hustling to get the puck. Evans got the puck, due to his superior hustle, that ain't the cute part. The cute part was he jammed it in right in the middle of the hammer lane. He got smeared because a semi doing 70 can't stop the split sec the goal light is lit. The whole Jets backcheck. I guess he misjudged. But he scored!
  17. Yeah it was. A wrap-around is a dangle. He got cute and ran into a Mack truck playing in the middle of the road. By definition it is a dangle: Dangle: when a player is a deke (or decoy) by making moves to fake out the goalie or opposing player; also used to describe the act of stick-handling. Definitely a wrap-around is a fake or a deke. What planet you on? deke /dēk/ Learn to pronounce ICE HOCKEY noun a deceptive movement or feint that induces an opponent to move out of position. verb draw (a player) out of position by performing a deke. "four minutes into the third period, Hull scored his 70th goal of the season, deking a Flyer defenseman to the ice"
  18. Make them really expensive toll roads. Cars will go elsewhere. Like I-355 here. I avoid that like the plague... BUT when I do decide to take a second mortgage out to pay my EZ/I-Pass account, it's the sweetest road on the planet!
  19. Babies. Little bit of duct tape and get that plane in the air! We got money to make! Just a scratch.
  20. Alex, what is Evans is a Montreal Canadien player in the playoffs and the League sux?
  21. Yeah. What's he gonna do? Brace for impact is all he can do. Scheifele did a better job. Again, like two in jousting match. Don't play in the middle of the road, you won't get hit by a car. Scheifele has just as much right to be there... What's he supposed to do? Turtle up? That's when a player gets hurt. Evans was going for the net, Scheifele, going for, the player with the puck. ***** happens. If You're the puck carrier, brace for impact or don't dangle.
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