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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. There's always a buzzkill in the crowd! πŸ˜‰ Always take the survivor's benefit! πŸ˜† Even after your dead... It's the "gift that keeps on giving!" πŸ˜†
  2. @Gugny says he swims nekkid.... Maybe you guys can meet for a "pool party."
  3. Necessary. Can't have prosecutors running amok. "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the indecent assault conviction of Bill Cosby on Wednesday and ordered his release from prison after finding that he was denied protection against self-incrimination. The court said that a prosecutor's decision not to charge Cosby, 83, in an earlier case opened the door for him to speak freely in a lawsuit against him, thinking he would not incriminate himself criminally. A second prosecutor later used the lawsuit testimony in a criminal trial, and that testimony was key in his conviction years later." The Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the indecent assault conviction of Bill Cosby on Wednesday and ordered his release from prison after finding that he was denied protection against self-incrimination. The court said that a prosecutor's decision not to charge Cosby, 83, in an earlier case opened the door for him to speak freely in a lawsuit against him, thinking he would not incriminate himself criminally. A second prosecutor later used the lawsuit testimony in a criminal trial, and that testimony was key in his conviction years later.
  4. I can. My younger brother passed away after one day. My wife's older brother died at 2 months old... It tore my father up till the day he died, same with my inlaws. Such a helpless feeling. May all the prayers reach DP and family.
  5. Pretty grisly if you ask me, people always got something brewing.
  6. Rut-oh! I know it was mentioned early on... But has there been any uptick on any conspiracy theories: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uss-gerald-ford-shock-trials-earthquake-florida/#app Weird coincidence! ?? Could it have jiggled (days earlier) an already weak structure?
  7. There were big fans blowing over big trash cans of ice before Carrier. πŸ˜‰ He just elaborated on the concept, made the system. Anyway, ironically Buffalo/Upstate NY, a micro, tempered climate that has it's own "natural AC" becomes the birthplace for mechanical AC... And the inspiration to move south! Without the invention of mechanical AC, many places would still be uninhabitable.
  8. Yes. She knocked him off balance pretty bad.
  9. Probably doesn't because you're not suppose to swerve! Honestly... Like a deer in the road, they say don't swerve. I know. I know, hard to do, right? BUT don't swerve. Just ask a Trooper: https://www.motorious.com/articles/news/why-you-dont-swerve-deer/ Better to hit the deer. Knowing that the whole peloton is behind him... Totally don't swerve... Maybe he stays going forward.
  10. Isn't Mt. Hood a bunch of glaciers? Or were... 😏 But that's a "dry heat." RealFeel, it was 110Β°. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ Are they? Or are they just documented more accurately and info passed on. Would we have heard about this in 1952 with limited print space in the local paper? Not denying the events... But I'd like to see the raw data. Perception plays a part too...
  11. Seymour Knox had a polo field in East Aurora! That just confirms @BringBackFergy was high class! 😳
  12. @Chef Jim does look great in a cowboy hat! πŸ˜†
  13. +1. I think it's receptors. πŸ˜‰...
  14. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ Grandpa/Grandma! I just took out the Peloton!
  15. I do from time to time. No big deal. "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)" ~Song of Myself, Walt Whitman. YOU should try it sometime. CliffNotes explanation: "When Whitman writes, "Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself, / (I am large, I contain multitudes)," he is embracing something that is typically thought of as a shortcoming or something that makes a person appear to be unreliable. He makes the act of contradicting oneself something positive: a person who contradicts himself, in Whitman's view, is a person who has more to discover about himself, more to contribute to the world from himself. More often, we are told that we must adhere to our principles all the time, but we rarely discuss the fact that those principles can change. We are told that we must be consistent or risk appearing weak and unreliable: Whitman clearly doesn't care a pittance for such appearances. It is as though, for him, the person who never contradicts himself hasn't considered life deeply enough or leads a too-simple interior life."
  16. Question everything. That is all. If you read carefully, I was faulting CC...
  17. Yeah... But even the strongest concrete isn't escaping that hole it's been sinking in for 40 years... πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰
  18. Wasn't it an injury? Then Joe Cribbs came along and he was out like yesterday's news. Ground to a pulp. Ds got onto him. Notice some of those runs. Everyone is in the box. He must have lost the quickness? But yeah, I'd like to hear the full story...
  19. It only gets stronger when it is exposed to seawater. Great idea, let's build and live in the sea! 😏
  20. Bird related, per my other post. The explanation about birds and hot things: https://www.straightdope.com/21342997/are-birds-immune-to-hot-pepper-enabling-them-to-eat-vast-amounts-and-spread-the-seeds Interesting. You stick a piece of wood between the suet cages to attract the woodpeckers?
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