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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. https://www.thefrugalnavywife.com/17-uses-for-fels-naptha-that-will-change-your-life/ #3 Among others...
  2. When will the madness end! https://ktla.com/news/california/norcal-woman-idd-as-camper-pulled-from-tent-killed-by-grizzly-bear-in-montana/amp/ Why in da hell was there even a whiff of food in or near a tent... Are these people idiots? The scent lingers! "...Lokan was killed on the bearโ€™s second visit to the site where she and two fellow bicyclists were camping near the post office, officials said. The approximately 400-pound (181 kilogram) grizzly first awakened the campers about 3 a.m., officials said. They took food out of their tents, secured it and went back to sleep, they said. ..." I know she's dead... But didn't she commit a cardinal camping mistake? ESPECIALLY in bear country... Food in a tent. Why not just smear yourself with salmon juice and paint your lips with strawberry Chapstik and go night night in da woods! The scent is still there! Insane. Absolutely nothing has to have scent near a tent! Dining area, fly set up away, downwind... Same with hanging the "bear bag." Smart campers brush their teeth w/baking soda and wash, clean up, do everything with Fels Naptha... Downwind of where they sleep! This ain't on the bear... BUT it is, incredible. What say ye @BringBackFergy @Beerball "Bear Point-Counterpoint" extraordinaires!
  3. Since @Beerball won, he's NOT gonna mind me jumping the queue AND heck... Why can't we have two ongoing. Who's this young lad!
  4. ***** corporate suicide. Airlines suck balls, and pandering to the bad passengers has created a downward spiral for the industry. This will just embolden people to act enmass and allow the airlines to hide behind rules, which they did. One can always hide behind safety and security and fail to do the honorable thing. They sure as ***** profited from the delay... They didn't take a loss no matter what they tell you about rules and regs. Kudos, they played it right. Did they compensate the others? Lose money on deal and make the abiding passengers whole. I would hope. Give them a free round trip ticket somewhere else? Put them up in a hotel, take them to breakfast, etc... ๐Ÿ˜† Yeah, in 2021 @ the "bus station of the sky." LoL... Maybe we need to travel less. ๐Ÿ˜
  5. I just wish I had my air mattress! ๐Ÿ˜Š...
  6. I can attest to Augie's severe back pain. He gets a pass. At tailgate he had to seek comfort by laying in back bed of my pick-up... Which really isn't that comfortable (duh)... But it was the cleanest place to stretch out. Unless you want to be on the ground at a Bills tailgate ๐Ÿ˜†... That's last place I'd wanna be, of course on my own volition! ๐Ÿ˜† Anyway... Only thing better, but George Jefferson is dead:
  7. Any love for Chic-Fil-A waffle cut fries and Polynesian sauce? ๐Ÿ˜† Special shout-out to the Fast Food Impresario and his attorney to the stars: @Teddy KGB CC: BBB & @BringBackFergy
  8. "...Stand back, dietician Stand back, television Stand back, politician Stand back, mortician... I see a yellow man, a brown man A white man, a red man Lookin' for Uncle Sam To give you a helpin' hand But everybody's kickin' sand Even politicians We're living in a plastic land Somebody give me a hand, yeah ...Somebody give me a cheeseburger..." /4TheWinEndThread Hard to believe it was 1967... So spot on...
  9. "..Dallas, got a soft machine; Houston, too close to New Orleans; New York's got the ways and means; but just won't let you be, oh no. ..." Classic American oppression!
  10. Yeah.. If the building is teetering, that's bad. A zillion places for a scared animal to hide, especially if it got out of their area and damaged spaces. Finding a cat would be a nightmare. Ours gets lost in all the ***** we have in basement! /smdh...
  11. Pet owners trying to delay demolition: https://nypost.com/2021/07/04/pet-owners-seek-to-delay-demolition-of-florida-condo-tower/amp/ You'd think they could do an organized sweep? Or should they just bury the pets alive?
  12. Maybe, what about stranded pets? Looks like pets may be going down too. I read one had a dog in a cage on the 9th floor. That's gotta be tough.
  13. My (when I used to get a refund up until last year, /smh) is there in under a week. My son's last two years has been the same. Are you a high audit risk? Complicated return?
  14. Huh? Did you opt for a paper return? Paper refund?
  15. We probably know each other. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜œ Anybody mention Depew's Don Majkowski and Lackawanna's Ron Jaworski? The two "Polish Rifles!"
  16. Hey... It's totally legal here in Illinois, but if I pop it on a piss test the Fed, DoD will can me after doing a stint in rehab... That's the way it goes, still on Fed list.
  17. I was in the same Grade 11 Chemistry class as Justin Strelczyk and on the football team. Oddly, I was offensive line and he was a WR. Not close friends, he was a really nice guy, always got along... He wasn't a ***** like some others were on the team. Sad how things ended for him. RIP Homeroom too...
  18. Fair enough. But, it's probably a personal conduct thing. Maybe it is just me... It's legal here and pretty obnoxious. I am not against it, just IMO appears to be unbecoming. If she knows the rules and doesn't care to break them, you want her on your team? That's all I am saying.
  19. How about: Food. But of course, on the list of dependencies....Some are worse than others. Guess I am using the term compounds loosely as "chemicals."
  20. BUT... If you're apt to use a chemical "crutch" what else will you use?
  21. Did you whip out the knife and start harvesting, field clean them? You could've, I believe it's your right. Special Shout-out to: @BringBackFergy I bet you never "Forest Bathed" in a Camry. I hope "Another Bites the Dust" was blaring on the stereo!
  22. Me too! I agree. I was referring to you killing Gug's buzz about how other teams do it. ๐Ÿ˜†
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