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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Nope. LoL... This will give it away. Not born in the United States. Went to Syracuse.
  2. Nope Bills. One season. 2 seasons total with NFL. Prior NFL with another AFC team. Non-consecutive seasons.
  3. You old timers ready? First hint. First player to wear this # for the Bills!
  4. Guys who "trap and relocate" woodchuck w/a full-sized Japanese pick-up truck. I am NOT naming names... But I wonder if @BringBackFergy agrees! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Š
  5. Maybe they really hate each other and scheduled weddings for same weekend so as they wouldn't have to attend each other's wedding? QBs and their respective sig others I suppose can be very catty when planning the stereotypical high-end QB wedding. πŸ˜†πŸ€£ No doubt, this ain't helping the QB Competition...
  6. AGREE! Smacking the hand is a way of pushing the hand away from getting hurt even worse.
  7. Agree. What a twisted world we live in. If it's true, wow... WTF, people are weird. If it's not true, wow... WTF, people are weird.
  8. "...Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world Except for Lola Lo lo lo lo Lola Well, I'd left home just a week before And I'd never ever kissed a woman before But Lola smiled and took me by the hand She said, "Little boy, gonna make you a man" Well, I'm not the world's most masculine man But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man And so is Lola Lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola...
  9. Why does it take two years? The pandemic? πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ "The allegations against Barkevious Mingo Warning: The following section contains alleged details of a sexual assault. In documents obtained by Sports Illustrated's Jon Wertheim, the Arlington Police Department alleges that the incident in question occurred on the Fourth of July in 2019, when Mingo allegedly invited a male teenage family member and his friend out for the day. The trio allegedly spent the holiday at Six Flags Over Texas, a go-kart complex and a steakhouse, with Mingo also treating the boys to several purchases from Nike.com. They then allegedly returned to a hotel where Mingo was staying. At 3 a.m., the friend of Mingo's relative claims he woke up with Mingo in bed with him, then woke up later with Mingo pulling down his underwear. The alleged victim said he was scared and pretended to be asleep while Mingo rubbed a burning lotion into his skin and rubbed his penis along his buttocks. The alleged victim's mother reportedly filed a complaint in Jan. 2021."
  10. "Don't believe in the Uzi It just went off in my hand"
  11. She's got quite the "reflecto" thing working. Very classy... Cleaning lady in the mirror in background... Taking out the garbage. Very exotic & erotic! /smdh
  12. Big Ben is that you? AND what did you do with our leh-nerd skin-erd!
  13. Rod Serling died years ago. 1975 to be exact @ age 50. Can't be him.
  14. Wow! What a coincidence. "Nuisance People" also go to work for the USACE. Looks like we both have over 30 years tucked away in a zoo! πŸ˜†
  15. Yeah, something going on with face.. Broad shoulders too. Mix in the muscles, total man. Body builders, IMO are always too masculine. Pass.
  16. Wasps: Do you wanna live in piles of insects? Bees: Do you wanna eat? Shame on you... You need to suck it up! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ
  17. Oops. 😏 I subscribe to the "only way to beat your phobias is to confront your phobias." LoL... I didn't grab that bugger, I flicked him into a *pitcher! *Don't fret, we haven't drank juice or lemonade outta that pitcher for years. It's permanently on "sump duty" to trap and relocate wayward critters! πŸ˜‰
  18. Sounds like the airlines when dealing with obnoxious Pats* fans: "...A short time later, police saw the vehicle in line at the McDonald's drive-thru on Shrewsbury Street and closed in, at one point attempting to call the fast food restaurant to ask that they slow down their service at the window, according to scanner reports. Simoncini went to McDonald's and saw his truck, which he believes will be a total loss. He said he was stunned that the woman had been ordering food at the drive-thru. "She ordered chicken nuggets," he said. "Can you believe that?"..."
  19. I just fished this fella out of my sump pump pit. I missed the first time and he hid below the pump. Got him second time. Relocated him to "Bullfrog Central" at the pond in the cemetery behind my house: Poor fella he would have croaked there if I didn't trap and relocate him... Cats, on other had would have went nuts in basement had it made it past and over the sump cover! πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž
  20. Honestly... Maybe it's just me. I'd just let a drone fly me. Pay the tech kid $13 bucks an hour and give him a joystick. I am still taking a bigger chance driving my sorry azz to the airport. I'd take my chances with a $26 ticket and a hermetically sealed transport pod separating me from all the other poor slobs out there. πŸ˜†
  21. Not saying you have to act up on the spot. Time and place for everything. What would have happen had they'd told you that you had to park it moving your children around? Did they at least treat you like a king for a day afterwards? πŸ˜† Or kick you to curb with @sherpa's butt wash and broken aviator glasses? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ
  22. Winner winner chicken dinner!
  23. Maybe profit was extreme. My bad... But there's gotta be mechanisms to lesson their loss. YET they mitigate their loses at the expense of the customers. Do the honorable thing. Yet, they blame the rules and stick it to the good ones. The problems get deeper. Congratulations, the company survives another day by falling in line with bad behavior and punishing everyone. Who's gonna change that bad behavior? The individual or corporate. Keep the kicked off one's bags on the plane... Fly it to the destination. Maybe a bit extreme, seize anything of value. πŸ˜†... Fly all 2 rule abiding passengers if needed, treat them like queens and kings for a day... Shower them with rewards. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. I got no problem with what they did, just make it up to the rule abiding patrons. After all, they're just following the rules too...
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