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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I forgot about the bees, hornets, and stinging things! πŸ˜†
  2. Nice! I played OL and wore #78. Both Munoz and Smith's #. The guys doing the work...
  3. He did do a good interview about this image... I changed a little bit. He's very aware of it, if it helps. I will see if I can find it. Here's one breakdown I had bookmarked:
  4. Everything up until the Spiders. I kinda like it. Different, yet basic.
  5. The whole concept in baseball is to return home! As a catcher, you're allowed to block homeplate! Shouldn't there be a Guardian to protect your digs! You wouldn't leave home without locking your doors!
  6. I don't mind him... Especially since being with Dead & Co... But there is something "sterile", elitist... Hypocritical about him personality-wise. Reeks of privilege.
  7. He is from New England went to school in Boston. 😏
  8. Not my team! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ Yeah. Same bridge that goes over river that caught on caught on fire, yes water can catch on fire, 30 years after statures were erected. ... ...I guess the "Guardians of Traffic" were too busy watching the moonlanding back in 1969. 😏
  9. ^^^ NOW THAT my friends is a true KING of his castle & all he surveys!! +1. I am Jonsing w/envy! Killjoy! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ
  10. The Hope Memorial Bridge terminates short of the field: From Wiki: "...The bridge connects Lorain Avenue on Cleveland's west side and Carnegie Avenue on the east side, terminating just short of Progressive Field. Pairs of statues designed by sculptor Henry Hering and architect Frank Walker – officially named the Guardians of Traffic[3] – stand on pylons at each end of the viaduct, symbolizing progress in transportation.[4] On July 23, 2021, the professional baseball team in Cleveland announced that they will change their name to the Cleveland Guardians, at the end of the 2021 season, in honor of the Guardians of Traffic."
  11. Read above^^^ Defense is played in Baseball. Can't win if you aren't able to score. The pitcher is the ultimate guardian of the mound, with catcher, guard home plate!
  12. Shhhhh... Hush child! Please be quiet, before @Gugnyreads this and you give him more crazy ideas! 😏 But... I really love some of those crazy ideas! 😊... "Guardians of Traffic" ... The Hope Memorial Bridge over the Cuyahoga River that terminates at Progressive Field. The Art Deco sculptures that are the guardians of traffic. Transit through that: @BringBackFergy πŸ˜† I like the name! πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  13. I just ate a chocolate Dilly Bar. I can't really work in the heat like I used to. I think I am getting old.
  14. How about the Public Library... But they probably shut that down in town πŸ™„πŸ˜’ to get people to spend at a local business. Unfortunately, guys like @BringBackFergy are the Village Commons now. Sad, but doable... Such a small town, I am sure they can accommodate her and still be productive, viable. That's my take...
  15. They will just drive anyway. Gotta get to work. Then lock them up. Jails will be jammed.
  16. "There was some alcohol involved..." NO! You think?
  17. TiL: Don't use DarkMode when reading this thread. πŸ™„πŸ™„
  18. I should have said: "Still in training." 😏
  19. Yeah... They are road hogs... While the fuel you're burning is taxed to build the roads. Automobiles should have priority. I feel sorry for the guy too. Most of the time can't see them. Like that stupid motorcycle campaign of "looking twice"... WTF... I am supposed to look twice for something I can't see. You gotta be kidding. How about they look three times for me, let me look once.
  20. That gator will have to go Jenny Craig after a meal like that!
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