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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Let me clarify some things for the weak. I’ve been married for over 15 years. The rule on toilet seats is this, LOOK BEFORE YOU GO. Pretty simple. I’ve heard the wife scream before on this one. And so have I. Some of you are real kitty’s.


    Its all about communication, !@#$ all that other blather.

    Damn, 22, don’t do it. DONT DO IT!!!!!



    So totally true!


    Now leaving a sliver of TP on the roll with the stash in the vanity gone and the other rolls in the linen closet 20' away... IS ANOTHER STORY! :P;)



  2. Pisses me off that what counts for a foul for Ben Wallace, doesnt count for Dwayne Wade, or what gets Shaq to the line doesnt for someone else. NBA needs major rule clarification.



    Been going on forever. I believe Michael "Walk" Jordan took it to a new level?



  3. Hello Dave...



    "Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL...


    Open the pod bay door, please, Hal... Hal, do you read me?"


    "Affirmative, Dave. I read you."


    "Then open the pod bay doors, HAL."


    "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me."


    ... :doh:;)




  4. In the grand scheme of things, maybe it's better more people don't vote. From a poll of 1000 adults nationwide by the Polling Company.



    2. And, please tell me which of the following is the most accurate description of a "filibuster?"  (READ AND ROTATE LIST, ACCEPT ONLY ONE RESPONSE)










    * Some kind of equipment

    * Someone who knocks you out.

    * It’s a good thing

    * The Congressman




    I'll have a fillibuster with provolone, lettuce, tomato, and banana peppers, please.



    Are you sure there is a double "L" in the word? ;):doh:


    Pretty good actually, 3 out of 4 people picked the closest to the meaning?


    I feared a lot worse?


    Now if we can just correct the double "L" thingy?

  5. Dear Liberals,

    Do you really believe that outlawing guns will solve the gun violence problem?

    Well, whaddaya know...it works both ways...  :(  It's not like either side of the aisle is immune from the "let's stick our heads in the sand and hope it goes away" attitude towards issues.  The only real difference is the windmills at which they wish to tilt.



    I agree with you.


    And not that I agree with this either, but...


    Yet, there is a big difference between the gun issue and abortion issue. How easy is it to kill your fetus compared to gun manufacturing being outlawed and having to seek said weapons? If nobody is manufacturing them, It doesn't wipe them out but, dries up a vast majority of them... Maintaining, obtaining parts to keep them working is another story?


    You did mean manufacturing when you said outlaw?

  6. I enjoy my job... I am a "lock and dam operator extraordinaire!" I work varying shifts, get to do things in all kinds of weather... Jack of all trades, master of none. Sometimes if people don't like me I get shot at or get bomb threats. Other times they ask me if I want a beer or leave a bottle on the wall... No sense leaving trash lay about the place. I also get to see people do some really stupid things! Best part is my boss just went back to Iraq for some more TDY. Can't complain, I have been doing it for 15 years and the pay is nice and I get lots of leave.



  7. Not sure if it is still there?... Might have been taken over (My brother would know, Frankie grew up with my father...)? But, Frank's on Harlem at Clinton for decades has made his signature "Helicopter" sandwich... Pretty sure dating back to the late '50's/'60's... The best fried bologny sandwich around!


    I still remember going there as a kid (of course I would get the grilled cheese!)... Classic diner, the grill right in front... Sit at the counter, booths allong the side.



  8. Pharmaceutical industry is the establishment... Kinda reminds me of John Harrison's story and the quest to solve the longitude problem... All the while the science community had the ears of the crown... And would be damned that a mechanical solution could solve the problem!


    Not saying I would give my kid weed for the pain of a broken elbow... But, the Tylenol with codeine they gave him was a son of a pup... I don't know what was worse, the constipation or the pain from the elbow! :w00t:


    Good book...




    Back to your regularly scheduled program...

  9. There's a difference between disagreeing with someone's politics and having to read their nonsensical rants on a variety of subjects that they know nothing about.  Seriously, how many people here even knew what the hell she was talking about when they first tried reading this thread?



    I did. Then again, I am not sure I know what I am talking about? :w00t:


    I guess you just have to have been here for a while, put 2 and 2 together. Actually, it was pretty easy... Knowing she left TX to live in the Sea-Tac area of Washington.


    Does everything have to be laid out in black and white?


    Being on this board a long time, it is only natural to build personal descriptions of the posters here and what they talk about and deal with in their lives?

  10. Maybe... This is their story:


    Just about a year ago

    I set out on the road

    Seeking my frame and fortune

    Lookin' for a pot of gold

    Things got bad, and things got worse

    I guess you will know the tune

    Oh, Lord, stuck in Lodi again


    Rode in on the Greyhound

    I'll be walkin' out if I go

    I was just passin' through

    Must be seven months or more

    Looks like they took my friends

    Oh, Lord, stuck in Lodi again


    The man from the magazin

    Said I was on my way

    Somewhere I lost connections

    Ran out of songs to play

    I came into town, a one night stand

    Looks my plans fell through

    Oh, Lord, stuck in Lodi again


    If I only had a dollar

    For ev'ry song I've sung

    And ev'ry time I've had to play

    While people sat there drunk

    You know I'd catch the next rain

    Back to where I live

    Oh, Lord, stuck in Lodi again





  11. We're not talking about the type of people who do it the right way.  Think about it.  In reality, they don't even have to do it more than once for it to create the ripple effect far down the line.


    I wouldn't say "so many incidents."  That's not really fair and is just another media creation.



    That is exactly what I was gonna reply.


    UConn is doing it right... The shady people are jumping steps to raise get more money.

  12. One of the greatest toys - ever  ;)

    The fun never stopped


    After the Lincoln Log years of course  <_<



    So true!


    I figure I hold it till he gets a little older, maybe Christmas?


    I will probably end up monopolizing it and micromanaging the construction... Which will lead him to complain to the project manager (my wife)... :(<_<



  13. I get teh feeling that your intentions are honorable and you simply want to rid a rough world of some very bad people; that's a noble objective and I take no issue with it.

    However, I think there is a significant portion of the United States that doesn't believe that the sacrifice of personal freedoms is a means worthy of an end that is nigh impossible. Our federal government is already corrupted, possible irreversably, and already wields far too much power. Giving a corrupted institution even more power, particulary when its motives are highly questionable, strikes me as a dubious local solution to a global problem.

    While freedom without security strikes me as more of the natural order of the world, security without freedom is a pointless existence to me.

    Live free or die

    Give me liberty or give me death

    These are long-standing tenets of the American way of life and I am not ready to abandoned them because I'm afraid of a few shltheads.




    Exactly Simon!

  14. don of Manhattan,

    If you really are from there, how can you say what you did while daily looking at the current void where 3000 Americans died at once?



    Not to sound snotty... But, what you said is really a personal choice... Some people might get through tough situations better.


    You could tug on my heart strings all day also... And it won't get you anywhere.


    Am I cold bastard? I don't think so... But, if people want to think that, so be it.

  15. Since you don't have to, that makes it pretty easy, doesn't it?




    I guess it does?... Never really thought of it that way. If anything is easy or not, just doesn't matter to me.


    The bottom line is trusting that our leadership will do the right thing... And frankly, that I DO NOT have.


    I don't mind that we don't agree... No matter what life throws at me, I just don't see that changing... I guess we can just end it at that?


    Take care.

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