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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The new normal is the old abnormal.
  2. I am not a pencil pusher. Above my pay grade.
  3. It worked for me! And with Da COVIDs... Nobody can smell anyway!
  4. "Katy tried, I was halfway crucified I was on the other side Of no tomorrow You walked in, and my life began again Just when I'd spent the last Piaster I could borrow..."
  5. ft. Stephen Marley doing Fugees version...
  6. Come on, it was Canada 🇨🇦. 90% of all Canadians live within 100 miles of the US 🇺🇸. It's like the US! 😉😜
  7. Like what's gonna happen, they fall in water! 😏
  8. Actually yes. It's why one of reasons why the canals are still federally funded. Unless you want to close roads to traffic... The horizontal controlling width is no narrower than 110'... Many navy projects come through manufactured that can't fit on roads with out closing the road down. I'd tell you what they are, but loose lips sink ships. 😉😜 Bridges, overpasses on roads are also too low vertical controlling height, air draft on water much higher. But I digress off topic... 😉
  9. Who's being rude? Were they raised in the woods? Can take them outta the woods, but can't take the woods outta them: "Gatlinburg Police said an ambulance was called to the area. The restaurant employee said the bear had knocked someone over outside. We have not received information on the person’s condition."
  10. Yeah... Kinda a tough spot. You laid ground rules out in the original post. Sometimes controversies show up at the door. Original should have been left open and weathered the storm, IMO
  11. I think (but who cares what I think) the thread title is a bit open ended. Anything "Olympics" can be "on topic." 😏
  12. I got a bit more on top than a true skullet. But that's only where the bed post rubs. That's my story and I am sticking to it! 😆🤣 😉... Gotta take the bad with a little good!
  13. Don't worry... Apples never get hacked or viruses. Move along here, nothing to see: Run w/the flock! 😉😜
  14. Holy crap! Is that an incontinence clamp in your pocket or you just happy to see me! 😲 Happy Birthday B-Man!
  15. But, not as hard as it could have been. He's probably still ticking because he never really got into it (heroin that is), never hooked. https://relix.com/news/detail/bob_weir_talks_carrying_jerry_garcias_dope_on_tour_dealing_with_painkillers_and_more_in_revealing_interview/ Seemed to always moderate "...While Weir admitted that he never got into heroin, he did occasionally partake with Garcia. “Every now and again he would invite me to join him, and I would. But I never got into it. It was fun to go into his world on a given evening after a show, but it’s not a place I found I wanted to stay—or at least that part of his world. It was fun going into that little corner of his world where he didn’t let other folks in. A place to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there. He did.” ..."
  16. Three east-west escarpments run through WNY. 1. Niagara Lesser known ones: 2. Onondaga (Notice the rock outcroppings along Main Street/Route 5... Kensington Expressway) 3. Portage It's all downhill from the Southern Tier to Lake Ontario.
  17. But back to thread title... Unless You're up in a tall building, I don't think you can see Toronto from Buffalo... NOW in the 1800s... People could hear the roar of The Falls. There is story of the time The Falls stopped because of an ice jam on the river. All the farmers in area rushed to The Falls to see what was happening... Because the area got really quiet! The Day Niagara Falls Stopped, Went Dry: http://www.niagarafrontier.com/fallsstopped.html
  18. No. I am talking about Rochester. Sorry I wasn't clear with that post, was alluding to my earlier posts. Nope. Lockport would be further west and closer. That's seen... This is so far east on horizon and tree line.
  19. Thnx. WNY from the Southern Tier looking north is all downhill. From Chestnut Ridge, you can clearly see the top of the Bills Fieldhouse and the OLV Basilica. Yes. I thought you were questioning me.
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